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Blessings from Independent Baptists

Discussion in 'Fundamental Baptist Forum' started by John of Japan, May 26, 2011.

  1. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I won't tell here the whole story of how my home church pastor encouraged me and got me started on deputation, but he was a great blessing. Bob Kelley was a former football star, an evangelist and pastor with his M. Div. from Temple Seminary. Folks called him "Machine Gun Kelley" because of his rapid delivery, but his sermons were full of meat. He loved and knew the Word of God very well, and I loved to hear him preach.

    At the time he pastored Franklin Road Baptist Church, a "country church" a mile out of town in Murfreesboro, TN. Imagine pastoring John R. Rice, Bill Rice, Curtis Hutson and most of the staff from both the Bill Rice Ranch and the Sword of the Lord! Add to that a growing Christian school and you have quite a mix. But Bro. Kelley built FRBC up to about 1200 while he was there. Not bad for a country church!

    Brother Kelley was a great encouragement to me as a rookie missionary. He put me in contact with about 30 of his pastor friends, with a wonderful recommendation. Several of those churches have supported us now for 33 years or so.

    He also held my ordination. With John R. Rice, Curtis Hutson, my Dad, and Al Byers of the Sword staff, he gave them each just one question saying, "We've all known John since he was a little boy. We don't need to grill him." John R. Rice asked his usual ordination question: "Do you believe in the verbal inspiration of Scripture, the virgin birth, deity, atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His second coming, and salvation by grace alone through faith?" When I said yes he looked around at the others and said, "He believes just like I do. Let's ordain him!"

    When we decided to just drive to California and preach on the way, leaving from there for Japan whether or not we had enough support so the board would give us permission, Bro. Kelley called me the day we were leaving and hooked me up with a businessman in the church who has supported us all these years with $200 a month.

    I miss Bro. Kelley. He died in 2006 at the young age of 65. See you in Heaven, pastor!
  2. BobinKy

    BobinKy New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Thank you for giving an insider's glimpse into IFB. Very interesting.

    #22 BobinKy, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2011
  3. Mexdeaf

    Mexdeaf New Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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    Dr. Kelley was a real student of the Bible. I remember a message he preached in chapel at TTU on the 10 virgins. It was a deep expository message that made an impression upon me to this day.
  4. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Glad you're enjoying it, Bob. :wavey:
  5. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I remember that message! It was hard for me to believe a football star could preach the Word in such a blessed way!
  6. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I was gone to Sapporo for the weekend, preaching five times for Bro. Kamidate. This good friend and pastor has a wonderful work going, running about 80, which would be equivalent to a church of about 800 in the States. This is actually the 4th church he has planted, which is an amazing record in this gospel-resistant country.

    Pastor K. writes his own songs, not really CCM though. They have excellent doctrinal content. His morning service music goes beyond what I use in syncopation, a drum (not a drum set), etc. But change can be nice. Then after the main one he has a "Gospel Service" when a full drum set is used. This kind of gospel music is popular secularly in Japan right now, and Pastor K. is using this to reach folks with the Gospel. (He also has Twitter evangelism, facebook evangelism, basketball evangelism, etc.) I preached a 20 minute Gospel message, and afterwards saw the believers dealing from the Word of God with about 4 different people. Wonderful!

    In the afternoon I taught in his Bible school, which is just getting started. He wants me to come and teach Greek after our furlough. In the evening his young preachers took me out for steak and we had a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. It will be a privilege to teach these guys.

    The whole weekend there was such a blessing and encouragement. I thank God for this godly IFB man, being used in a wonderful way by the Lord, and am privileged to call him friend.
  7. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Every day of my life I thank God for my wife's home church pastor, Ralph Tingley. I really don't believe I would be on the mission field today if he hadn't personally taken me around to his pastor friends and helped me get meetings. I was that poor at deputation!

    It all started when the mission board introduced my future wife I. Dr. Monroe Parker, our director, recommended that I write to her, so I did. Before that, it was Pastor Tingley who had recommended that she apply to BWM, whereupon the members of the candidate committee decided they should get us together.

    When she let him read our letters, Pastor Tingley decided I might make a good husband for Patty. But he still decided to test me when I arrived in Michigan for deputation in Jan. of 1979. So he took me to a field in the dead of winter, said, "Start cutting up this log," and left. I sawed for an hour until he came back! Didn't complain, just did the job. It didn't seem like much of a challenge, really, since I had worked full time in a factory for 4 years during college. But I passed Pastor Tingley's test, and he's been on my side ever since.

    What an encouragement this good man has been down through the years. He harps on about how smart I am, learning Japanese, studying, etc. But wisdom is better than knowledge, and I highly value his wisdom.

    Well up in years now, he still keeps to a full schedule of praying, preaching, personal evangelism, hospital visits, other visitation, helping out the local city mission, etc. Truly a wonderful IFB pastor.
  8. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    My wife's parents--what a great blessing! They did such a wonderful job of raising my wife to be a missionary wife, I can never thank them enough. Patty is exactly what I needed in a wife, and has been by my side through thick and thin for 32 years now, 30 in Japan. We're best friends and extremely close companions.

    Dad is in his 90's now, and is a WW2 veteran who loaded bombs in England for US planes during the war. He also was a deacon in the church mentioned above for many years. Dad is a retired public school science teacher who not only loves the Lord and his family and church and pastor, he has a wonderful sense of humor. In every deacon's meeting when the pastor suggested something new, Dad would say, "But we've never done that before.... Okay, we got that out of the way. I'm all for Pastor Tingley's idea."

    Dad is a real outdoorsman who still goes deer hunting and who has served God faithfully every summer at the church camp for decades. Now that Mom is in Heaven he considers the camp to be his real home, though during the winter he lives with a daughter and son-in-law. At camp, he does maintenance, teaches riflery to the kids, etc.

    Mom fell in love with her high school science teacher--Dad--who then returned the love. She was a practical nurse, calm in every crisis, loving the Lord and her family. She has been in Heaven for some years now after dying of a rare nerve disease that eventually left her completely paralyzed and unable to talk. It was such a blessing and such a demonstration of love to see Dad take care of her during those years of illness.

    Before Mom's illness became too severe, they visited us in Japan and a great blessing to all. We took them to see Mt. Fuji and other sights, but they also spent time working for the Lord. Dad is a real chef who taught our Ladies' Bible Class to make apple pie, which was vastly appreciated. They also worked at the Japan Bible Home, a camp up in the mountains of Gunma. To this day you can see the pumphouse Dad built for the Bible Home--a miniature church.

    We miss Mom, but not half as much as Dad does, who may be joining her soon if he has his way, but then again may live another ten years, as lively as he still is. God bless them, and I thank them from my heart for raising and taking to a good IFB church faithfully the girl that became my wife.
  9. BobinKy

    BobinKy New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Your last post was wonderful. Would like to hear more about the qualifications of a missionary wife? Are they the same as a pastor's wife? Teacher's wife?

  10. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Hi, Bob. I've never really thought about the qualifications for a missionary wife. God led us together directly, and you can read that story here: http://www.johnofjapan.org/articles.php?ID=24

    Having said that, what I will do is look at how my wife has handled being a missionary wife, her character and love and loyalty.

    What It Takes to Be a Missionary Wife
    Patty of Japan and Her Life

    When a missionary wife first arrives on the field, she has to deal with culture shock with grace and poise. This may mean covering the head the first time she eats a whole fish. It may mean turning white and turning away, but not fainting, in the public market when her husband says, "Hey look, a whole octopus!"

    The missionary wife must be ready to raise her child in a totally foreign environment, dealing with a completely new language. This may mean that shortly after arriving in Japan she runs next door with her one year old who has an ice cube stuck in his throat, yelling "Ice, ice." And the neighbor lady can only look puzzled, because this loan word in Japanese actually means "ice cream"! (The cube melted.)

    The missionary wife must then study that language. She may come home in tears from language school after being propositioned on the bus, she may become frustrated for years on not being able to learn the language as well as she wants to. But she'll handle that with "rejoicing anyway," and love for the Japanese that shows itself in deeds more than words. And she'll make sure her fluent husband and son speak in English in the home for her sake!

    Being a missionary wife means raising her child with patience and fortitude in a strange culture that doesn't understand American notions of equality and neighborhood. It means calmly comforting her little boy when he comes in crying after being kicked by the neighbor boy. It means opening her home to all the kids after her son finally makes friends, but keeping sacrosanct the hours of home schooling.

    Being a missionary wife may mean extreme loneliness when her husband is off preaching all over Japan, and maybe even in other countries, maybe even a dangerous Muslim country. But it can also mean fun when she can accompany her husband on such trips, maybe even to far off Australia or Hong Kong.

    Being a missionary wife means being able to handle finances in two different economies when her husband turns out to be lousy in business. So it means learning about exchange rates, international money transfers, and bank accounts in two different countries and languages.

    Being a missionary wife in a Gospel resistant culture means it can be extremely difficult to make friends, but she will keep trying. And eventually when she does make friends she will pray faithfully for many, many years, witnessing quietly on occasion, longing for the day when her friend finally realizes her need of a Savior.

    Being a missionary wife means dealing with the extreme stress her husband may sometimes be under in a resistant culture. It means comforting him when he thinks he's a complete failure as a missionary. It means putting up with strange habits he develops as he adapts maybe a little too much to the culture. It means loving him with an unconditional love as he then varies sometimes from the typical American ideal.

    Above all, being a missionary wife means being careful to walk with God every day, because unknown temptations await just around the corner in a heathen culture. It means never, ever missing your private devotions, and it means maturing into a genuine, heart felt prayer warrior.

    I truly thank God for Patty, and know that I would be a failure as a missionary if it weren't for her.
  11. dcorbett

    dcorbett Active Member
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    Jun 3, 2003
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    I found this and thought it works here since you are recalling your ancestry:

    On moral matters where right and wrong are involved, and where the Bible clearly speaks, many preachers have so compromised and sold out, and are so afraid of their congregations, that they cannot give the clear Word of God. God pity the preacher who is afraid to preach against sin just because somebody will cry 'politics'!”
    SOURCE: Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions; Question: Should politics and religion be mixed?; by Dr. John R. Rice, pg. 250, Sword of the Lord Publishers; 1973, ISBN: 0-87398-157-X​
  12. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Thanks for posting!

    Grandad did little directly in the arena of politics over the course of his ministry. He didn't usually come out publicly for candidates. However, he often did exactly what your quote says--expose sin in high places. For example, in 1972 he wrote a pamphlet entitled, The Home, the School, the Nation and Law and Order. Again, SBC scholar David Keith Bates, Jr., wrote his Ph. D. dissertaion at Kansas State University on John R. Rice's influence in this area: "Moving Fundamentalism Toward the Mainstream: John R. Rice and the Reengagement of America's Religious and Political Cultures" (2006).
  13. BobinKy

    BobinKy New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Thank you for your reply: What it takes to be a missionary wife - Patty of Japan and her life. This is a wonderful profile.

    Next, I clicked on the link you provided and read Courtship to the glory of God. I was stunned as I read your love story. My fingers still tingle as I write these words.

    And, of course, the next thing I did this evening was to search for a photo of you with your beloved. I found the beautiful photo of the two of you on the home page of the website JohnOfJapan.org.

    Although I do not have time tonight to read further, I want to return to your website and read Strength in the inner man.

    Thank you for sharing your blessed life.

  14. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Thanks for checking out the website and articles, Bob. The story of how God led us together always seems to glorify God. Just this past weekend I preached in the city of Kitami four times, and the pastor insisted I tell our story, and the people were fascinated by God's leading.

    I hope you're not disappointed by "Strength in the Inner Man." It's an unusual combination of theology and martial arts theory.
  15. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    This past Sunday Patty and I went to the town of Kitami, where I preached for Pastor Kamidate Katsutoshi. I once told his fascinating story here on the BB at: http://www.baptistboard.com/showthread.php?t=33499&page=4

    This time Pastor Kamidate invited my wife, too! I ended up preaching four times, including an impromptu meeting after the Sunday morning service which came about since some of the members had to leave before the afternoon service.

    Pastor Kamidate put us up at a beautiful resort hotel, where he has connections. We ate out with him twice at an exclusive little restaurant with fabulous food. Patty thought the beef stew was the best she had ever tasted! Alas, his family didn't eat with us, having other plans. Little Ai is now in 7th grade and taller than her sisters! The two older girls are in their 3rd and 4th years of nursing college respectively, still loving their adoptive parents and the Lord.

    As he has ever since I have known him, Pastor K. loves American missionaries and longs for one to come work with him. He told me this time how he had prepared for one to work there, "just in case" God calls someone. Could that someone be you?
  16. BobinKy

    BobinKy New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Do you have pictures? I seem to recall that Patty appeared to have a camera close by in one of the pictures posted at your website.

    If you have the ability to make digital audio (or audio-video) recordings of one of the services, it would be nice if you can post a recording. I know, it will all be in Japanese--however, it would add a new dimension to this wonderful record of your missionary years that you are leaving here on Baptist Board.

    For inspiration, here is a youtube recording of two Japanese flutists recorded at a Nuremberg Church in Germany:

    #36 BobinKy, Jun 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2011
  17. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Hi, Bob.

    Patty did take some pictures, but alas, I don't know how to get photos from my hard drive onto a BB post, so maybe you can help me there. Or alternatively, I could upload the photos into a folder in my BB profile.

    That's a beautiful flute recording. Thanks for the link! I'm listening to it right now. Probably Koreans, though, judging by the writing.

    I didn't happen to record my messages at Kitami, but have a number of sets of DVDs out of my Bible teaching in Japanese. Never thought of putting them on Youtube, but there's a thought!
  18. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I've added a photo album of our trip to Kitami in my profile. Enjoy!
  19. BobinKy

    BobinKy New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Thanks for sharing the photos. I posted comments to some photos in the Kitami album.

  20. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I've been proud and so blessed at how IFB missionaries and pastors have reacted to the Great E. Japan Earthquake this year. Things are still extremely difficult for the survivors, and relief efforts are ongoing. Please look over in the Missions Forum where I wrote details of the earthquake and ongoing relief efforts.

    I have quite a few missionary friends who have made relief trips into the disaster zone. Special mention goes to Dan Roberts with Baptist World Mission, my board. Dan has gone into the hills of Miyagi Prefecture many times with relief supplies and lots of God's love.

    Two missionary friends from Hokkaido have just completed a trip taking a whole truckload of relief supplies down to the disaster zone. You can see his blog about it and lots of photos at: http://nayorosmiths.blogspot.com/. You young single guys: all those five girls are sweet, modest, Christ-honoring and have servant hearts. I'm proud to know this family.