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God's knowledge debate

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Van, Jul 21, 2011.

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  1. preacher4truth

    preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Thanks bro Luke2427

    The Bible isn't "simple" to understand, as some suggest. As a matter of fact Peter alludes to this himself stating the opposite (2 Peter 3:16) although that passage is declared to be something other than what it directly says, at least to those who hold the "simple" view. Why? Well, because of the "simple" fact it detroys this view.

    No one worth their salt, who engages in scholarly study of Scripture, would malign the Scriptures with the word "simple." To do such is then a commentary on the state of ones theology, not upon Scriptures themselves.

    Then we have the "simplicity" in a Corinthians passage, which doesn't mean "simple" as other erroneously use as a proof-text. 2 Corinthians 11:3 is used here, as in all actuality by some, (hold on to your seat Luke2427) to PROVE that studying and "over" studying corrupts us! :laugh: :thumbsup:

    Sad yes?

    This is not all what this means! Yet, we see the coupling together of two things: 1) Proof-text methodology, and 2) Simple Bible mentality.

    This proof-text methodology/simple thing has led and kept many persons in deep error.

    - Peace
  2. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Yes good commentary on apostasy which should be both sides primary concern but not at the point of constant battle with who has the correct soteriology. Are we going to constantly attack the other guy when we should be looking to find common ground in both believing that Christ is our joint Lord & Savior, perhaps look at each as brethren, stop the infighting & post threads that are both edifying to the reader & useful to furthering Christianity.

    We are all good on our understanding of the bible as the word of God & in our studies we each recognize the bible as a record of great conflict between God & Satan worked out in various ways. This conflict is at the very heart of the NT. Satan is forever attempting to ruin the work of the Almighty ..... he has ruined the 1st creation & he tries tries repeatedly to do the same with all who become Christians, because as soon as that happens we are now prime targets for the evil one. Satan is the adversary of the brethren. Are we as Gods children willing to relinquish our precious gifts because of a apparent divide & conquer tactic? Certainly not! Brethren, I sincerely hope & pray that with this knowledge provided by the HS we can do battle with the true enemy of God, not ourselves.
  3. JesusFan

    JesusFan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
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    A basic question that BOTH Cals/Arms have to address and answer...

    Do BOTh sides see each other teaching 'true Gospel" and 'True Jesus and Cross?"

    That god uses both sides of this discussion to save sins and advance His Kingdom, or is it JUST my camp no more?

    How you answer THAT will determine how much bridge building can and will be done here among the bethren!
  4. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    "Carnal" means what the user intends for it to mean. I've told you my intent, and it happens to line up with its denotations and connotations in Scripture.

    The only way you can argue is to accuse me of lying. Talk of your ad hominems!

    Actually, you take your view from the imaginations of Randy Alcorn, who can't conceive of eternal bliss unless it matches the things he likes on earth.

    I take mine from the words of Christ, who said we will be like the angels in Heaven—above what man was originally created to be, and more, begotten of God. Christ is begotten (that's not about the Virgin Birth, by the way), and He has no beginning or end.

    I take mine from the words of the Apostle, who said that when we see Christ, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

    You'd think . . .

    Ooooh. What a stumper there. And God has wings and Christ walks about with a sword in His mouth. :type:
  5. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    I didn't accuse you of anything. You have a track record on this board.
    That's rich....you are telling me where I form my views from. My view is formed from Scripture, as is Dr. Alcorn's. He puts the challenge to refute any of his exegesis using Scripture...take him up on it.
    I see...everything is allegorical :rolleyes: This is the science fiction I speak of.
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