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Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by WestminsterMan, May 12, 2013.

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  1. Zenas

    Zenas Active Member

    May 7, 2007
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    I'm guessing your preference for style of worship is lively with plenty of contemporary gospel music, praise songs, and loud electronic instruments. I don't fault you for that but maybe you should think about this. Jesus is not a rock star and should not be worshipped in an atmosphere that resembles a rock concert. Jesus is the King of Kings and should be regarded with at least as much dignity as the President or a head of state. In the presence of such a person you would act with ultimate dignity and respect and you would observe correct protocol for the occasion.

    And that is the difference between a Catholic mass and a contemporary Protestant service. That is why you regard the mass as "dead and robotic." Protestants regard Jesus as a rock star. Catholics regard Jesus as the King of Kings.
  2. WestminsterMan

    WestminsterMan New Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Well Bro, I believe that I am "rightly-dividing" scripture in respect to the rest of scripture. So then... I believe that the Holy Spirit is helping and revealing the true meaning of scripture to me and I assume that you do as well. Thus, what now?

    Well it comes down to this: Either we are both wrong, you are right and I am wrong, or I am right and you are wrong. Yet, if we are both being led by the spirit in interpreting scripture then how can this be? The Holy Spirit is never wrong and leads to all knowledge. Hmmm...

    So what's the deal here Bro?

    #202 WestminsterMan, May 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2013
  3. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    On Matthew 16:18 John Gill writes
    Barnes says:
    Albert Barnes 1798-1870
    Jamiesson Faucett and Brown Commentary--1871
    --Much earlier than this were Protestant commentaries (these ones Presbyterians) standing firm against the RCC. Though not in this passage, often they referred to the RCC as "Romanists"
  4. Gregory Perry Sr.

    Gregory Perry Sr. Active Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Hitting The Nail On The Head!

    WM....PLEASE know that I mean you NO disrespect or malice. My disagreement with Catholicism and Catholics is based on my sincere disagreement with your church's doctrines and practices and not because I don't love and care about you or anybody else. That being said, you have "hit the nail on the head" as to the impasse that is always reached at some point in these types of discussions/debates. One of us IS right and one of us IS wrong and there is not any "middle ground" upon which we can stand in agreement on the things that matter the most. I will acknowledge that the RCC does teach some of the basic doctrines of the Orthodox Christian faith but it also adds much to it. True Biblical faith is far more than adhering "intelllectually" to a dogma or a statement of faith. As I see it, Catholicism defines the very basic doctrine of God's GRACE differently than Bible-Believing Baptists do(we are NOT "Protestants") and that is the big "game-changer" for us. With the sacramental elements of your worship, the matter of Mariology, Papal Infallibility, the Mass, the confessional, infant baptism, and other practices within your religious world being "means" of grace, they become,in essence, actual WORKS that must be performed in order to maintain or achieve a "relationship" with God in your religious practice. We Baptists cannot justify any of that out of the scriptures.
    The scary thing is...in the end...whichever of us is WRONG will have HELL to PAY...for all eternity.....literally. This IS a life or death matter in every respect and can't be viewed lightly. I think it would be safe to say that NEITHER of us wants the other (or anyone else) to wind up in hell. The belief that I embrace assures me of a home in heaven ONLY on the merits of the Son of God and His finished work at Calvary...not on any works that I have done or can ever do to deserve His love, mercy, or grace. It does NOT mean I am free to live or act any way I please. What Christ has done for me is that He has freed me from the obligation I used to be under in my (previously) unregenerate state to live according to the dictates of my old fleshly nature. I now walk in the glorious liberty of the Son of God and CAN live for Him. That is my desire for you and anybody else...Catholic or otherwise...who is dependent on any system of sacraments or works to achieve some higher "plane " of spirituality or "state of grace". True freedom is only found in Christ...and Him alone...NOT some church or system of works. I hope what I have said makes sense to you.

  5. WestminsterMan

    WestminsterMan New Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Romanist is an epithet. It's been used that way for 150 years. It is derogatory and shouldn't be used - that is if you care about others. If you don't, well that behavior speaks for itself. You people know that and trying to justify it only makes you look like bigots.

  6. WestminsterMan

    WestminsterMan New Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Thanks for the thoughtful response. Yet, you didn't answer my question...

  7. Gregory Perry Sr.

    Gregory Perry Sr. Active Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Let Me Try To Answer Clearly...

    Sorry WM....I thought I did but on going back and looking again I see that maybe I wasn't clear enough. The direct answer to your question is YES...one of us is right and one of us is wrong. The Holy Spirit would never lead BOTH of us in two different directions on the same passages of Scripture on something so critical as the topic under discussion (the foundation and head of the New Testament church). It is a doctrine with critical impact for all believers in Christ as it is the second most important institution founded by our Lord...the 1st being the traditional family in Genesis. Sadly...many in the "professing" church are "backing up" on THAT issue as well....but I digress.
    On the topic in question, lest there be any doubt...I believe I am in the right. This is no kind of subject for riding the fence on. One thing you said in your post that I will agree with.....You said....

    "The Holy Spirit is never wrong and leads to all knowledge."

    On THAT..I absolutely agree 100% with you. We can know one thing that is true....(this is a statement that is usually applied to the bible version debate but it fits here too)..."Things that are different are NOT the SAME."

    Friend...one of us is being deceived and led astray. The results of the controversy may well have eternal consequences. I believe it is absolutely possible to be a "professing" "Christian" within EITHER a catholic OR a baptist "church". IT is also possible to have that "profession" and die lost and go straight to hell without remedy. As a man who is "baptistic" in my doctrine and faith which I believe is based upon true Biblical knowledge, I believe I am saved by grace (the unmerited favor of God of which I am completely undeserving) through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. That is, I believe, "the faith" that was once delivered unto the saints of old. Everything I have ever heard or learned about the Catholic church through either the Catholics on this Board, other Catholics I have known over the years, or yes, even non-Catholic sources consistently tells me that the doctrines, dogmas, traditions and practices of your church teach either contrary to what I stated above or add much in the way of sacramental "practice" to that truth. As a Bible-believing Baptist I can recognize ONLY the Word of God as my final authority. Any Baptist pastor,evangelist or preacher who tries to add anything to that would rightly be called a legalist and avoided. The Catholic church, as a religious body, adds much in the way of works and sacraments and church tradition to the plain teaching of the Bible regarding the basic matter of salvation and the requirements of day to day "Christian" living. I just can't fathom going there, nor do I sense in any way, God's Spirit leading me or anyone else in that direction. God's Spirit will never lead anyone in a way that runs contrary to the Word of God,The Bible (KJV). I hope this answer clearly establishes my position without malice to you or anyone else.

  8. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    What makes it unChrist-like? Christ showed visible anger at the money changers in the temple and the hypocracy of the Pharisees, calling them whitewashed tombs. Both are an apt description of the RCC.
    #208 saturneptune, May 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2013
  9. Thinkingstuff

    Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Obviously you've never been to a monastery. Just saying the simple lifestyle is certainly in play.
  10. WestminsterMan

    WestminsterMan New Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    We have no salvation except through the grace of God. I can agree with your statement of salvataion because you left out the part that I usually see on here and that is the interjection of the extra biblical word "alone". What I see in the above is a fully Catholic belief.

    Well, a knowledgable Catholic would simply say that you have the truth... albeit somewhat limited.

    Clearly, you must hold to that if you hold to Sola Scriptura. However, I would posit that to be a man-made and non-scriptural doctrine. However, having come out of the Baptist theology, I fully understand.

    Whoa there sally! God led me there. If you cannot believe that then you are placing limits on the power of God. Previously, you admited that there are saved people in the Catholic Church yet here you are stating that you cannot fathom it because "...God's Spirit will never lead anyone in a away that runs contrary to the Word of God."

    Could it be perhaps that you have a limited concept of both His Spirit and His Word. As to the The Bible (KJV) bread crumb, I won't get into that discussion with you as I rather enjoy watching the Baptists eat each other up over it. ;)

    It does - and thank you very much for a very thoughtful response.

    Peace be with you my brother!

  11. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
    1 Timothy 4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

    It may be a derogatory term, but very tame to what the Bible comes right out and condemns about the doctrine of the RCC.
    --seducing spirits or deceiving spirits.
    --doctrines of devils or teachings of demons.

    "Forbidding to marry," a practice widely held and taught by the RCC, the celibacy of the priesthood. It is a doctrine of demons taught by those who have apostatized from the faith and given heed to deceiving evil spirits.
  12. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Why do you call Baptist posters "brother" when Catholic doctrine believes everyone outside the "true church" is headed for hell?
  13. WestminsterMan

    WestminsterMan New Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I'm glad you admit that it is. Thus, as a moderator you should not allow its use here and as a Christian you should be appalled by it period, yet you revel in its use. What does that tell you...?

    It is disgusting behavior by anyone who tries to justify it. Some of you here - and that includes you DHK - are so full of hatred that you have lost the ability to do as Jesus commands. Do some self-reflection. Look in the mirror. There is your doctrine of demons!

    As to the rest of it, I could care less what you think of me or of what I believe.

  14. Thinkingstuff

    Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    You are being facetious. In our modern vernacular we say things like "you took his word for it" Or "you took their word for it". Of course there is a Catholic word. Just like you have your word. So in this context I am saying that you believe the Catholic Church about the Martyrdom of Peter being in Rome and that the bones under St. Peters is actually Peters because that is what Catholics are saying but you wont take their word for Peter having taught in Rome? Come on!
  15. Thinkingstuff

    Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I looked at your link and it is no different that Cameron saying he found Jesus' sarcophagus because he found the name Yeshua bar Yoseph on a sarcophagus in Jerusalem. Do you believe that? If not why believe the link you posted? The only reason is not because of evidence but because you want to believe Jesus rose from the dead but you don't want to believe there is any connection between Peter and Rome. So you are clearly showing bias.
  16. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Not quite as much as I could care less about your worthless theology. If you do not like it here, hit the road jack.
  17. Gregory Perry Sr.

    Gregory Perry Sr. Active Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    To WestminterMan

    Just to clarify something...

    In our last "exchange" you said...

    Allow me to ADD the word "alone"....right here! (as taught in Epesians 2:8-10)

    Also you said.....

    My name ain't sally...it's Greg and yes....I have no problem saying that there MAY WELL BE some genuinely saved people within the RCC (and I sincerely HOPE you are one of them)...BUT...I do NOT believe that God by His Holy Spirit led ANY of them INTO that church because I believe it to be a false church. I believe you have been misled and deceived by the father of lies regardless of how "warm and fuzzy" or cozy you may feel about your decision to cast your lot there. I pray God will give you light and lead you OUT of there.
    As for your opinions about Baptists and their/our theology....there most definitely ARE some within our realm who have some very twisted and unscriptural ideas about a variety of things and some who have such horrendeously bad testimonies that if you or I or anybody else were to get our eyes OFF the Lord and start evaluating or judging the churches or our fellow-believers based on the behavior of the people around us we may very well either turn back on God altogether or be prone to making terrible spiritual decisions which might result in outright apostasy. I believe something like that may well have happened to you and your fellow departed "Baptists" here on the BB. That is my opinion and I do not mean it in an unkind or ugly way. I myself got far out of fellowship with my Lord for a long span of years and NOBODY within the fellowship of believers that I was a part of lifted even one finger to come to my help or rescue. I don't blame the Lord for that nor did I reject the truth I knew or run off looking for another church or denomination thinking that would fix anything. That was then and this is now and I praise the Lord that He never left me when I left Him. I worship and serve a longsuffering, merciful, loving God who is full of grace and truth and light. He could have...and maybe should have taken me out of this world long ago....but then if he had I wouldn't be here to tell you the things that I just have....now would I? WM...I know you think you have done the right thing but you haven't. You can't "earn" any favor with God. Salvation (and the Christian life and walk) are by grace ALONE. The RCC "priests" have mislead you. I'm not going to say they have lied to you because I don't believe it is right to say someone has deliberately "lied" when they are walking in darkness having been blindly misled themselves. Satan is an "angel of light" capable of signs and lying wonders and all manner of deception. Be careful that you don't allow your own pride to blind you to the truth.

  18. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Those are harsh accusations, and unfounded.
    My mother and father are both devout Catholics. Do I hate them? No, I love them very much, as I do the rest of my family. Your accusations are totally baseless and without any foundation. They are false accusations.

    It is the doctrine of the RCC that I detest, not the people. I don't hate any person. But I do hate false doctrine, heretical teaching, damnable heresy that sends people on their way to hell. That I do hate. Not the people ensnared by it.
  19. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    In your former post you were referring to "the Word" as Catholic or from the RCC, which is entirely wrong. The RCC had nothing to do with canonization of the Word of God. Throughout most of history it had more to do with its destruction than with its preservation. I stick to my story that it was the apostles and early churches that both had the Word and preserved the Word, not a universal apostate church.
  20. WestminsterMan

    WestminsterMan New Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I only tolerate you because you are such a hoot! :rolleyes:

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