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Featured Credible News Sources

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Revmitchell, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    So the primary architect of obamacare admits that they wrote the bill in a confusing manner to hide its true nature otherwise it would not have passed calling the American people "stupid voters" and none of the "mainstream media" have covered the story at all except a minute CNN gave it in passing. It is being ignored. An honest news agency would be covering this in detail.

    Since none of the major news sources covered this story at all when it legitimately should be covered in extensive detail it is very apparent they are covering for this law and the admin.

    None of them are credible and any source that does cover it large our small have far more credibility.
  2. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    On Wednesday, NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham appeared on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Company to discuss how the media have virtually ignored video of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber mocking the 'stupid voters' for helping the Obama administration's efforts to pass ObamaCare.

    STUART VARNEY: What kind of play in the establishment media did the Gruber event get, Tim?

    TIM GRAHAM: Almost nothing. This not just something they’ve been ignoring on ABC, CBS, and NBC. This is something you can’t find in your New York Times. This is something you can’t find in the pages of The Washington Post. This is something you’re going to have trouble finding on the Associated Press. They are all going to say this is some kind of right-wing story. Even Mika Brzezinski this morning on MSNBC said if this was on the other foot, let's say this was the Iraq war, and an architect of the Iraq war said “Boy, we played the American people for suckers,” I think we all know what a massive story that would be.

    VARNEY: I am absolutely astonished. And insult from one of the architects of Obamacare. And elitist insult to we the people. Both ignored. Gloss over. Learn that it is perceived as untrustworthy. Nothing changes.

    GRAHAM: It does not change. And the challenge for the new Republican majority is “How can we force this Obama-loving media to cover our issues?”

    - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb-sta...d-big-three-networks-and#sthash.zZnq8vbr.dpuf
  3. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    The Democrats have taken yellow journalism to the level of Pravda in Moscow, that is, they are no longer content to be Democrat liars but now they publish nothing but the straight Democrat Party line.
  4. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    It's news to YOU. Fortunately for the rest of us, the news cycle doesn't revolve around Rev and his need to make news out of what everybody knows, and are aware that both sides have done it forever.:thumbs:

    You're a GOP operative. Call Sean or Rush. I'm sure they can help your "news story" gain some national traction.

    Goodness. Bill writing 101 tells Congress to obfuscate. :laugh:
  5. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    And there is the crux of this. Rev and the rest of the partisan, GOP lovers have gotten their feelings hurt that nobody but FOX News will cover what they think should be a national news story. :laugh:

    Like I said, call Sean and Rush and get them to put it in rotation on their shows enough that Republicans start repeating the talking points above and VOILA!, you'll have your story.:thumbs:
    #5 Zaac, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
  6. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Since when is "snide" and "sarcastic" a form of debate? Brother, I think your dislike for Rev is leading your heart down the wrong path. WWJS? :type:
  7. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    I don't know. Ask yourself and the good reverend the question. And contrary to your inate ability to always try to instigate under the guise of playing mediator, I like rev just fine.

    I'm not here to debate either of you.:laugh:

    What sense is there to debate with folks who believe that GOP=truth and unless you adhere to the GOP party line, you're stupid?

    Gosh both you and that man dish out enough snide and sarcastic remarks for anybody who disagrees with you that such a question shouldn't ever roll off your fingertips.:laugh:

    But after all, I'm just a DNC operative.:rolleyes:
  8. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Surely you JEST? :laugh:
  9. righteousdude2

    righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Well, you finally admit to not being here to debate. Your purpose has always been to point fingers of accusation....snipe at others....judge those you look down your nose at....provoke (and you accuse me of instigating?)...all of which makes you nothing more than a cheap carny (carnival) TROLL.

    It's too bad the moderators can't see the real you? A troll in sheep's clothing? :laugh:

    I have never seen you debate anything or anyone. But your continued smears and petty accusations, innuendos, snide sarcasm, cheap judgments and cute attempts to provoke others, has become your trademark. Entertaining, but boring. :type:
  10. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    As opposed to kissing up to you and "the party" by browning my nose and agreeing with your every word as you tear down and attempt to smear anyone who disagrees with ya? :laugh:

    I don't have a problem with being a cheap carny troll if the troll stands in opposition to the unChristlike treatment of others. Some of you specialize in that treatment.

    Let me know how those snide remarks are working out for ya oh taker of the high road.

    What you see with me is what you get. I'm the same person all the time. I'd rather be known as a person of integrity and conviction where people always know where I stand, than to be known as a person who constantly pretends to take the high road, but whose real intent is ALWAYS obvious.

    That IGNORE function must have stopped working on your computer. :laugh:

    As I said a long time ago, I don't have to debate truth. Truth is repeated. People debate opinions because they have to garner support for their positions.

    So says the man who has me on IGNORE but somehow always finds out what i post from "others" in order to comment and brand me a carny troll.


    Stop being so fake.
  11. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    You do realize this "news" story is 13 months old? Right? The video is from October 2013 from an esoteric economics conference held at the University of Pennsylvania. The video surfaced on Tuesday. The Chicago Tribune was on it.


    As was CNN as you mentioned. I'm sure there were others.

    Some people really need to learn what the NEWS CYCLE is all about.

    Also, Republican operatives say this story was ignored, then when they bring it to light they hammer the living stuffing out of it, the story blows up on every news outlet, and what have you gained? Nothing. Playing the "it's not fair" card just makes you look like a whining child.

    News agencies that don't cover a 30 second video clip from a boring economics conference from 13 months ago spoken by an Obama bureaucrat that is no longer employed by the White House are derelict in their duty as reporters. Really?

    Ah yes, the "Appeal to Ignorance" and "Begging the Question" logical fallacies combined into one sentence. Rev, I thought spotting this sort of thing was your hobby of late. Now you're parroting them.
    #11 InTheLight, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
  12. Jedi Knight

    Jedi Knight Well-Known Member
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    Mar 9, 2009
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    Jesus said they will know your mine because of their love for one another but some choose to live in the dead zone and play "thumb myself".
  13. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    I think you need to repeat again that it's 13 months old. Some folks just want their news cycle to be THE news cycle.

    I'm pretty sure I heard Sean talking about this on the show the other day. Might explain why it's "new" talking points "news". :laugh:
  14. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Just stop. You work to try to prove someone wrong for no other purpose than to try to prove them wrong you say dumb things like this. Apparently what you do not know is while the video is a year old it was just released recently and made public. Also the website American news was the first to break the video. Imaging that, a news source that was not in the "main stream" broke the story. So your little attempt to make something out of its age is moot and irrelant.

    I am sure you are sure. Means thing.

    Good grief apparently you do not even know what that means.

    You do not even know what an "operative" looks like. Just throwing terms around without having any knowledge of them is not helpful.
  15. InTheLight

    InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    I'm willing to be educated. Now tell me how something that occurred four years ago (the passage of ACA) and the release of a video from 13 months ago talking about the passage of the ACA is "news"?

    How is it news when "we had to pass the bill to see what's in it" has been burned into our collective minds and now here comes a year old video saying essentially the same thing.

    WHOA! Stop the presses! Go to commercial! Break into the newscast! Prep the anchor with this red hot news flash! A year ago an economics professor confirmed what we've known all along--the ACA was deliberately confusingly written so it could get past Congress. WAIT! No Republicans voted for it. Better bring that up again, that's news!
  16. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Thank you. It's not like we didn't know the bill was written to obfuscate just like the Patriot Act was.

    It's not like, as you just said, we don't remember Nancy Pelosi saying "we had to pass the bill to see what's in it".

    And now this guy telling us again what we already knew to be the case about the ACA and a whole lot of other bills passed by Congress is supposed to be a major news story?:confused:

    I know rev likes to post these stories. But he's trying too hard to post stories with an Obama angle that he's taken to posting stuff that isn't really news.
  17. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    In an age where corporations rule what makes anyone here think we're going to get the whole story from any corporate owned, controlled, managed source?

    Why does it always have to be about the right vs the left?

    IMHO it's because that's the way the corporations that own, control and manage the 6 major "news" networks want it. They want us divided and endlessly squabbling because it's profitable for them in one way or another. And we keep on falling for it.

    Look at us. Day after day we sit here and fling insults at each other because we have differing opinions formed by which ever "news" source we believe over the other.

    Your source sucks! No your source sucks! Blah Blah Blah.

    I submit it's not about the source. It's about the information or lack there of.

    With so many sources out there to choose from today which can be trusted and which can't? Who here can say for sure? I don't think any of us including myself can claim to have a "credible" source of information we can rely on to fully inform us.

    Left wing, right wing, mainstream or alternative? They are all biased in one way or another and they all have agendas.

    So what are we to do if we want know what's really going on around us?

    Wouldn't it be nice if we had some standard besides our own biases, suspicions and differences to judge whether or not the information we receive is credible?

    Maybe we need some basic ground rules for judging what's real and what is illusion that we can all agree on. Ah but that might take a sacrifice on all our parts. We might have to give up some of our petty differences and work together to know the true truth.

    At this point I have to wonder if it is even possible for us to agree on a single standard or set of rules to judge whether or not what we are being told (or not told) is accurate and true.

    The way I see it we have two choices, we can choose to stay divided and endlessly arguing among ourselves over who's right and who's wrong or we can choose to put our differences aside and judge the credibility of the news we read and hear everyday by a single set of rules.

    One more question, is it even possible for us to settle on a standard to judge that which is credible information and that which isn't? It would be nice to think we could.

    Okay, I'm done. I was just thinking with my fingers again. Let the arguments and insults continue. :wavey:
    #17 poncho, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
  18. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    You seem to think that the right vs. left paradigm comes from news sources. This is not true even especially for me. Regardless of what news sources report it is still true that folks like Pelosi, Reid, Obama have a far left socialist agenda. That is not true because news sources say it is, it is true because that is what they actually believe.

    At the same time I believe in Capitalism, smaller government etc. Now the GOP has given lip service to much of this but their positions are not true because of news sources, they are true because that is what they actually believe and push for.
  19. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I probably do give that impression Rev but I assure you I don't believe the left vs right paradigm comes from news sources. I do believe however the corporations that own, control and manage the information and "messages" we get plays one side against the other because it's profitable for them.

    Sure there are those in government and media that have differing beliefs but how much does that really matter in an age where corporations rule?

    I understand it's nice to think that corporations don't rule today but tell me this what aspects of our lives isn't touched by these new giant multinational corporations?

    Every where we look there is a corporation behind the curtains. From the "think tanks" that formulate domestic and foreign policy to the elections of our leaders.

    Is it so hard to believe that corporations through consolidation of wealth and power have taken control of both parties and the message? Is it so hard to believe that politicians act to protect those who write their political meal tickets instead of "regular citizens" that have to struggle just to pay our bills and feed our families?

    We the people have very little say in the matters of government today.

    We're to divided and easily distracted by our differences which the government and mass media exploit for their own ends.

    I'm against socialism as much as any "right winger" maybe even more so because I see a form of socialism among those who support republicans and "the right". Stealing from some to give to others isn't the exclusive domain of the left Rev. The right steals just as much maybe even more so to give their own favorite "charities" or "causes", the military industrial complex is just one example.

    It benefits both sides to steal from some to give to others and so it's a common practice among both sides. The only real difference being the "reasons" for the theft.

    Theft is theft and stealing is wrong. Don't you agree?

    I'm a big fan of capitalism myself but the problem is what we perceive as capitalism today isn't capitalism at all. It's corporatism.

    In capitalism there is no such thing as "too big to fail" either the company or institution stands and profits because it puts out quality goods and services or it fails for not doing so.

    Yet we see both the democrats and republicans protecting companies and institutions that should be allowed to live or die according to how well they do in the market place.

    Why? Because the politicians are worried about how the failures would effect the "global economy". What is this "global economy"? Who benefits from it?

    Who benefits from this global integration of everything? We the people?

    Come on Rev try to look at it from outside the left vs right paradigm for a change who benefits from the global consolidation of wealth and power?

    The lefties? The righties? Or giant multinational corporations that play both sides against the middle to distract and exploit us all?
    #19 poncho, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
  20. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    I have no doubt that corps work to control messages just as politicians and even especially more the current admin does. Even then news agencies withhold some stories that will make their candidate look bad.

    It matters quite a bit. Neither has more influence than the other.

    Touched yes, but they can only go so far.

    Yea but do not forget, it is the little guys that go the corps for money to do these things.

    I do not believe they have that kind of control. Lets not forget people of both parties go to the corps for money so it is not forced on anyone.

    We have a lot to say. We can stop voting for those who do that.

    We're to divided and easily distracted by our differences which the government and mass media exploit for their own ends.

    Well I disagree on the rest of this but I want to commend you that this is probably the most reasonable post I have seen from you in all these years of posting together.