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Psalm 72 - The Coming New World Order

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by TrevorL, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. TrevorL

    TrevorL Member

    Oct 21, 2005
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    Psalm 72 - The Coming New World Order Soon to be Established on Earth

    Psalm 72 (KJV - with headings added)
    A Psalm for Solomon

    The King's Son
    1 Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king’s son.
    2 He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment.
    3 The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.

    The Blessings of His Reign
    4 He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.
    5 They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.
    6 He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.
    7 In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.

    A World-Wide Kingdom
    8 He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.
    9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.

    The Nations Pay Homage
    10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.
    11 Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.
    12 For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.
    13 He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy.
    14 He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight.
    15 And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.

    The Earth Bountiful
    16 There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth.
    17 His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed.

    The Whole World Filled with His Glory
    18 Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.
    19 And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.
    20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.

    This final public prayer of David, although addressed to Solomon, looks beyond his time to the greater son of David, Jesus Christ, who will return to establish his kingdom on earth, replacing the present kingdoms of men Daniel 2:44. Luke records the words that Gabriel spake to Mary concerning Jesus' future rule
    Luke 1:32-33 (KJV): "32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end." Jesus will reign over the "house of Jacob" when he returns and "turns away ungodliness from Jacob" Romans 11:26.

    The promises made to David concerning his son and David's throne are recorded in 2 Samuel 7:12-16. They state also that God would be his Father, and this is shown in its fulfilment in Luke 1:35, Jesus is the Son of God. This is the qualification for Jesus to be heir over God's dominion, God's kingdom, not only because he is God's Son by birth, but he revealed all the qualities of God's wisdom and love during his ministry, suffering and crucifixion. These qualities now coupled with his all that he has received in his resurrection and exaltation are what is needed to fulfil Psalm 72 in the Coming New World Order Genesis 1:26, Psalm 8:6, Matthew 11:25-30, 21:37-38, 42-44, Acts 3:19-21.

    Kind regards
  2. TrevorL

    TrevorL Member

    Oct 21, 2005
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    I thought it fitting to refresh this thread to go with my latest reply on the Daniel 8 and Luke 21 thread. I submitted this thread when joining the Baptist Board over five years ago, and I believe that this is relevant to the Daniel 8 thread, giving a basis for a correct interpretation of what the 1000 year Kingdom of God will be like. Psalm 72 also needs to be considered when deciding the interpretation of many other prophecies, and agrees with Acts 3:19-21.

    Kind regards
  3. TrevorL

    TrevorL Member

    Oct 21, 2005
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    Acts 3:19-21 (KJV): 19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; 20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: 21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution (or restoration) of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

    It has been suggested that Luke’s record in Acts 3 is only a precis of Peter’s speech and thus Luke provides essential detail, but also gives a clue as to the full speech. Thus at the end of Acts 3:21 Peter would have broken off his talk to remind his listeners of the message of some of the Hebrew prophets.

    When Peter uses the expression “the times of refreshing “, one of the many passages that he seems to be alluding to is:
    Psalm 72:6 (KJV): He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.

    Kind regards
  4. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Jesus has brought the reign of the heavens to earth already.
    The Kingdom has begun....and spreads day by day as Jesus reigns from heaven.
  5. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    I agree as John The Baptist stated... Repent ye!... For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!... To my understanding and not to belittle the OP didn't the Kingdom Of Heaven start over 2,000 years ago?... That being said I'm still waiting for that Eternal Kingdom in my resurrected immortal body when I can lay this sinful mortal body down!... Aren't we all?... Brother Glen
    #5 tyndale1946, Jul 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015
  6. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    The reign of Jesus comforted the early church as it went into persecution....that is why Revelation and Hebrews are written...
  7. TrevorL

    TrevorL Member

    Oct 21, 2005
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    Greetings Iconoclast,
    Although all things have been given to Jesus, the details of Isaiah 2:1-4 and Daniel 2:44 speak of a future time specifically called the Kingdom of God. Yes God has reigned and does continue to reign, but the Kingdom of God upon the earth for 1000 years is still in the future. Acts 3:19-21 and Psalm 72 speak clearly of that time.

    Kind regards
  8. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    The ETERNAL Kingdom of God upon the earth is still in the future.

    The "saints reigned with Christ on his throne ... until the thousand years would be finished : THIS : the First Resurrection." ['achri ta chilea eteh auteh heh anastasis heh prohteh'] Revelation 20:5.

    "The thousand years" must be understood for a Singular -- an aphorism or simile setting the metaphoric limits to a figurative time period in this case the reign of Christ and the saints defined as the Kingdom (of heaven) The First Resurrection.
    #8 Gerhard Ebersoehn, Jul 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2015
  9. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    All of it happens after the 1000 years - when the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven.

    Not before.
  10. wpe3bql

    wpe3bql Member

    May 15, 2015
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    I'm no escatological theologian, so I'll leave the various speculations about what's going to happen in the future up to the rest of you people out here in BB Land to let me know the "what's and when's and why's" that the Bible states is going to occur some day.

    I'll only add this to what this thread's title made me recall that occurred some 25 years ago.

    That's when Pres. George H.W. Bush, in a joint session of our Congress that was aired on all the major broadcast networks for the whole world to see, said that he was about to establish a NEW WORLD ORDER of various military forces to push the late Iraqi dictator out of oil-rich Kuwait.

    Those were his exact words!

    This military-style NEW WORLD ORDER that he went on to create did what exactly the then Commander-in-Chief of our nation's military--and all its allies from various parts of the world--ordered them to do, and with the acclamation and praise of most all of the UN's membership.

    Most of the allied military powers that fought by our military's side are still nominally our allies after a quarter century's time, and with three different White House administrations having succeeded the first Bush administration.

    What does all this mean for us right now or in the immediate future?

    I don't exactly know, but IMHO, it doesn't look very promising. Why?

    Well, you've got 2 permanent UN Security Council members--Russia and China--rattling their respective military sabers with little or nothing being done about it. [Russia in the Ukraine and buzzing our aircraft in the Pacific Ocean area, and China enlarging its already massive land and sea military forces.]

    All this while the rest of the world is kept wondering where the next terrorist attacks will occur and the US giving a free pass to arm Iran to the teeth so that they can launch who knows how many nuclear missiles to "you know where."

    And, to make matters worse, our nation's current Commander-in-Chief not only applauds this sell-out to Iran, but also he's bound and determined to drastically cut our nation's military forces to the extent that, should they be needed to come to our defense--or that of our treaty-bound allies, they won't be capable of doing what they need to do because there just isn't enough men and women on duty to perform in such an overwhelming presence to keep those who seek to do us (or those dependent on us) such that they may think twice before they seek to destroy whoever they want to.

    Moreover, our military already has to depend on equipment that very soon will be woefully outdated and/or obsolete due to lack of parts to keep vital equipment functioning the way they need to.

    Most of us civilians have at some time been confronted with the problem that our aging clunkers on which we depend to get us to wherever we want to go no longer have parts to keep our vehicles running in good order. Either that, or nobody knows how to fix our vehicles because their technology is so far outdated that the new mechanics have little or no idea how to fix them.

    Fortunately, most of us don't have vehicles that will have to be placed, on immediate notice, into intense front-line military combat situations. But our military forces have to, and have to do it quickly and decisively and in such numbers that will discourage whatever enemies they're ordered to fight will not be prone to do what they so dearly want to do to us--or our allies.

    Not a really cheerful prospect, is it?

    I'm not saying that we need every last little thing that the DOD and its hoards of industrial contractors demand we give them. We probably don't. OTOH, very soon we'll face a dilemma of having to re-arrange our budgetary priorities to possibly spending less on domestic items that every federal legislator wants to reward his/her voting constituents and some more on defense spending.

    How much and where I can't tell you right now, but I know that down our roads that need to be repaired or replaced yesterday, we're going to face the possibility of either higher taxes or an even worse national infrastructure than we have today.

    And who's the federal candidate willing to run on a platform of higher taxes and less to show for them if he/she is elected? I don't hear any one of them--regardless of party affiliation--saying, "If you vote for me, I'll guarantee that's the first thing I plan to do for you! Trust me on this!"

    So what should we Christians do?

    Well, humanly speaking, about all we can do is look to the One Who already knows what this world's future will be!

    He's the One Who told us to, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:6-7, NLT).

    Now, back to the speculations of BB's escatological experts who know everything you'll ever want to know about the end times!
  11. TrevorL

    TrevorL Member

    Oct 21, 2005
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    Greetings BobRyan,
    But Acts 3:19-21 speak of this happening when Jesus returns from heaven. Peter speaks of this as being a time of refreshing and restoration, not a time of complete burning as claimed by the SDAs. Yes there will be some fiery judgement at the return of Christ, but the net effect will be a time of refreshing and restoration.

    I have had contact with a SDA Prophecy Seminar and a Prophetic Code seminar and literature. These usually start with Daniel 2 in the 1st or 2nd session. How do the SDAs explain Daniel 2:35 that speaks of the stone filling the whole earth, and Daniel 2:44 speaks that this kingdom will be set up in the days of the 10 kingdoms? How do the SDAs explain the details of Isaiah 2:1-4? Will the saved SDAs beat their own swords into plough-shares 1000 years after the destruction of all that is upon the earth? Would these swords be a bit rusty after 1000 years? Isaiah 2:1-4, Micah 4:1-8, Isaiah 65:17-20, Zechariah 14 all speak about mortal inhabitants upon the earth during the 1000 years.

    Kind regards
  12. Gerhard Ebersoehn

    Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is Thy faithfulness." ---Lamentations 3:21-23