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Featured Liberals vs Conservative

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Salty, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Like a Calvinist you assume the meaning of what I said this is most likely why you call your self Calminan Your just confused on what you actually are Before being an American I am a born again Christian I'm not either Calvinist or Arminian I do not follow men I follow Christ and He hasn't commented in scripture about voting. How ever you go ahead and try to make your politics line up with scripture instead of allowing scripture be your guide. You don't have any scripture to back up your political agenda.do ya? You really need to prove your political opinions are biblical.

    Really? I don't see it that way. I am an American yet I'm a follower of Christ first. Nothing comes before Him. I don't believe any man is great only God is great.

    Hehehehe! Here we go again I should be a slave to the government. Are you a slave to the government? You really need to grow up You don't get to tell others something is a sin unless God says it's a sin God does not say it's a sin. You're making false statements trying to win an argument you can't win. You have no scripture to back you up. Now who has the greator sin Are you a writer of scripture? Does God speak to you? Your whole defense is false and you know it.
  2. evenifigoalone

    evenifigoalone Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
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    I said most of

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  3. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    Wow. Have no idea what you're talking about. You somehow made this about Calvinism and Arminianism. It's about neither.

    This is about Paul commanding us to respect and honor governing authorities. Romans 13:7, "taxes customs fear and honor."

    As am I. That's why I give to Caesar what is Caesar's, as Christ commanded. That's why I trust God when he says He is the establisher of the American electorate, of which I belong as an American citizen.

    Well, if you refuse to heed Paul's command and refuse to respect your government and give to Caesar what is Caesar's, you're a slave to rebellion against God's will and purpose

    I think you need a timeout.
    #23 Calminian, Dec 30, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  4. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    Well, even the things you mentioned can be handled in extreme ways. Virtually all Christians are against the persecution of homosexuals, and support equal rights. But the left supports mandatory acceptance of homosexuality, and in some countries it's a crime to speak against it. Do you think there is a conscientious Christian opinion on this matter?
  5. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Wow. Have no idea what you're talking about. You somehow made this about Calvinism and Arminianism. It's about neither.

    This is about Paul commanding us to respect and honor governing authorities. Romans 13:7, "taxes customs fear and honor."

    Paul didn't make commands on men God does that.I pay my taxes and I obey the Law Besides I do not live by the Law I live by grace. Paul told us we are not under any law. Are you under the law.? At any rate there is no law that we have to vote or participate in Government. I know your the one trying to add to scripture by adding another sin to the list.

    They are a safe measure to make sure no one gets in, that they do not want in.
    The electorate do not rule. There selection is not up to the people

    I think you should back up what you falsely claim. Do you have any truth to offer?
    There you go again. Show me where Paul commands? bet you can't.
  6. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    So you pay the taxes and customs, but don't give the fear and honor. And yes, there is no law to vote, but there is a moral law from God to give fear and honor. There is also the fact that you were born into a governing body, which is established by God (Romans 13:1).

    Are you really still fighting this? All governing authorities are established by God. The American electorate is a governing authority in that they appoint governors. Therefore, the American electorate is established by God.

    Yes, you can rebel and still be within man's law, but that's not how Christians should think.

    Rom. 13:6 This is also why you pay taxes,a for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes;a if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

  7. evenifigoalone

    evenifigoalone Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
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    Supporting equal rights in the case of homosexuality would entail marriage equality. And the disproportionate amount of homeless LGBT youth (40% I believe is the statistic) would suggest that at least a good deal of Christians don't have as much of a heart for even their own gay children as we'd like to think.
    You can go too far in either direction for sure though. They want acceptance, but they're not willing to wait for society to shift in their favor. That and they're more and more getting the mindset that they don't need to tolerate dissention.
    And while I am very much side B (believing gay sex is a sin) I can see where they are coming from; it's a little like telling a black person, now I know that those people believe you should go back to being a slave, but you just have to tolerate them and them have their opinion. (Which ultimately we do, but that doesn't mean we regard their position as morally right.)

    For LGBT issues, what I suggest is that Christians really familiarize themselves with the topic.

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  8. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Do you even understand what moral law is. Allow me to enlighten you Moral law is that which is determined by people and since the majority of this country is not saved. I will not endorse Abortion, I wil not endorse homosexuality,. I do not endorse taking the bible out of our schools, there really is very little I endorse in moral law. Moral is that which the people as a whole approve of. Nothing aboutit is Christian as you obviously think that it is.
    I have no obligation to vote because voting anymore doesn't mean squat. People think there votes count but not really as I told you before it is the electorate that decides who is going to be president. We do not elect the electorate. I can't believe that as ignorant as you obviously are that you would even attempt to demonize me. I can see now that you have no understanding at all about what you are talking about.

    This is false. God does appoint rulers but the electorate is not a governing institution .
    Well I can say this for you, you still do as the Calvinist do. You make false claims you write your own bible and you accuse falsely.
    Rom 13:6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

    Even the only scripture you've posted has been exaggerated to the point of being completely false. You sir are the sinner aren't you.
  9. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    A very confusing post. You said you suggest Christians "familiarize themselves with the topic." I guess that's what you're trying to do. What is your evidence that you are most familiar than most? How do you differ with something like me?

    For instance, you just said homosexuality is a sin (big no no according to the left). For this is what most conservative Christians believe. You also seem to be for the freedom to dissent and speak out against it. Also anathema according to the left.

    Now you accused Christians of not being familiar with the issue, but you've actually advocated for the conservative approach, rather than the liberal approach. Freedom to speak out against, but not persecute. So I'm confused. Wondering if you're familiar with the issue.
  10. evenifigoalone

    evenifigoalone Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
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    I'm a biromantic asexual, so fairly familiar. I'm in groups with other gay/bi Christians (one of the groups is side B, the other allows it's members to be side B and their official stance is that is a legitimate position to hold), and have been able to gain some insight from there. I've been in LGBT spaces for years as well.
    One big thing with side B is that we don't vouch for conversion therapy.

    Anyways, I have to go get ready for work. Wasn't originally supposed to work today, and don't really want to. But they called me in and I need extra hours.

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  11. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    Bingo. God gives you authority, yet you refuse to exercise it. You can say you're pro-life all you want, if you don't vote, you might as well be pro-abortion.

    Yes we do. We vote for the electors, who appoint the governing authorities.

    For the record I do not think you're a demon. Just ignorant about voting, and rebellious toward Paul's (God's) commandments.

    You're drifting up that river in Africa without a paddle.

    Okay, seriously, what calvinist stole your ice-cream when you were little. This is not about calvinism. Get therapy.

    Look, it's between you and God if you want to run from the authority he's granted you as an American citizen. But don't expect me to sugarcoat it. I'll continue truth bomb you as lovingly as possible.
  12. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    There is no such think as a bisexual Christian, homosexual Christian even asexual Christian. If you really loved these people you would tell them the truth (assuming you know the Scriptures and know the truth). To do otherwise can only be described as hateful—telling lies, making people feel good so they'll like you. Telling the truth can be very sacrificial, even when done with the utmost tack and love.

    I do not wish to persecute you in any way. I support freedom, including your right to tune me out, and not have to listen to me, but this also includes my freedom to tell you what you desperately need to hear.

    Also, it's a fallacy to say you are familiar merely because you're of a particular orientation. This is not about feelings and desires, it's about truth. You can't tell people to become familiar, and then say that can't understand unless they have certain desires.
  13. evenifigoalone

    evenifigoalone Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
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    Bi or gay means you experience attraction towards the same sex. It sounds like you are confusing that with actions--I will never act on my bi-ness. I'm also asexual, which means I don't want to have sex with anybody even if I'm romantically interested in them.

    Think of it as a married man still is attracted to women even though he is married. He cannot change that, he can only avoid acting on attraction and avoid dwelling on it

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  14. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    But you contradict yourself. You're saying you're bi and asexual at the same time. You say you'll never act on your desire, but if that's the case then why label yourself by that desire?

    If you have the desire to lie, but refuse to act on it, are you not then a truth teller and not a liar?

    Regardless, you still haven't explain how you are different politically. Where do you disagree with the conservative political position?
  15. evenifigoalone

    evenifigoalone Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
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    Asexual does not mean you don't experience attraction--it means you don't want to have sex. There are multiple facets of attraction, and you can have romantic attraction without sexual attraction/desire. So, no, I'm not lying. I don't want sex, but I do experience romantic attraction. You can also be straight and asexual, or gay and asexual

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  16. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    #36 MB, Dec 30, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  17. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    I agree with the attraction comments. I'm talking about your labeling. If one has the desire to lie but refuses to act on it, is he not a truth-teller?

    You mentioned bi/gay-Christians. I'm saying there is no such thing. If one has attractions, but refuses to act on them due to love for their God, they should be labeled by their behavior, not their desire. I'm saying you do them a disservice by labeling them as such.
  18. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    The OP has NOTHING to do with secular politics!

    Here is the question in the OP -
    What makes a person a conservative Baptist
    or a liberal Baptist?

    Does the Bible ever mention the words "liberal" or "conservative"

    So lets get on track and get back on trak!
  19. Calminian

    Calminian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 17, 2016
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    Apologies, I misunderstood, and perhaps hijacked your thread. I'll cease and desist.
  20. Reynolds

    Reynolds Well-Known Member
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    Jun 15, 2014
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    I dont need to be any more "familiar" with the issue than that.

    Theologically, liberals are those who find convenient excuses not to follow The Word of God.
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