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Prayer for Peace

Discussion in 'Prayer Requests & Praise' started by Christina1, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. Christina1

    Christina1 Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I've been monitoring the world situation and I'm concerned. Muslims and Jews are both being targeted for attacks throughout the world. This is obviously spill over from the conflict in the middle east. Tensions are so high right now. People feel strongly about this. Although, I personally don't think it's wise to side with anyone in this conflict, taking sides is what people will do. I want to encourage you to listen to people in your life who feel strongly about this. No matter which side they're on, whether Palestine or Israel. Take the time to listen to them. Their emotions are valid and true for them. Tell them it's okay to feel the way that they feel. Anger and sorrow are natural human emotions to experience in the face of injustice. The reason why people get violent toward our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters is because they feel alone and unheard. (Matthew 5:9)

    I read an article about a woman who drove a car into a Hebrew Israelite home. I've heard about the murder of the Muslim boy in Illinois. I've read articles about violence against Jews in Europe and Russia. How sad! Do we want to see this conflict spread until the whole world is consumed by war and hatred?

    Most importantly, listen to how you feel on the inside about these events. Spend time with God in prayer. Let's pray for peace. Let's pray for every political leader and anyone who has authority anywhere in the world to have wisdom and compassion and foresight during these difficult times. It is an act of love to listen to the other side.
  2. Reynolds

    Reynolds Well-Known Member
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    Jun 15, 2014
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    Right now, I am a bit confused. I just pray "Thy will be done.". I really wonder why I even pray that because HIS will is going to be done with or without me playing.
    As far as whose side I am on, Israel. I don't need to listen to Hamas propaganda mouths telling me how wonderful the demon possessed terrorists are.
  3. taisto

    taisto Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
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    There are only two kingdoms at war. The Kingdom of Christ Jesus, our Anointed Redeemer and High Priest, and the Kingdom of this World. Both Jew and Muslim, if not believers in Jesus as their Savior, are in the same kingdom of this world. They will never have true and lasting peace until they bow the knee in subjection to Jesus Christ the Lord.

    Daniel 11 tells us that the King of the South and the King of the North will keep battling and they will converge on Israel in their fighting. This happens, according to God, "at the appointed time."

    What should we pray for?

    1) Pray for the peace of the city in which Christians reside.
    2) Pray that Christians will be a light on the hill that cannot be hidden and that all refugees will be drawn to Christ.
    3) Pray that God's name will be hallowed.
    4) Pray that God's will be done.
  4. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Active Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    All is going according to God's Sovereign plan.

    Ezekiel chapters 36-39 will happen and it is crystal clear that the heathens will learn the hard way that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is reestablishing Israel back into their land.

    ALL of the tribes of Israel AND ALL of their land

    The Muslim heathens will also find out that Islam is a Satanic cult.
  5. Christina1

    Christina1 Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    Non Baptist Christian
    On the one hand, it seems like such a complicated situation. I can see the situation from a multitude of viewpoints. But on the other hand, I don't think that peace is some lofty idealistic concept that exists in the distant future. I think it's possible to experience here and now in this world. But it requires everyone of all nationalities and religions to take up his or her own cross and follow Christ, wage jihad, or make a covenant with God. When we repent, take up our cross, wage jihad, or make a covenant with God, it is something that takes place inside of us. We shed layers of ego, narcissism, and pride in the process of fighting these internal battles within. I'm truly worried at this time that have forgotten to wage these holy battles within and instead have focused waging them on the people around us. The ones we disagree with. I'm scared that we will destroy ourselves in WWIII if we do not turn inward.
  6. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Active Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    You seem to not comprehend the Sovereignty of God. God's prophecies will be fulfilled exactly as prophesied.

    God knows exactly what He is doing.
  7. Christina1

    Christina1 Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I saw a headline today that the United States is sending a nuclear armed submarine over to that part of the world. This is an unnerving development. I'm praying pray for peace and wisdom tonight. I'm hoping that calm heads will prevail.
  8. Christina1

    Christina1 Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I understand the sovereignty of God. Not completely. But enough to know that God is always for us. And that's what makes us fearfully and wonderfully made. We have dominion over the earth. More than we realize. This is why I come before you asking for prayers for peace. Because if we are not careful bad things may happen. God's will is a powerful thing. And the scary thing about it is that it operates through us whether we are aware of it or not. This is why I'm praying for wisdom. Awareness brings wisdom.
  9. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Active Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    Have you even studied Ezekiel chapters 36-39?

    You should and accept that God has to deal very firmly with certain nations. To the extent that 5/6th are destroyed. Very likely hundreds of millions of people.

    You need to just pray for God's will to be done and trust Him fully.
  10. Christina1

    Christina1 Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I haven't read them recently. I'll read them tonight or tomorrow.