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Old Regular Baptist (revised)

Discussion in 'Baptist History' started by Frogman, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Indian Bottom

    Brother Willis , the Indian Bottom allows their ministers to preach with any order in a funeral but they are not allowed to preach with any other Old Regular Baptist ,not in their correspondence at any other time.So if they are at a funeral on Saturday they may preach with the Holiness but come Sunday they can't preach with the Union Assn brothers.I find that to be a double standard God is not the author of confusion,I have been in funerals with a Church of Christ minister preaching water baptism for eternal salvation. I was thankful that I could conduct my own service seprate from his.I have never had a problem with a family ,after explaining our rules, neither did I allow myself to be lumped with a water Salvation minister for the sake of not hurting some ones feelings. Brother Mike
    #701 old regular, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2011
  2. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Missionary Baptist

    Brother Willis, we have never had a working relationship with any Missionary Baptist Churches, we do have some visit our churches from time to time, and yes some Missionary Baptist would hold to the doctrine of the Philadelphia Association of Regular Baptist stronger than many Old Regular Baptist, but they have picked up practices that Old School Baptist do not hold to.We would have to Baptize these Brothers before receiving them in our Old School Baptist Churches.Brother Willis (you don't need to answer publicly)What do you believe is the Primitive Baptist doctrine on Predestination?? I have heard some of the New School Regulars answers before and found it to be totally false also there are more than one faction of Primitive Baptist you are a member of a more fullerite/arminus faction, Old Regular's are a primtivist sect. Elder Slone
  3. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Bro. Mike, I agree with you 100% about the "double standard" comment. I have argued this for a while. I have no problem going anywhere the Lord casts my lot to preach and/or worship. If we can't get along down here, and worship together down here, then how can we worship up in heaven? Like I stated in another post, that saturday meeting in July 2007, when I came to the Tarklin church during the SGA assoc. meeting, I REALLY enjoyed myself!! I thought Bro. Bob Fields preached about a good a sermon as I have ever heard. When he stated, "When God turns someone, they're turned", Bro. Reggie and I about came out of our seats!! BTW, how are Bro. Reggie and Bro. Pete doing? I sure miss them, even though I only met them once. They seem like such good Brothers in the Lord. I also remember you getting up and singing "The Third Man", and when I hear that, I feel like "taking off"! Its amazing that a Saviour so great, would save such an unworthy sinner such as I was. But by His Grace, I am what I am....and I am glad, too!! :thumbs:

    As far as the Union assoc. goes, I would not have one problem putting them in the stand, if I were moderator of a church. But, they could get in trouble with the "higher ups", and I do not want to cause any trouble within any association. BTW, how did the SGA go? I pray that y'all shouted until you couldn't talk! I love you, Bro. Mike.

    i am I AM's!!

    #703 convicted1, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2011
  4. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    PB doctrine concerning predestination? Hmmmm.......well lemme see. If what I have gleaned from what I have read, its a little bit different than the Calvinist model, am I correct? God, from eternity past, chose a people that He would save from their sins. These "Elect", will be saved, and with, or without the help of the preaching of the gospel.

    Here is an excerpt from this webpage:http://www.olpbc.com/Library/pb_believe.htm

    I am thinking that the "mainstream" Calvinist, would not go along with this....(that which I bolded and highlighted), Bro. Mike, but I could be wrong. This is what I have gleaned from their(PBs) doctrine concerning predestination. Like I stated, I could be, and might be wrong though........

    i am I AM's!!

    #704 convicted1, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2011
  5. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Old Line Primitive's on Predestination

    Your answer was correct ,that is the old line position.We had a wonderful associational meeting, would have loved for you to have been there!! The term Calvinist means different things to different people, if you believe in free grace then you are often considered a Calvinist , so a broad interpretation of the term would take in many christians a more narrow view would not.The Old School Baptist consider their doctrines older than Calvin, and many but not all reject the term.The absolute Predestination of all things Primitive or Regular Baptist would come closer to being pure or high Calvinist . Elder Slone
    #705 old regular, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2011
  6. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    First off, I am thankful that God blessed y'all with a wonderful association this year!! :thumbsup:

    You know, Bro. Mike, the old line position concerning predestination is the only true monergistic(sp?) position going.

    So, does the SGA hold to "absolute predestination"? This is what brought about the Sardis Assoc., that split from Mates Creek in 1893. I have heard that the Sardis Assoc. was an illegitimate assoc, meaning that it was formed without an arm from another assoc. After it was already formed, it went into NS, and got its arm. I can not deny or confirm this. I had heard this through the grapevine. Have you ever heard of this?
  7. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    The Indian Bottom Association of Old Regular Baptists will have their annual Association meetings Sept. 2-4, 2011. All are welcomed to attend. The first two days, we will have business in one area, and preaching in another area for those who are not delegates. Friday afternoon, we have a "Committee on Arrangements" meeting, where we have a couple preachers, followed by arranging the next day's business. Sunday is for worship only, no business that day. Again, all are welcomed to attend.
  8. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    absolute predestination of all things man's evil included

    We are not alone in believing that salvation is totally of God by him and through him, many great ministers in different orders believe this truth, We should always magnify the Giver of the gift more than the gift.We have never advocated absolute predestination doctrine, that makes God the author of human wickedness.Associations are the product of churches any group of legally organized churches can and have formed such bodies, most with an arm but not all as in the case of Sardis and Indian Bottom, Bethel, I can not find where New Salem armed off Sardis but I have found where they armed off Mates Creek, by the way Mates Creek no longer advocates the doctrine that was at the heart of that split , you most likely know that. but some of our readers of these post may not Love and Prayers bro.mike
  9. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Im PB & our clergy does not draw a salary....Im assuming yours doesnt either. Think you also said that youd be interested in supporting a church in Jersey, correct?
  10. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Bro. Mike,

    I did not know if Mates Creek held to that doctrine now, but a while back, I spoke with a Sister that belongs at a PB church in Richardson, Ky., about 15-20 outside of Louisa. When I asked her about predestination, she said that her church didn't believe it. Now, she may have thought I was referring to the "absoluters", but I am not for sure. I think that this church is in Mates Creek Assoc.

    As for Sardis, I was told that those churches went into New Salem, after they were already formed, and then, New Salem gave them their arm. Now, this is second-hand knowledge, so I do not know all the details.

    And, finally, I am in complete agreement with you that salvation is of, by, through, and given by the Lord. :thumbsup: I am now leaning towards repentance being a gift of God, whereas before, I thought that the Godly sorrow led us to repentance, where we repented. But I am not totally there yet, but I am leaning that way.

    i am I AM's!!

  11. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Bro. EW&F, I know this wasn't directed to me, but please let me answer. As far as I know, no ORB minister(either hard shell or soft shell), receives a salary. I would venture to guess that none of them do. Old Friendship, Union, New Salem, Northern New Salem, Philadelphia, Old Indian Bottom, and Sardis, all correspond with each other, and none of the ministers in these assocs. receive a salary. Bro. Mike can tell you about Bethel, Original Mountain Liberty, and Sovereign Grace, but I am quite sure they are the same.
  12. convicted1

    convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Bro. Mike,

    What, if anything, can you tell me about the Friendship Association of ORBs. Bro. Keith Deel sent me a minute from, I think, 2003. Are they still functioning as an assoc? Where is the closest one for me, being in the eastern part of Wva??
  13. Old Union Brother

    Old Union Brother New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Hi Brother Willis

    Yes they are still an association. I believe that their association is at the MaryLou Church on state line ridge.

    There is a church on panther creek and several more close to there I'll have to look at my minute to tell you more PM me if you want me to send you a scanned copy of the churches addresses.

    peace and prayers
  14. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Repentance a Gift

    Brother Willis , Faith and Repentance are both gifts, Acts 5:31" Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour ,for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins." note it is a Godly sorrow so that sorrow was wrought not by the creature, 2 Timothy 2:25"... if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;"
  15. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    No Salary

    In our correspondence (Old School Regular-Old Line Primitive) No one draws a salary, There are however Primitive Baptist Ministers that do. I would not be opposed in helping to organize a church in New Jersey if it was able to function in a orderly manner. I living in Ky could not serve a church at that distance, but would have no problem visiting some, and work on getting them correspondence with other old line brothers. Bro.Mike
  16. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Friendship Association

    Brother Willis there are two Friendship Associations one in correspondence with Thoton Union and one in the New Salem chain, they split over notebook songbooks and sisters cutting their hair, they have a mixed Calvinistic-Arminian hybird doctrine ,some of them would preach old-line some not, they are still meeting and have large crowds. at their association Bro.Mike
  17. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    On second thought Mike I can pull these guys into a struggling Reformed Baptist Church that already has a pastor but needs to bolster an aging population of congregants. Granted it will not operate the way I would prefer (as a PB / Old School) but there is margin to developing them...perhaps even to taking them independent. Will have to pray about it.
  18. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Primitive Baptist In New Jersey

    You could start having called meetings invite some Primitive Baptist ministers to it, there may be an Elder or Elders who could attend at least once a month. I might try the FGF to see if they know any sound Elders in that area that might have an interest. I would love to see Old School Baptist Churches in every part of the U.S God willing. Have you ever visited the Northeastern Association in NJ ? They have a church in Brooklyn last I heard. I don't know what part of New Jersey you are located. I was stationed at NWS Earle years ago. Elder Slone
  19. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Navy huh.....the kind that lobbed shells over my head when I was an active Marine? So you think Brooklyn is part of NJ? LOL.

    As I said before, the Reformed guy has got it under raps & he is ordained. Thanks for the effort though.:smilewinkgrin:
  20. old regular

    old regular Member

    May 26, 2004
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    I heard that NY City had the world's largest Zoo they fenced in New Jersey, LOL:laugh: The Northeastern has churches in both NJ and New York. I was also FMF 8404 HM2 I was with 1/4 grunts and 5/11 artillery , so I know about those shells , over the head, been there.I hope things work out for you, I don't know much about the Reformed Baptist. I am partial to Old School Baptist. Elder Slone