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Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Alex2165, May 3, 2024.

  1. Alex2165

    Alex2165 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Seeking Christ

    Acts 18.3

    Paul was not only deeply religious man, Pharisee by education and a Christian by faith in Christ, but he was also a man who labored to make his living, a working man, professional trade of whom was to make tents.

    By coincident or not Aquila and Priscilla have the same professional trade and it allowed them to make reasonable living and not depend on anyone. They are not only supported themselves but also supported and others by their modest income, which is shows true nature of the true Christians who are do not depend on others or on donation or on salary given by the church but working with their own hands and support not only themselves but and others as well with their own hands.

    ~ Paul's profession and his works to support himself and others: (Acts 18.1-3, 20.33-35, 28.30-31) (1Thessalonians 4.11-12) (2Thessalonians 3.6-12). In this respect Paul should be example for all clergy and leaders of the church.

    Concerning Paul as individual, from his modest income he manages to support to some extend and his companions who traveled with him and helped him on his mission, showing by this that he was not a burden to anyone, nor to the churches he visited.

    Such attitude of Paul definitely revealed his honest nature and honorable personality, indicating and giving example by this that dependence on others even in difficult situations is shameful and does not fit the true Christian character and Christian ideal, for that reason it is said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20.35) (Luke 6.38, 14.13-14).

    Paul could be very rich man if he will accept monetary donations or monetary support or be on the payroll of any church, not mentioning his power of healing that could make him wealthiest man on Earth, but he did not tempted by material physical wealth, instead, being Spiritually rich from the Holy Spirit he followed the way and the life of Christ, his Master and His Teacher, Who are also was a Tradesman (Mark 6.3), with fear of Him, with obedience, faith, full dedication, loyalty, and great and everlasting love for Him.

    The same life had all the Prophets and men of GOD who never ask for any material or monetary reward for their prophecies and deeds but lived modest and humble life providing for themselves, and when they cannot, GOD provided for them.

    And even when Christ accepted some donation from some wealthy women (Luke 8.3) and His other supporters (Mark 15.41), the most of it He gave to the poor (John 12.4-6, 13.29) and the rest used for His disciples needs, mostly for food (Feeding thousands with some bread and fish. (Matthew 14.13-21, 15.32-39) (Mark 6.30-44, 8.1-9) (Luke 9.10-17) (John 6.1-15).

    Some people presenting argument that the worker deserves his wages: (Matthew 10.10) (Luke 10.7) (1Corinthinas 9.14) (1Timothy 5.18), but in all of this reference nothing said about wages and be paid by monetary means, but is false answer and false meaning but it means only one thing, providing humanitarian support in form of shelter, food, transportation, and many other similar things and needs that the missionaries need on their journey.

    In the same way all the Prophets were supported, Jesus Christ was supported, His Apostles supported, and many other men of GOD who was call for missionary work were supported in the same way and no money never involved.

    Of course, money also can be accepted as help for the missionary journey and work, but not as wages or salaries, because it is against the meaning and the spirit of the Holy Scripture and Ideals of GOD.