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Which is worse?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by HeDied4U, May 29, 2003.

  1. HeDied4U

    HeDied4U Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 6, 2001
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    Now I know that I'm probably opening a huge can of worms with this one, but something has been nagging at me. I've been following the 'Is Divorce A Sin?' debate quite closely. It's been a lively debate, that's for sure.

    Here's my question, but I need to preface it first. On the above mentioned thread, someone made a comment to the effect that if you're divorced, and get remarried, you're living in sin everyday. Now, having been divorced and just recently remarried, I don't hold to that theory. But let's say that that's the case, and asking for forgiveness "just doesn't cut it." That brings up a thought/question...

    God has intended sex to be enjoyed only in the confines of marriage, right? Okay then, now let's say that you decide to have sex before marriage and it results in a pregnancy. The woman decides to keep the child. Now, having done so, would she be living in sin every day, or if she asks for forgiveness, it the slate wiped clean, so to speak?

    So, having said all that, my question would be which is "worse," remarriage after divorce, or having a child out of wedlock??

    Okay, let the worms fly :D :D

    God Bless!!!

    Adam [​IMG]
  2. hsmom3

    hsmom3 New Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I'm too tired from the other thread to get started on this one. :D

  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Adam, our daughter, Erin, got pregnant her senior year in high school by a med student she was dating. She gave Nick up to us for adoption not long after he was born. She was 'engaged' to many young men in the next few years. She called us about 3 years ago to tell us she was pregnant again and going to marry this guy. I don't think Erin ever had any stigma attached to HER choices, even tho they were most definately SINFUL...., by her friends or most of society!

    I did have a local deacon point out a toddler and call him a bastard saying 'His momma never married his daddy'. He said it with my little one standing near-by. I don't think it even crossed his mind that he was calling MY child a bastard too. BTW... He is still a very close friend of ours. I never told anyone what he said.

    I guess people have 'pet sins' that they think are worse. I think divorce is a sin but I think all sin is forgiveable. I asked the question earlier about abortion. You cannot undo abortion so is that murder every day or when God forgives that abortion, does He remove it as far as the east is from the west and remember it no more?

    My God is an awesome God and is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Plus... sin is between God and the sinner and who am I to judge the condition of the sinner's heart and the depth of his or her repentence.

  4. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Diane, you never cease to impress me.....
  5. LeahIA

    LeahIA New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Diane, I have to tell you that I have a similar situation. My son and a girl had a baby. They were not married and we went to court to so son could have joint custody. His name is not on the birth certificate, but DNA proves that this is his son. I am speachless over what your friend said. Regardless of what the situation is, this child is not the responsible party. I don't know what I would do if I did not have this precious grandson in my life. He is a gift from God as is every child. My husband and I are instilling strong Chrstian values in his life. We only see him every other weekend, but when we have him, its is pure joy. "Bastard" is a horrible label to put on a child.

    I am an only child, my son is an only child and this grandson is my son's only child.

    I know I didn't really address the issue of "what is worse?"; but honestly, its all equal in the eyes of God; sin is sin. Who are we to judge which is worse?
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    HeDied4U, I think this scripture fits well...

  7. LauraB

    LauraB New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    Hmmm, I am guilty of one. I had twins out of wedlock. Is it a sin? Yep! Can God forgive it? Yep! But it doesn't wipe the slate clean by a long shot!
    I don't want to think I am living in sin, but I do believe that having thoes kids will always be MY sin. Being a Catholic at the time, I didn't really know it was sinning, since Catholics make up their own rules anyway as they go along.
    So a question for the Catholics. Is having children out of wedlock a bigger sin than a priest kiddie touching? Hmmmmm

    Getting back to the subject, now being a saved christian, and seeing how my life has changed in the last few years, and constantly changes for the good, I will never make up that sin.

    Divorce is a sin. In order to remarry and be righteous in Gods eyes, it would have had to been the other partner that wanted the divorce. Or in the case of death.
    I am my husbands 3rd wife. He is living in sin. He knew this because he was a saved man when I met him. Through him I got saved.

    I guess I would have to say that God forgives ALL sins when asked of Him to do so. So I do believe that if asked God will forgive, but then again I also believe in a human state, you are living with that sin as long as you live.

    Then again, I could just be babbling!! ;)

    Oh, PS, which is worse? I believe that are equal in sin.
  8. LauraB

    LauraB New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    Reading back on what I wrote, I see alot of contradicting statements!

    Conclusion: Babbling!
  9. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    All I will say is that in remarriage you will continually commit adultery while the first spouse is alive...

    Saying that I will back out so that 'no one' is offended by my bluntness.
  10. Major B

    Major B <img src=/6069.jpg>

    May 6, 2003
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    What is worse? Refusing to welcome the courageous mother and child or children back into fellowship. She could have taken care of the "problem" and nobody would have known but her and God. Instead, the woman in the illustration gave the gift of life. Here we must see how Jesus dealt with the Woman at the Well, the Woman taken in adultery, with the Syro-Phoenician Woman and with Mary Magdelene, and we must deal accordingly. We must never forget that the ultimate crisis pregnancy brought salvation to us all.
  11. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Adopted Daughter writes:
    &gt;&gt;All I will say is that in remarriage you will
    &gt;&gt;continually commit adultery while the first
    &gt;&gt;spouse is alive...

    Once again, there is no Scripture to support this as Biblical doctrine.....
  12. Istherenotacause

    Istherenotacause New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    That double-post icon keeps slipping under my mouse!
  13. Istherenotacause

    Istherenotacause New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    I think it's the scripture where Jesus said, "My Father's house is the house of prayer and ye have made it a den of [butchers wielding hatchets and axes maiming and killing everyone that doesn't live up to your expectations]/ thieves"
  14. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    If we are to leave our father and mother and cling to each other and become one...how can we become one with someone other than your spouse?
  15. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    The fruit of bad doctrine will lead a person to a bitter, hateful position. So with those who believe that divorce is unpardonable and remarriage = adultery.

    Even Jesus clearly and without apology gave an exception . . and that clause applies to the entire verse. IF there is a legit divorce, then remarriage is not an issue. IF there is NOT, then we are talking continual living in sin.

    But what about the gal who has a baby out of wedlock? Or worse, who aborts that baby? Or the dad who abandons the gal and baby?

    Divorce is nothing at all in comparison to murder of the baby or abandonment. Let's get real and compare apples with apples.
  16. Bro. James Reed

    Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    5:31 It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:
    5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

    Proof enough?
  17. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Good Morning Brother James:
    Where does the word "continually" come into play? I don't see it in these verses. Also, where does the Passage you quote give any indication concerning the death of a spouse?
  18. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    AdoptedDaughter writes:
    &gt;&gt;If we are to leave our father and mother and
    &gt;&gt;cling to each other and become one...how can we
    &gt;&gt;become one with someone other than your spouse?

    What Scripture supports your assertion that adultery is a continual sin for a divorced person?
  19. wizofoz

    wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    BIR, there is none that I know of.

    It's a case of "I believe what I believe because I believe it, and you can't change my mind."

    Adopteddaughter, do you have any friends who have remarried? If so, do you condemn them to a life of sin?
    Sad, so sad......
  20. Bro. James Reed

    Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    You see, Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, Go and sin no more. True repentance means that you are turning away from the sin you have committed.

    If I get divorced for non-Biblical reasons and I remarry, then I'm committing adultery, as the Bible CLEARLY says. I would then need to repent. If I repent, I then need to sin no more; in other words, stop the sin that I'm doing. If I stay merried to that same person, I'm still in the same adulterous relationship that I was in before I repented. Therefore, I am not truly being repentant.

    Don't you see? Example, I'm having an affair out of wedlock. I realize my sin and ask God for forgiveness. But, I continue to have the affair. Am I not still living in sin, even though I asked for forgiveness?

    As he said, we are to go and sin no more. Jesus forgave Mary Magdalene. Do you think she went out and kept on being a prostitute? After all, the Lord had already forgiven her.

    I resent that remark! I believe what I believe because the Bible says it. It's not my fault that people in the world want to warp the truth to fit in with their own beliefs about accepting divorce.