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Sermon outlines

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by tinytim, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. Shiloh

    Shiloh New Member

    May 2, 2002
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    I.Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, Gen.3:2-6
    A.Satan challenged the Authorship vs.1, the Accuracy vs.4, and the Acceptability vs.6, of the Word of God.
    B.Satan tempted Eve to tempt Adam, NOTICE ITim.2:14 Rom. 5:12

    II. Abraham made the mistake of taking Lot with him, Gen. 12:1-5
    A.The family lived close to Cannan in Haran (parched place).
    B.God told him to leave his family.
    1.The land (country) was idolatrous.
    2.His father served other gods, Josh. 24:2
    3.It was God’s calling on his life, Acts 7:2-4

    III. Moses made the mistake of smiting the rock, Num. 20:7-13
    A.Smitten Christ, The rock in Ex. 17, a picture of the smitten Christ, Isa. 53:4,5. The Rod, Ex. 17:5 “thy rod”
    B.Exalted Christ, the rock here is a picture of an ascended Christ, Heb. 9:24, Heb. 7:25. This rock has to do with the Priestly work of Christ after His resurrection. The Rod, Num. 20:8, background of this rod, Num. 17
    C.Rom. 6: 9,10, Christ died once for sin. Heb. 9:25,26,28

    IV. Samson made the mistake of going to the barber shop, Judges 16:19-21
    A.He was asleep, vs.19. He who sleeps in the lap of lust will awaken in the arms of the Philistines.
    B.He didn’t know his strength was gone, vs.20.
    C.They put out his eyes, vs.21, notice, 16:1.
    D.Sin binds, sin blinds and sin grinds.

    V. The Jews made the mistake of not recognizing their Messiah, Jn. 1:11.12
    A. They Refused the Light, Jn.1.4-8
    B. They Renounced the Truth, Jn. 18:29,30,37.
    C. They Rejected their King, Jn.19:19

    VI. The devil made the mistake of thinking he could hold Jesus in the grave, Luke 24:1-7
    A.The visit of the women to the tomb, Lu. 24:1-12.
    B.The walk on the road to Emmaus, Lu. 24:13-31.
    C. The appearance in the upper room, Lu. 24:36-45.

    VII. The scoffers made the mistake of saying “HE” isn’t coming soon, IIPet.3:3,4
    A.They Deny the Word of God, vs.4,5.
    B.They Denounce the Power of God, “willingly are ignorant” vs.5-8.
    C.They will experience the Damnation of God, vs.10.
    D.They could enjoy the Deliverance of God, vs. 11,14.
  2. Shiloh

    Shiloh New Member

    May 2, 2002
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    The Gospel of John’s Portrait of Christ
    Chapter 1. Son of God
    A. The Word
    a. He Spoke and there was Light, vs.4
    b. He Sent and there came a Witness, vs.6
    c. He Saved and the Law was Satisfied, vs.12
    B. The Way
    a. Moses came with the Law, vs.17
    b. John came with the Voice, vs.23
    c. Jesus came with the Spirit, vs.32
    C. The Witness
    a. They Beheld, vs.36
    b. They Brought, vs.42,45
    c. They Believed, vs.50

    Chapter 2. Son of Man
    A. The Mother
    a. Mary’s Declaration, vs.3
    b. Mary’s Determination, vs.5
    c. Mary’s Destination, vs.12
    B. The Money Changers
    a. The Find, vs.14
    b. The Frightened, vs.15
    c. The Forsaking, vs.16
    C. The Miracles
    a. The Sign, vs.19
    b. The Scriptures, vs.22
    c. The Sensible, vs.23

    Chapter 3. Divine Teacher
    A. Divine Birth
    a. The Necessity, vs.15
    b. The Name, vs.16
    c. The Neglect, vs.18
    B. Divine Baptism
    a. The Companionship, vs.22
    b. The Commissioned, vs.23
    c. The Challenge, vs.25
    d. The Complaint, vs.26
    e. The Character, vs.27
    f. The Comparison, vs.28,29
    g. The Conclusion, vs.30
    C. Divine Behavior
    a. His Towering, vs.31
    b. His Testimony, vs.32
    c. His Truth, vs.33
    d. His Treasure, vs.34,35
    e. His Trusting, vs.36
    Chapter 4. Soul Winner
    A. The Samaritan Woman
    a. She was a Worker, vs.7
    b. She was a Wonderer, vs.8,11,12
    c. She was Welcomed, vs.15
    B. The Spirit that Indwells
    a. Concerned, vs.11,15
    b. Convicted, vs.19,20
    c. Convinced, vs.29
    d. Commissioned, vs.39
    C. The Son of the Nobleman
    a. Son was Sick unto Death, vs.46,47
    b. Jesus Speaks just a Word, vs.50
    c. Father’s Seventh hour Miracle, vs.52,53

    Chapter 5. Great Physician
    A. The Healing
    a. The Pool with Five Porches, vs.2
    b. The People with Many Infirmities, vs.3
    c. The Power that Troubled the Water, vs.4
    d. The Predicament of the Lame Man, vs.7
    e. The Passion Shown by Jesus, vs.8
    f. The Praise made on the Sabbath, vs.9
    g. The Persecution Sought by the Jews, vs.10-18
    B. The Judgment
    a. The Son’s Qualification, vs.19
    b. The Fathers Quickening, vs.20,21
    c. The Sons Quest, vs.22
    d. The Fathers Quote, vs.23-27
    C. The Resurrection
    a. The Voice will heard, vs.28
    b. The Verdict is settled, vs.29
    c. The Victorious to Life, vs.29
    d. The Vexed to Damnation, vs.29
    D. The Witnesses
    a. Burning Witness from John, vs.33,34
    b. Bountiful Works from the Son, vs.36
    c. Biding Wisdom from the Father, vs.37,38
    d. Beneficial Word from the Scriptures, vs.39
    e. Banished Writings from the People, vs.46

    Chapter 6. Bread of Life
    A. Crowd Feeder
    a. Many came to the Mountain, vs.2,3
    b. Master was to be Manifested, vs.5,6
    c. Meager turned to Measureless, vs.7-14
    B. Water Walker
    a. Departed Christ, vs.15
    b. Devoted Followers, vs.16
    c. Dark of Night, vs.17
    d. Developing Wind, vs.18
    e. Discontented Rowers, vs.19
    f. Disclosed Comfort, vs,20
    g. Desirable Landing, vs.21
    C. Bread Giver
    a. Saviour Seekers, vs.27
    b. Sign Show-er, vs.30
    c. Soul Saver, vs.35
    d. Salvation Sealer, vs.37-39
    e. Spirit Sender, vs.44
    f. Spiteful Strivers, vs.52
    D. Soul Keeper
    a. Sovereign Security, vs.37
    b. Heavenly Responsibility, vs.38
    c. Eternal Destination, vs.39
    E. Mind Reader
    a. Murmurers, vs.61
    b. Mistrust, vs.64
    c. Mutinous, vs.66
    d. Misinterpret, vs.68-70
    e. Malefactor, vs.71
  3. Shiloh

    Shiloh New Member

    May 2, 2002
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    Chapter 7. Water of Life
    A. The Time Not Ready, vs.1-9
    B. A Temple Reproved, vs.10-18
    C. A Tactful Rebuke, vs.19-24
    D. A Teaching Recognition, vs.25-36
    E. A Thirsty Revival, vs.37,38
    F. The Truth From the Redeemer, vs39-50
    G. A Thoughtful Resolve, vs. 51-53

    Chapter 8. Defender of the Weak
    Woman caught in Adultery
    A. Carnal Acting, vs.1-4
    B. Crowd Accusing, vs.5-6a
    C. Christ Addressing, vs. 6b-8
    D. Consciences Admonished, vs.9
    E. Condemnation Advocated, vs.10-11a
    F. Commanded Admonishment, vs.11b
    Wisdom not Acknowledged
    A. Light of the World, vs.12
    B. Lunacy of the Pharisees, vs.13-43
    C. Liar from the Beginning, vs.44
    D. League with the Father, vs.45-58
    F. Lawlessness with the Jews, vs.59

    Chapter 9. Light of the World
    A. The Disturbing Question, vs.2
    B. The Diligent Quotations, vs.4,5
    C. The Dubious Query, vs.10-41
    D. The Dispute Qualified, vs. 25

    Chapter 10. Good Shepherd
    A. Christ is the Door, vs.1-9
    B. Christ is the Only Door, vs.16
    C. Christ is the Open Door, vs. 28,29
    D. Christ is the Official Door, vs.30
    E. Christ is the Opposed Door, vs.19-21, 31-39

    Chapter 11. Prince of Life
    A. The Sickness, vs.1,2 G. The Salvation, vs. 23-27
    B. The Summand, vs.3 H. The Support, vs. 28
    C. The Situation, vs. 4,5 I. The Sympathy, vs. 35
    D. The Slacking, vs. 6-10 J. The Speaking, vs. 43,44
    E. The Shortsightedness, vs.11-16 K. The Skepticism, vs.47-51
    F. The Scathing, vs.21 L. The Satanic, vs. 53-57

    Chapter 12. The King
    A. The Celebration, vs. 12,13
    B. The Humiliation, vs. 14-16
    C. The Recognition vs. 17-22
    D. Glorification, vs. 23-31
    E. Resurrection, vs. 32-36
    F. Revelation, vs. 37,38
    G. Life Everlasting, vs. 39-50

    Chapter 13. The Servant
    A. Things Jesus Knew, vs.1
    1. His hour was come
    2. His departure was at hand
    3. His love would remain
    B. Things Jesus Did, vs. 2-20
    1. Became a servant
    2. Revealed His betrayal
    3. Explained unity to the brethren
    C. What Jesus Told
    1. That He would be betrayed
    2. By whom He would be betrayed
    3. For what reason He would be betrayed
    D. What Jesus Endured
    1. Peters question
    2. Peters statement
    3. Peters denial

    Chapter 14. The Consoler “Hope filled life”
    A. vs.2 Perfect Place
    B. vs.2 Preparing to Return
    C. vs.7 Personal Salvation
    D. vs.12 Privilege to Work
    E. vs.13,14 Persistant Prayer
    F. vs. 17 Power to Live
    G. vs. 27 Peace to Comfort

    Chapter 15. True Vine “Fruit Filled Life”
    A. Jesus the True Vine, vs.1
    B. Jesus the Prayer Answerer, vs.7
    C. Jesus the Joy Giver, vs. 11-14
    D. Jesus the Friend Maker, vs. 14
    E. Jesus the Servant Sender, vs.15,16
    F. Jesus the Law Fulfiller, vs. 25
    G. Jesus the Spirit Giver, vs. 26,27

    Chapter 16. Giver of the Holy Spirit “Joy Filled Life”
    A. The Actions and Results of the Ungodly, vs.1-6
    B. The Affections and Reprovement of the Spirit, vs.7-15
    C. The Alarm and Reasoning of the Son, vs.16-21
    D. The Agreement and Regard of the Father, vs. 22-33

    Chapter 17. Great Intercessor “Prayer Filled Life”
    A. The Son was Glorfied by the Father, vs.1-6
    B. The Given are Prayed for by the Lord, vs. 9
    C. The Saved are Kept so Scripture is Fulfilled, vs.12
    D. The Redeemed are Protected by Prayer from the Son, vs.14-16
    E. The Glory we have was given by Love, vs. 17-26
  4. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    no offense, Shiloh, but if you preach THAT sermon your crowd better pack a lunch!

  5. Shiloh

    Shiloh New Member

    May 2, 2002
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    Here is the rest of it......Winter is long here in Maine, not much else to do. If you can use any of it help yourself.

    Chapter 18. Model Sufferer
    A. Our Lords Arrest I. The Mocked Saviour
    1. The Ungodly Betrayal by Judas II. The Muted Speaker
    2. The Attempted Beheading by Peter III. The Murderous Scandal
    3. The Obedient Behavior by Jesus

    B. Our Lords Abuse
    1. Peters Denial
    2. High Priests Questions
    3. The Officers Striking
    4. Jesus Answering

    C. Our Lords Answer
    1. Before Peter
    2. Before The People
    3. Before Pilate

    Chapter 19. Uplifted Saviour
    A. The Scourging 1. The Blaspheming Multitude
    B. The Sarcasm 2. The Bewildered Magistrate
    C. The Sacrifice 3. The Barbaric Majority
    D. The Sepulchre

    A. The Reluctance of Pilate, vs.4,12
    B. The Rebuke of Jesus, vs.11
    C. The Rancor of the Crowd, vs.15
    D. The Revealing of the Inscription, vs.19-21
    E. The Relinquishing of His Mother, vs.25-27
    F. The Repudiation of the Father, vs.28
    G. The Reference to Prophecy, vs.31-37

    Chapter 20. Conqueror of Death

    A. The Empty Tomb and the Triumphant Lord, vs.1-18
    B. The Closed Doors and the Teaching Lord, vs.19-29
    C. The Open Book and the Transforming Lord, vs.30,31

    1. The Lord Jesus Conquers Death
    2. The Lord Jesus Commissions the Disciples
    3. The Lord Jesus Consoles the Doubting
    4. The Lord Jesus Certifies Deliverance

    Chapter 21. Restorer of the Penitent

    A. Peters Complacency, vs.3
    B. Peters Companions, vs.3
    C. Peters Company, vs.4
    D. Peters Conclusion, vs.5
    E. Peters Collection, vs.6
    F. Peters Compulsion, vs. 7
    G. Peters Cooperation, vs.10,11
    H. Peters Confessions, vs.15-17
  6. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    This Sundays Outline...

    "Lord of All" Luke 8:26-39

    1. Look to Jesus for Help v. 26-28

    2. Jesus is the Source of Deliverance v. 29-34

    3. Deliverance brings a Response v. 35-39
  7. Hope of Glory

    Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    I like the "mistakes" outline.
  8. Bro Tony

    Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    This Sunday's Outline:

    TITLE: "The Will Of God"
    TEXT: Matthew 26: 36-42

    I. God's Will Must Be Sought (vs. 36-38)

    II. God's Will Must Be Desired (vs. 39-41)

    III. God's Will Must Be Followed (vs. 42)
  9. bobbyd

    bobbyd New Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    PastorSBC, i like that outline you gave for Isa 6...i may have to switch my points around to that one next time i preach that passage.
    I do think that Isa. 6 is perhaps one of the greatest images of what true worship is in the Scriptures.
  10. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Here is another one:

    Luke 5:1-11

    A disciple of Jesus must follow AFTER Jesus

    A = Peter was willing to be available
    F = Peter was faithful to Jesus' instruction
    T = Peter was teachable (although peter was a fisherman by trade, he still learned something that morning)
    E = We must come empy handed to Christ (Peter left all)
    R = Peter responded to Christ's call
  11. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    This week's outline:

    "Intruders in the House!" Jude 5-16

    1. God Deals Harshly with Intruders v.5-10

    2. Intruders can be Identified by their Attitudes and Actions v. 11-13

    3. Intruders have a Future Punishment Awaiting v. 14-16
  12. unashamedservant

    unashamedservant New Member

    Nov 4, 2005
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    I preached last night from Acts 2:42.

    The Title: "Steadfast"

    I. Be Steadfast in being a disciple of Truth continually. - "Apostles' doctrine"

    II. Be Steadfast in attending church faithfully. - "Fellowship"

    III. Be Steadfast in taking Communion respectfully. - "Breaking of Bread"

    IV. Be Steadfast in praying to God consistently. - "Prayers"
  13. MikeinGhana

    MikeinGhana New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Luke 14 - Terms of Discipleship

    1. Absolute Love - v 26 (Hate not father and mother)
    2. Total Dedication - v 27 (Bear his cross and follow me)
    3. Ultimate Sacrifice - v 33 (Forsaketh not all)

    Luke 5:1-5 - Three Things That Hinders God's Power

    1. Your wisdom - These professional fishermen knew the fish were not running that day

    2. Your works - They had already been fishimg all night and had hit all the hot spots and taken nothing.

    3. Your weariness - They had just landed, were cleaning their nets, and getting ready to go to bed.

    John 4 - The Samaritan Woman's Three Questions

    1. She questioned the purpose of God - v 9 - Why are you coming to me?

    2. She questioned the plan of God - v 11 - From whence hast thou living water?

    3. She questioned the power of God - v 12 - Art thou greater than Abraham?
  14. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    This week's outline:

    "A Powerful Commission"
    Acts 1:1-8

    1. Built on the Foundation of Christ v. 1-5

    2. Built with the Power of Christ v. 6-8a

    3. Built to Reach the World for Christ v. 8b
  15. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    There is Power in the Word of God !

    1.) For the weak - 1 Samuel 17:40-51

    A. David was physically weaker than Goliath

    B. David had courage for everyday living (vs. 31-39)

    C. Where did Davis Get his courage for everyday living? (Psalm 19:7,8)

    2.) For the weary - Hebrews 12:1-3

    A. Lay your sin aside, both past and present.

    B. Lay your burden aside.

    C. Finish what God has called you to do by Keeping your eyes on Jesus.

    3.) For the witness - Matthew 28:18-20

    A. All power and authority is given to Christ who has sent us.

    B. Be bold

    C. Be Obedient
  16. MikeinGhana

    MikeinGhana New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    What Did Jesus Do In His Last Hours? - Matt 26, Mk 14, Luke 22, John 13

    1. He prepared his loved ones - Pro 22:6; Eph 6:4; 2 Tim 3:15; Deut 6:7

    2. He prayed for God's will

    3. He presented Himself to the Father
    Psa 40:7-8; Rom 12:1

    Life is but a vapor!
  17. PastorBrad

    PastorBrad New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Acts 7:54-60
    Stephen: The Martyr
    “Blessed Assurance”

    As assured Christians we can…

    1. Live a life controlled by the Spirit (55)
    2. Live a life committed to Christ (59)
    3. Live a life with the right attitudes toward others (60)
    4. Live a life that does not end in death (60)
  18. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    This week's outline:

    "A Spirit Filled Church"
    Acts 2:1-13

    1. The Holy Spirit Fills Believers v. 1-4

    2. The Holy Spirit Enables Believers v. 5-13
  19. Hope of Glory

    Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    This one covers three weeks:

    Righteousness or justification is a process; it’s achieved by works; it’s not something that believers have automatically.

    [Hebrews 1:8-12] I want to center our thoughts this morning on verse 9 and in particular the first part of this verse, where it says, “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity…” The word “iniquity” is lawlessness. Lawlessness means simply that you can live like you want and not worry about prosecution, retribution, or consequences.

    [Hebrews 10:26-31] “We” includes the author and those to whom he is writing. This warning is not to unsaved people, but it is to saved who have been weaned from the milk of the Word.

    “Sin”: present, active, plural, participle. The present tense indicates that this sin is actively practiced in the present; it’s ongoing action; it’s durative.

    “Willfully”: The willful sin is a sin that one believes is the right thing to do and that he has the right to do. The willful sin is sin (or sins) practiced by those who are lawless!

    Hebrews 1:9 – The Lord loves righteousness.

    Matthew 5:10 – We will be persecuted for righteousness; has to do with the Kingdom.

    Matthew 5:20 – Emphasis is on entering the Kingdom, not spiritual salvation.

    1 Timothy 6:11 – we have to pursue righteousness! “Follow” is similar to persecute; just like the doctor on “The Fugitive” followed the man.

    2 Timothy 4:7-8 – we have to work for it; it’s a crown of righteousness; not salvation.

    Matthew 5:6 – the hungry will be satisfied. These two basic elements in a human’s life will drive him to do most any thing. If you’re hungry or thirsty enough, you will steal or drink polluted water.

    The Lord loves righteousness! If you live a righteous life, and you do that by living a life that pleases God, the rewards are beyond comprehension. It’s about rewards.

    Hebrews 1:9 – The Lord loves righteousness, but he hates lawlessness.

    Judges 17:6 – Lawlessness.

    Matthew 24:3 – These things concern the end of this age.

    Matthew 24:11-12 – Lawlessness; these are saved people who are practicing lawlessness.

    2 Thessalonians 2:7 – Lawlessness and apostasy have already started.

    Matthew 7:21-23 – First occurrence in the NT of lawlessness. Sermon on the Mount deals with what he loves (righteousness) and hates (lawlessness). These were workers of signs. It’s talking about entering the Kingdom; not salvation. “I never knew you”. I assure you that our God is not dumb; he knows everything; he is omniscient. What he is saying is that I do not recognize you because of your lawless behavior. He tells these that work these signs to depart; not to the lake of fire. These people are not lost. Satan knows that a house divided will not stand. Satan is not casting out Satan; not dividing his house. These people are saved people, and they are doing something that God does not want them to do, and God allows it to happen.

    1 Corinthians 13:8-10 – Signs stop; there were signs at one time (Hebrews 2:3-4; Mark 16:20)

    1 Corinthians 13:11 – Signs are child’s play!

    Romans 6:19 – You can become addicted to lawlessness.

    James 2:24 – We need to become addicted to righteousness. We need to be pursuing righteousness, which is of faith. We need to do something; this is works; this is a process. We need to be justified; we have to pursue righteousness. Faith in and of itself does not make us righteous or justified. Righteousness is achieved through works. We don’t achieve that through being addicted to lawlessness.

    Titus 2:14 – It may seem hopeless, but we are redeemed from that addiction to lawlessness!

    Romans 6:22-23 – We need to be addicted to righteousness. “Being made free from the sin”. There is the definite article “the” before sin in the Greek. Because of the definite article “the” before the word “sin”, and sin being singular in number, it is the sin of lawlessness because of the context and also because of 1 John 3:4.

    1 John 3:4 – (Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law; CLV - Everyone *who is doing [the] *sin is doing *lawlessness also, and [the] *sin is *lawlessness.)

    (Romans 6:22-23 – “And become servants to God, ye have your fruits unto holiness, and the end agelasting life [or life for the coming kingdom]. For the wages of the sin (lawlessness) is death, but the gift of God is life [in the coming Kingdom] through Jesus Christ our Lord”.) The death in this verse is the loss of life in the Kingdom or being told to depart from me ye that work lawlessness. We can have life for the Kingdom age. That is what agelasting [eternal] life is all about. It’s about ruling and reigning with Christ, not spiritual salvation; this is talking about works.

    Matthew 13:41 – The Lawless shall be removed; “they shall gather out of his Kingdom

    Romans 5:21 – In order to be righteous in order to have life in the coming age, grace must reign in our lives. Lawlessness has reigned unto death (thanatos).

    2 Timothy 2:22 – “Flee also youthful lust”. When we were a youth, in 1 Corinthians 13, we were pursuing sign gifts and experiences. We have been redeemed from that. When you continue in the experiences provided by the sign gifts, you have abandoned faith; you are not pleasing the Lord.

    I want to live by faith. I want to love the righteousness which of faith, and I want to hate lawlessness. If I don’t, I will become addicted. If you don’t love righteousness and hate lawlessness, you will become addicted as well.
  20. MikeinGhana

    MikeinGhana New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Three Commendations for the Church at Thessalonica
    1 Thess 1:1-10

    1. Carried Out the Great Commission - "Word of the Lord sounded out"

    2. They exhibited a changed life - "turned from idols to God"

    3. Constantly looked for the return of Christ - "to wait for His son from heaven"