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Camp meetings (overnight or not) around the US?

Discussion in 'Fundamental Baptist Forum' started by Spoudazo, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. Spoudazo

    Spoudazo New Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    The KJV isn't hard to read, unless of course, you never passed 3rd grade.
  2. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    To a person with a reading comprehension problem, like my wife, it is hard.

    My wife was starving spiritually until I introduced her to a NLT... now the scripture comes alive.

    I guess she wouldn't be allowed to come to these all powerful camp meetings would she?

    The ones I've seen are a bunch of preachers patting each other on the back because they have the truth, and others in Christianity need to become more spiritual like them...
  3. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For heaven's sake people! No literally! For HEAVEN's sake! Would you all stop bickering over whether or not someone wants to use the KJV exclusively? Goodness! This isn't even what the thread's about!

    Someone was simply being curious about camp meetings taking place around the US, and yes, many of those camp meetings are being hosted by KJVO people.......hmmmm, maybe they really just want to get the Word of God out there!

    Now, if you believe using other versions is legit, that's your business. But more and more the IFB KJVO crowd is toning their strident voice down, and learning how to speak their message in love....I'm referring to the GOSPEL message, btw.......which version you use is a SIDE issue for most of us! But then I read threads like this and the snobbishness of the other side just comes a-shinin' through.

    You won't go to a meeting if they only use the KJV? Isn't that just as exclusionary as you claim we are being? You won't be thrown out, btw, if you use another version.

    Oh, and since when do preachers refrain from giving their opinions in sermons? Every sermon I've ever heard had some element of "opinion" in it......the good preachers usually differentiate between those things which are not explicitly spelled out in Scripture - but there's going to be some opinion given out anytime anyone speaks on any subject - preaching or not preaching.

    Ya know, FBCPastor'sWife did not really deserve to have her place of camp meeting shot at like that.......she's got a good reputation around here for speaking in kindness and truth. I believe her opinion of a place ought to be given a bit more respect than it was. I know that she has thick enough skin to handle this thread, but I believe I need to stand up for her a bit. I've never been to the camp meeting she mentioned, but I believe that if she recommends it, just based on knowing her around here and reading her posts, I'd give her recommendations more merit.

    Let me tell ya, I just spent a couple weeks AT Hammond FBC....ya know....the "Hyles place".....and it was mentioned there, with chagrin and in humility, that they had come through a time when they had some teachers who believed that they had to shove God down people's throats - force them to do what they believed God would have them do.....and they admitted it turned alot of people off. Now, it takes a big person to admit that.......but there's real change there. I've seen it. Believe it or not, whatever you will, but there needs to be some real change around here, too.

    No wonder I've been staying away from BB lately......when I'm around here too much I get acclimated to all the bickering..........
  4. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Bapmom, don't get mad at me... I was reacting to this post...

    I didn't agree with the preacher's sermon in the link to the camp meeting that was posted.. because all I saw was opinions, and no exposition... sure we include opinions... but not the whole time.
    And I added at the bottom of the post that it was Just my Opinion. lol

    It wasn't even the KJV thing... that didn't even bother me... I am KJVP.
    But it was Spoudazo's post that I reacted to...

    There are a lot of readers on this board that never post, and to say that God's power is only present when the KJV is used is misleading.

    I do want to apologize for my part in this hijack...

    So to get this back on track:
    Are there other Baptist denominations that have camp meetings apart from IFBs?
  5. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Let me publically apologize to FBCPastorswife for criticizing her link...

    I should keep my big mouth shut...

    One day I will learn how...

    I'm sorry.
  6. FBCPastorsWife

    FBCPastorsWife New Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Thanks bapmom! You always have the kindest words to say about me and I always feel so underserving. I try to keep my words in check around the BB because I never know who may be watching/reading. That's one reason I started ignoring posts that openly attack the preachers that I have a sincere love and respect for.

    The man in the video that was linked to by another member is one of my favorite preachers...not because of his style in the pulpit but because I know he is an avid soul winner and has a true servant's heart. He has a love for God and a love for others that I wish we could all attain. Others may feel differently about him but this is just how I feel.

    No problem tiny...
  7. StefanM

    StefanM Well-Known Member
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    Jul 4, 2004
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    I won't go to a meeting if the organizers/speakers claim that all other versions are unacceptable or of the devil, or if they use even more extreme rhetoric. I have no problem if all the preachers simply choose to use or prefer the KJV. However, it is a strong matter of conviction that I "separate" myself in general, if you will, from official meetings that deny my strongly held beliefs about Bible versions.

    And, no, it is not as exclusionary. I know of no users of modern versions who would tell someone who used the KJV that their Bible was unacceptable. We might recommend a modern version because of the updated language or the latest manuscript discoveries, but we do not preach against the KJV.

    I see no reason why I would want to go to a camp that would look down on me for using my NIV or NASB. I may not get kicked out, but you could probably count on one hand (or finger) the number of people who would have a modern version there.

    It's not snobbery; it's conviction. Even so, I have seen enough NIV/HIV tracts to make this issue very important to me. I mostly don't think about it until I'm confronted with the issue, though. Whenever I see the KJV mentioned on a church sign, a logo, the opening sentence on a webpage, etc. the issue comes to mind. I would not support any organization (perhaps other than a Bible publisher!) who listed a version of the Bible on their official sign or logo, modern version or not. I've just never seen it done with a modern version.

    NOTE: I know this sounds slightly off topic, but I thought that I needed to clarify my position.
  8. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Pastor Tiny,

    ya know I can't stay worked up for long.....no matter how hard I try.

    There are just moments............it wasn't necessarily all you, either.

    It seems that, no matter what our "camp" does, seemingly no matter what goals we set, whether it be how many souls saved or a certain amount of baptisms in a year, we are criticized. It's as if we will forever be judged for the vocal, strident minority........and even that is a surface judgement based on snippets of videos or half-sermons. One man says something that really is objectionable, and the whole movement is criticized for it....yet another man says something positive, correct, Biblical, etc.....and the whole movement doesn't get the credit for that - instead (if he is acknowledged at all) he is touted as an exception to the "IFB rule".

    Alright, this last rant I am much more calm and collected.....so I will go sit down in a corner now and think about more camp meetings I might have heard of.

    Didn't Methodists used to do alot of them? I believe my Grandpa-in-law was saved at one like that many years ago.

    When I first read this post I thought it was about summer camp - wouldn't it be nice to have an adult summer camp where all the adults get to do kid stuff just like when we went to camp as kids?
  9. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Yes it would be nice...

    And I know what you are talking about being criticized all the time...

    Imagine being in the ABC/USA...
    No matter what we do, how conservative we are, the homo issue keeps coming up...

    I know what you mean....

    BTW... that's why I love youth camp each summer! I love to act like a kid!
  10. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    That's exactly what my husband would say!
  11. Bro. Williams

    Bro. Williams New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    To answer the methodist question concerning camp meetings: Yes, they did at one time do large tent meetings. One such exampe I can think of is Bud Robinson, for he was saved at one and continued to do them. I don't read a lot of history on the methodists, but I do know this one to be true. Along those same lines, the Wesley's were avid open-air preachers and such resulted in many "spontaneous" camp meetings if you will.

    I also recently read a book about some old presbyterians who did camp meetings in the logging camps up north, they were referred to as "sky pilots" because they said their job was to "pilot souls to the sky".
  12. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Now those are something I think we all would like to see...

    Spontaneous camp meetings in which people get changed and the church is revived....

    Most of the time these are not planned...
    God does it..

    And when HE does it, It is done right!!!

    Thank you :jesus:
  13. Salamander

    Salamander New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    My browser won't play the message, I guess that's what the link is for.

    You mind expressing what you thought wasn't Bible and only an opinion?

    I know Dr. Allen personally and don't think he would allow anything BUT Bible preaching.
  14. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I will PM you as to not further hijack this thread...
  15. Gregory Perry Sr.

    Gregory Perry Sr. Active Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    And another thing

    I have never had the pleasure of attending the Faith Baptist Camp but being from the Greenville SC area I do get to hear the Concord Youth Choir's singing via radio over WTBI (Tabernacle Baptist's radio station).Man'o man them young folks can sing...what a tremendous blessing!! I have also heard Larry Brown preach in person and he is quite a preacher....totally blessed my heart.
    Now Stefan,as to the KJV thing,I'll agree you almost never see an "MV preferred" church advertise their preference but they usually don't have to...they usually simply use the phrase "contemporary worship" to characterize themselves....and that is usually a smokescreen of sorts that announces that MV's are welcome and preferred there...as well as Christian(so-called) rock/pop music...or "praise and worship music",etc. At least with the KJV crowd you know UP FRONT where they stand.And we all agree there are NO MISTAKES or ERRORS in our Bible. Now that is the kind of camp meeting I'd feel trustworthy...but that is just my humble opinion:saint: :thumbs:.

    In Christ's Service,Greg Perry Sr.
  16. dcorbett

    dcorbett Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 3, 2003
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    I thought his sermon was spot on.

    Debbie Mc
  17. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    Oh, come on, this is easy if you know how! :laugh: The real test is, can you eat jello with chopsticks? Or even hard, tofu! [​IMG]
  18. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hey now! My 15 year old LOVES to eat Jello with chopsticks! And she does a great job with it! LOL!

    I have to say, this certainly proves that I live in the armpit of the Christian world - I've never HEARD of modern camp meetings! We've been to Martha's Vineyard where there is a whole little community that grew up out of the camp meetings (of course, now it's sweet gingerbread houses and a summer vacation place - and the services that are held there are quite dead), but other than that, we have nothing like that on Long Island!
  19. Spoudazo

    Spoudazo New Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Ok, as for camp meetings.

    I know there is the Greer Baptist Camp meeting, which I have been to several times, as well as other.

    But more specifically, I like the camp meetings where you just STAY there day in, and day out, and you don't have to deal with the world for a week or two. If it's just night-time revival meeting, you're distracted with work, school, or whatever it might be. When I got to Camp Zion, for example, all I do is go to the services, sometimes eat with the rest in the cafeteria, and for the rest of the time just sit alone musing over personal matters regarding life, stewardship, etc. Something you can't always do in your "comfort zone" at your regular weekly schedule. :)

    It's a sabbatical that refreshes the soul! :type:
    #39 Spoudazo, Aug 6, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2007
  20. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    Tell her I hereby award her the first degree black belt in chopsticks! :laugh: [​IMG]

    More advanced training can be had by practicing moving raw beans from one bowl to another, and increasing your speed. This is a genuine Japanese game, by the way.