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Midwestern Baptist College - Pontiac, Michigan

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by TheWinDork, Sep 17, 2006.

  1. TheWinDork

    TheWinDork New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Anyone that posts in here, ever went there, or go there now?

    I am thinking of taking some correspondence courses through there. :cool:

    Anyone? :confused:

    #1 TheWinDork, Sep 17, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2006
  2. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    My wife is a Midwestern grad from 1977, I believe. The school has been making somewhat of a comeback in recent years, with 72 students' photos on the website. One tool for this is to once again get the Alumni Assoc. going--my wife sent in her check once years ago and they completely lost it!

    The good points are: (1) They are a good preacher's college, and have produced some wonderful pulpiteers in past years. (2) They have tried to build up their faculty level in recent years, so that earned doctorates now far outweigh the honorary ones. However, they don't show on the website where the degrees are from, so who knows. (3) I believe they have also been pursuing accreditation of some kind.

    I'd say, try a class and see if that is what you are looking for in terms of quality and depth.
  3. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    This type of school would be much more honest if called a Pastoral Training Institute or such. It is NOT a conventional "college" (I pastored south of Flint, about 45 minutes north of Pontiac) offering the "college experience".

    What they DID (limited Bible, practical training in hyles-type busing, childrens work, etc) was spot on. But like Hyles Anderson and a hundred other schools, it fits into the Practical Training category, NOT a real college.

    Just my experience with them.
  4. TheWinDork

    TheWinDork New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Dr. Robert,

    Do you know Tom Malone personally, or are you just stating your opinion?

    Also, Do you know, Dr. Golden Blount of the Central Baptist Church (now closed) and Downriver Baptist Temple? :confused:

    Reason I am asking, his Son, Dr. Allan Blount, died of a Massive Heart attack, at age 45, Leaving a wife and 5 kids.... See here, please...: Link

    I agree with you, it is a Pastoral Training College, But they have added a seminary, and they offer a Doctorate in Theology. This is something I'd like to persue after, only thing holding me back, is money! :rolleyes:

    Dr. Tom Malone isn't running the show any longer, He's simply just the founder, Dr. David Karr is running the daily operations now.

    Blessings and Peace My Brother... :praying:

  5. DeafPosttrib

    DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    I used to be a student at that college for 2 years. It have good teachers, I do received intepreters for the classes. They are pretty good theology teachings. Bob is partially correct saying of that college. That is type of Hyles styling. That college use easy believism soul winning. But they failed to discipline baby Christians to growing in the Lord. They left thousands, and thousands astray away from the Lord.

    That college almost closed few times because of finanical tight and lack of number attendance.

    I have nothing against Dr. Tom Malone. He is almost 91 now. I highly admit him, because of his vision, burden, have hearts for young Christians to serve the Lord to reach souls for Christ.

    Today, it faces tough times to go through them as trials because of finanical. Also, Pontiac is a very high crime place. I have been through Pontiac many times. Pontiac covers about 97% of black population. The economony of Pontiac is already in bad shape. Emmanuel Baptist Church(EBC) facing finanical tight. Recently, my friend saw the sign posted at EBC, says, the service used at MBC(Midwestern Baptist College). I shocked. I am concerning of EBC, it might be closed anytime because of attendance decling and lack of finanical budget. EBC is in the wrong place because of high crime and almost full of black population.

    60 years ago, Pontiac was cover of about 98% white population. Now, it is about 97% black population. That's a HUGE difference.

    I do LOVE black people! I really disappoint with white people because of racism and ecomony situation around area of Pontiac today.

    I pray that EBC and MBC, that they should be still alive and remain open by the time, Christ comes.

    If the Lord leads you to attend MBC, then GO FOR IT! Better to obey God's Will.

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
  6. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I thought it was a D. R. E. That's what is on their website, anyway. I don't think they have the scholarly wherewithal to offer a Ph. D. in theology.
  7. TheWinDork

    TheWinDork New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Okay, so I'm an idiot... :tonofbricks:

    But I'm such a Nice guy! :rolleyes:

    I'd still like to take courses there though.
  8. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Go for it--as long as the Holy Spirit agrees!:thumbs: :praying: