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Conspiracy Fact: Every Major Terror Plot In U.S. Was Contrived

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Let's condense your long rambling self agrandizing post to one sentence...

    They assume that they are right.

    PCTs assume that their beliefs are correct and that those who don't see things the way they do have been duped or that they need to open their minds.
  2. Ivon Denosovich

    Ivon Denosovich New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Best. Rebuttal. Ever.

    Presumably reality is comprised of facts (and not much else) so there really isn't "something" else to check 'em against. Which brings me to the whole essence/existence on pragmatism question for you: Specifically, what should John Doe do to prevent A-Z from taking over? Again, specifically please.
  3. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Notice how far they stay away from "the evidence"? They accuse us of not having any evidence yet how would they know this? They refuse to look at it and if they do it's only to scoff.

    Matt is trying to say my opinion is based on one paper. When in fact it's based on years of observation and too many such papers, articles and documents to link to in one thread.

    Yet when asked to look at this mountain of evidence (as I have asked countless times in the past) he like our good friend Carpro simple refuse in order to keep spouting the same old tired cliches and insults.

    Carpro evidently believes in the credibility of his own propaganda so much so that he refuses to post a link so others can see where he gets it from. Why?

    I suppose it's fear of being found out. Is that it Carpro? Are you afraid to show us you still get your information from discredited sources like the Pentagon's "message force multipliers"? :laugh:

    At any rate I'm sure the readers of this thread have noticed that our detractors have only one argument. "You're crazy". That's it! No depth of thought. No real consideration of all the available facts and evidence. Just repeating what the "authorities" say and the corporate media endlessly loops.

    In other words, they have no argument aside from insults and cliches. I reckon they must really believe in keeping it simple. :applause:

    Tuesday May 08, 2007

    NEW YORK -- Six men from New Jersey have been charged in an alleged terror plot against soldiers at Fort Dix, according to law enforcement sources.

    Investigators said the men planned to use automatic rifles to enter Fort Dix and kill as many soldiers as they could at the New Jersey military base. Fort Dix was just one of several military and security locations allegedly scouted by this group, authorities said.
    The Dukas, believed to be Islamic radicals, are in the United States illegally, while Shnewer is a U.S. citizen born in Jordan, according to the Justice Department.

    The U.S. Attorney's office has told NewsChannel 4 that one of the suspects was born in Turkey and four in the former Yugoslavia. Investigators said most of the suspects have spent several years in the United States.

    White House spokesman Tony Snow said Tuesday there is "no direct evidence" that the men have ties to international terrorism.


    The FBI informant paid to infil trate a band of suspected terrorists in South Jersey said yesterday that he offered to organize their attack on U.S. soldiers, but only because he wanted to build trust and find out more about the group.

    "If you appoint me as emir (leader), I should be able to tell you which plan can be done, what can be expected, who should be present and what are the possibilities," the informant, Mahmoud Omar, told defendant Mohamad Shnewer in a conversation after the two men drove to Fort Dix.

    "I am going to be the brain, okay," he added later. "Until now, I don't know about anyone involved in this subject ... except you and I."
    Shnewer's attorney, Rocco Cip parone, highlighted the exchanges as he grilled Omar for a third day, trying to show that the only terrorist conspiracy was one planted and nurtured by the informant SOURCE

    The "terrorists" were convicted. The "informant"?

    By year's end, Omar will have received nearly $240,000 for his help - $185,000 in payments plus reimbursement for $25,000 in expenses and nearly $29,000 in rent.

    Weekly payments of $1,500 began in August 2006, the month Omar went with one of the defendants, Mohamad Shnewer, to check out Fort Dix.

    Anticipating defense attacks on Omar's credibility, a prosecutor asked Stermel about Omar's missteps.

    Among them: He tested positive for marijuana once while on probation; he admitted selling a Social Security number and was caught in a bank-fraud case for which he has not been prosecuted. SOURCE

    Where do I sign up to a paid informant???
    #43 poncho, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  4. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    I have looked at enough of your "evidence" to know this:

    They assume that they are right.

    PCTs assume that their beliefs are correct and that those who don't see things the way they do have been duped or that they need to open their minds.
  5. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    At least I gave you the option to look. Got links yet?
    #45 poncho, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  6. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Conspiracy Fact: Every Major Terror Plot In U.S. Was Contrived


    That's "Every".

    If you had made a reasonable statement, like "some" or even "most", you might have earned some attention.

    As it is, juries across the country disagree with you based on the actual evidence.

    But they've been duped as well, I suppose. and they get the benefit of all the evidence. but of course, they're wrong. They don't buy into your delusional thinking. Why? Their standard for proof is much, much, much higher than yours.

    If you want to be taken seriously, you really need to get a grip. As it is, your over the top CTs elicit nothing more than guffaws and derision.
  7. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    It all seems to be going in one direction doesn't it?

    Since the change of the political party in charge has not made a difference, who’s really in charge? If the particular party in power makes little difference, whose policy is it that permits expanded government programs, increased spending, huge deficits, nation building and the pervasive invasion of our privacy, with fewer Fourth Amendment protections than ever before?

    Someone is responsible, and it’s important that those of us who love liberty, and resent big-brother government, identify the philosophic supporters who have the most to say about the direction our country is going. If they’re wrong—and I believe they are—we need to show it, alert the American people, and offer a more positive approach to government.

    However, this depends on whether the American people desire to live in a free society and reject the dangerous notion that we need a strong central government to take care of us from the cradle to the grave.

    Do the American people really believe it’s the government’s responsibility to make us morally better and economically equal?

    Do we have a responsibility to police the world, while imposing our vision of good government on everyone else in the world with some form of utopian nation building?

    If not, and the contemporary enemies of liberty are exposed and rejected, then it behooves us to present an alternative philosophy that is morally superior and economically sound and provides a guide to world affairs to enhance peace and commerce. Ron Paul

    Peace and commerce or warfare and monopoly?
    #47 poncho, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  8. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Show us how these juries came to their conclusions. Post some links. At least try and prove your point. Any fool can hurl an insult we've proven that enough over several years of butting heads. I'll concide "every" is probably not the case but their are a good many to look at now isn't there?

    But what's the percentage if "every" is not the case? How many of these "terrorist plotters" that were caught acted without the aid of a richly rewarded "paid informant" leading the way, coming up with the plan and even supplying the (fake?) hardware and what not to do the deed?

    Maybe you'd get more attention (and repsect) if you actually acted in the same manner you demand from others.

    I can never count more than a handful of posters ever gaffawing on a regular basis and it's usually the same culprits doing it. Some come and some go of course but in a forum this size a handful is a pretty miserable example of "majority" as you seem to be implying. From the last poll I did on the subject of the NWO it was about 60/40.

    Maybe our friend Matt could make up a poll to his liking and see if the numbers have changed or maybe the two of you could collaberate on one. If things are as you imply and "the majority" is gaffawing at the idea of a conspiracy for a one world order then it shouldn't be a problem.
    #48 poncho, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  9. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    There are a lot of claims about the FBI that are unsubstantiated and nothing more than speculation without foundation.
  10. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Yes and there are alot of documented cases of FBI misconduct. As there are inumerable cases of documented government misconduct and abuse of power.

    Government is force it's not a group of red white and blue saints looking after our well being.

    In fact.

    There is enough documented cases of government misconduct, abuse of power, drug dealing, gun running and generally using the office to gain wealth and power at the people's expense that one could conclude that our founding fathers had it right along.

    And 200+ years on our government is out of control and almost totally corupt.

    The idea that because a few have been accused falsely and without basis the rest of the system is therefore okay and not to be held accountable or questioned is weak at best.
  11. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    I was talking about what is in the article in the op.
  12. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    You object to using informants in this manner? Why?

    I haven't heard of them holding a gun to anyone's head.

    Or will there be another CT about that, as well?
  13. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    Again: Spell it out. I could google 'PCT's' and never come to your use of abbreviations. If you're talking about conspiracy theorist.... you use the term loosely and indiscriminately.

    True, there may be some that this is their obsession. But the vast majority of thinking people will, at times, see disparities in the facts presented and the news reported, and have other questions.

    Seems to me, not long past, you questioned a reporter's brief on sixual misconduct in the military regarding female soldiers. You questioned the truth of the data presented and believed it was a twisted presentation to discredit the military. Are you also a conspiracy theorist..... given your own definition and charge upon others when they present similar questions and opinions?
  14. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    When is a fact not a fact?
    When it is either a lie presented as fact to throw one off from the truth, or it is a fact presented as the whole truth, when more is known or could be known.
    IOW (in other words) a fact may not be as it appears to be, when it is presented to you after being manipulated or filtered by others.

    How do you know what you can believe as true? If it originates in the institutions of man...... you can almost never be sure. If you recognize this is true then it is the most rational position to always be prepared to keep a reasonable doubt.

    Thats why the court oath seems to be a tautology but isn't:
    'promise to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth'.
    The truth... the facts as witnessed by the senses or measured, presented as observed, complete and all, with nothing withheld, and no opinion or personal judgement as to the meaning or interpretation.

    What you accept as fact is almost always an assumption...... not something you know first hand and could swear to under oath as a witness. It is a report given to you from another and you may not know how many levels it passed through or who had the cause or the power to present the truth or withhold evidence or alter it before it reached their hands. You have no way to prove beyond your past observations and gut feeling, what facts may be presented in such a matter as to shape your own impression and you are left to accept the opinions as presented to you by media and/or its sources along with the facts they receive to give you.

    Almost everyone if not everyone, in MSM (main stream media) is obligated to those who own and control the media. Almost all of it is also dependant on commercial support interest. The same people who front the money and ownership of the major networks also control most of the major newspapers in our country and also many major radio stations across our country. These folks at the top also have their own personal alliances with others (policies, politics, philosophies, banking, business and corporate interest, government agencies) who have more to lose if they put the public trust ahead of their own interest. They know where the power is.

    As far as your trust is concerned.....they can almost surely count on it. They also know they can count on having and keeping the majority of the people's trust..... believing what they are told as factual and completely honest, because we (the people) have little else at our own disposal to work from..... Those of us who think and keep asking the questions are but a little annoyance to them and to the members of society which have learned their same behaviors of discrediting, embarrassing, ignoring, or name calling. And should we ever come to a time that a power of leadership is in charge which is willing to do the unthinkable...... they know that by conditioning, the masses will accept their choice to dispose of those pesky annoyances....... as regimes of the past have successfully justified and done with little protest from the majority.
    #54 windcatcher, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  15. Ivon Denosovich

    Ivon Denosovich New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    1) Who are these people?

    2) What do they want?

    3) What can we do stop them?

    Again, specifically, please. :)
    #55 Ivon Denosovich, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  16. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Synagogue Bomb Suspects: The Feds Put Us Up to It!

    Defense attorneys say an alleged plot to bomb New York synagogues was hatched and directed by a federal informant.

    Lawyers for four men from Newburgh have filed a motion to dismiss the terror indictment against them.

    They said the informant badgered the defendants until they got involved in the plot.

    They said the informant chose the targets, supplied fake bombs for the synagogues and a fake missile to shoot down planes. The motion said he also offered to pay the defendants, who attorneys alleged weren't inclined toward any crime until the informant began recruiting them.


    In a separate motion, defense attorneys demanded more information on inducements that the informant may have offered the defendants.

    The dismissal motion identified the government's agent as Shaheed Hussain, a "professional informant" for the FBI. The defense claimed he was directed to visit suburban mosques, find members with anti-American leanings and recruit them to join a fake terror plot supposedly funded by a Pakistan-based group.

    He suggested there could be as much as $250,000 available and the government provided him with a BMW, a Hummer and other cars to make him appear well-funded, the defense filings said.

    The defense alleged that Hussain tried to incite the defendants by blaming Jews for the world's evil and telling them that attacks against non-Muslims were endorsed by Islam.

    Nevertheless, they said, he failed to motivate the defendants to any action on their own. Months went by between meetings, and the filings quote Cromitie as saying, "I'm not gonna hurt anybody" and "The plane thing ... is out of the question."

    Hussain suggested the targets, paid for the defendants' groceries, bought a gun, provided the fake bombs and missile, assembled the explosive devices and acted as chauffeur, the defense said.


    I remember this story cauesd quite a stir in the network media for awhile. When it was first discovered.

    Don't forget to check out all the photos and video of the arrest. They're linked in the article. Big news!

    Wonder how long a paid informant stays employed if he doesn't uncover a terrorist plot?

    Yes I do object to using paid informants in this manner. Many of these paid informants turn out to be former or current criminals working for the man to save their own behinds or take home alot of tax dollars or both for discovering secret terrorist plots?

    The things is, I don't trust criminals. I don't trust common criminals and I don't trust criminals that dress in fancy suits and drive shiney cars. And I sure don't trust anyone that says "trust me I'm with the government".

    I object because chances are if you are a paid informant working for the man to save your own behind or score alot of cash or both you're going to feel pressure to produce a secret terrorist plot.

    Produce = reward

    What's the alternative for these guys if they don't produce? A Cuban vaction?

    And I object to way these "terror raids" are always hyped up and used as examples of how well our "new security system" is working and to scare the good folks into giving up the three things government's love most. More money, more power and more control. There is a mighty suspicious pattern there.

    Whether you care to admit it or not.

    Is the FBI under pressure to produce results? Think it isn't?

    Does the DHS have to have good PR too? Think it don't?

    I object to the way these "terror raids" are hatched and then latched onto by these agencies and portrayed as certain victories in the never ending "war on terror" by the corporate media.

    Only to be forgotten when their sensational scare value has worn out.

    Anyway that's what I object too. Cept for this, I object to the way these stories have been used to turn us against one another.
    #56 poncho, Mar 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  17. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    No problem.

    PCT Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist

    "They" is you.
  18. carpro

    carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    It always comes back to this:

    PCTs assume that their beliefs are correct and that those who don't see things the way they do have been duped or that they need to open their minds.
  19. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    If you are interested in history and conspiracy...... Study first the Bible for it tells of the great conspiracy against God begun against Him and His authority by the Devil, who then inspired rebellion in the hearts of man. Then study the historical accounts of recent wars and events. Follow the rabbit trails of people who appear and reappear, their various connections, their positions of power, money, influence. The interconnections of major changes in society and major changes in law.

    OTOH (on the other hand) for a great study on the founding documents and the principles behind our constitution and the attitudes both in accepting the necessity of government and the cautionary restriction of rule to remain within the control of the people........ I would highly recommend, for starters, "A Miracle That Changed the World The 5000 Year Leap' Principles of Freedom 101" published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies at the web site www.nccs.net .

    No, it is not a book about conspiracies....... but it is a book which will give excellent guidance into the careful thought which went into the making of our government, the respect for law, the supremancy of reliance on God and belief that he directs the hearts of men who seek him; Normally a $20 book in paperback.... it is available in bulk for about $5. for 337 pgs of information.

    Before one can study conspiracy issues, it is well to first have grounding in truth and facts. Another book, I wrote a report on and its posted under the Book section of these forums, THE BROTHERHOOD OF DARKNESS, gives a very readable and easily understood development of important characters of recent history and events and their spiritual persuasions and connections by which they intertwine their positions of power and money and prestige into influence to control the direction of governments and people.

    Armed with these 3, of which I can't overly emphasize the importance of the Bible, as it is The Book of Truth and in it you'll find guidance and through the holy spirit you find direction which will lead you to all truth, you will then be better prepared for discernment in these troubled times to put news in its proper place...... somewhere between fact and fiction in many cases. If, on a message board like this, one can do no more but help others learn how to figure out they've been manipulated..... and to help them become less vunerable.... then it matters not so much to me that our opinions may not always agree regarding a particular event, but that you have armed yourself with tools which help you to think like a free man, rather than a mind controlled by others.

    May God be with you and bless you in the direction He would have you to go.
    #59 windcatcher, Mar 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2010
  20. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    :laugh: The Lord judge between me and thee!:thumbsup: