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An Inconvenient Secret: Video

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by windcatcher, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    This is a long documentary. Pausing it is simple: While browser is open, hit the space bar on the keyboard..... and return at your convenience.
    CAUTION: Content not suitable for young audiences.
  2. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Alex Jones? Good Grieg!
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 4, 2000
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    For those of us without broadband, please describe the content . . .
  4. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Alex Jones... the worlds foremost one world order scare monger put together a video again to make everyone think a one world government is tomorrow and President Bush is part of it. Time for the tin foil hat.
  5. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    Rev. are you being fair to this poster? I am disappointed with your statement. Did you watch the content? Did you see for yourself the documentation and news briefs in the film or are you just shooting down the whole post because of the producer.... and making a ridicule suggesting I wear a tin foil hat.

    Here are some easy and fairly credible sites to begin a study.

    FFollow the money: Most trust Wikipedia.... so here is a list:


    the IMF ,

    the World Bank

    Trilateral Commission

    Council on Foreign Relations

    Google NAFTA, Trans Texas Corridor-TTC, North America Union-NAU, European Union-EU, Trans European Network-TEN, the Maastricht Treaty, North American Forum on Integration... or fina-nafi.org , the Security and Prosperity Partnership-SPP, European Court of Human Rights, European Cour of Justice, Central America Free Trade Agreement- CAFTA, Free Trade Area of the Americas-FTAA. It was under the pomise of free trade and properity that the EU crept gradually into control in Europe... and the same is already proceeding here. Most Canadians don't want to loose their sovereignty and most Americans don't want to loose ours........ but we will as long as some choose to stay ignorant, and others are made afraid to speak out because trusted brethern will ridicule them.... and not get informed to stand with them against the processes.

    Other groups of influence:

    Rockefeller Family
    Rockefeller Influence, Occult, tie to Lucis(aka Lucifer) Trust
    as you read this notice the area of the world, the timing of influence...i.e. before China became Communist, the promotion of population control, and restricted trade to purposely cause death by starvation
    Rockefeller Dynasty, Progression of World/Education/Religion/Philanthropy/Environment/Policy etc Influence

    CIA, Secret Arm of Control:
    Books about, and links pertaining to CIA involvement in shaping Governments, Behaviors in People, Change agents from a moral society

    I just haven't the time to lay more before you ....but any one interested in a scholarly persuit, may either scan through books on end and attempt to sort through disinformation and information.... or keep googling and follow connections.

    Google the names of foundations, environmental groups, lodges, clubs and various organizations which reportedly are set up 'for the good of mankind' and see who sits on the boards.... more important who is of greatest influence or control, who has given most funding, and the sponsorship of persons and corporations...... and as you read through the various available documents.... realized sometimes hidden agendas are cloaked in pleasantly sounding language to hide the real purpose and to appeal to popularity of public acceptance and endorsement.

    I would suggest that any discerning adult who can read with comprehension can check these out and then start their own googling of persons, agencies and corporations and affiliates and get an idea of the web the spider builds even in the houses of kings. But in this documentary, it is put together a bit clearer...

    Oh, and BTW, this is not as much anti-Bush as much as it is a warning..... to beware of government and the shadows which pull the strings behind it..... Too bad you didn't get the message. BTW, the Bilderbergs met in Virginia this summer...... during which time Obama and Clinton had a meeting with each other which was cut short by another appointment for Obama......the media wasn't included .....and it is believed by journalist who follow his camgaign... that he had a brief but possibly 'an annoiting' encounter with Bildeberg Group. Someone on his campaign committee was in attendance at the Bildeberg Meeting. Or perhaps you're a Mason, as is my father, my pastor, and many in the church who see nothing wrong with blood oaths and secret societies, not realizing just what most participate on the level of 3rd degree is very benign and appears moral without understanding the occult influence of the symbols, the rituals, the stories, and the Biblical associations which are taken out of context to confuse and ensnare the weak and unstudied...... how it encourages loyalty without questioning, allegiance before proving.

    Already Europeans are finding that their laws are being dictated by unelected trade officials....acting with power, courts, and policing under the umbrella of the EU without regard to borders and sovereignty within states to be different.... Examples of abuse.... British grocers jailed for selling bananas etc by the pound instead of metric weight, raids on businesses without warrants and interogations without benefit of counsel, Britian forced to allow homosexuality into its military, Germany forced to end its ban on women bearing arms in the military, EU bureacrats from Brussels dictate to parent under what condition they may spank their childre. Under NAFTA, already the judgements of our courts are being superceded by appeals to a NAFTA tribunal, which gets its power from Chapter 11 of the agreement.

    Tinfoil hat.....???????? At least my head still has a brain that is thinking.... not slumbering and avoiding the evidences of NWO........OWNer ship designed to control the people and set in motion for these prophetic times.
    #5 windcatcher, Oct 31, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2008
  6. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Micheal Moore and Al Gore put together a couple of films as well. Editing can create the end of the world. Sorry but Alex Jones is a nutcase.
  7. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Tee Hee, I can't see that video - I'll work on it.

    BTW, that conspiracy starts in one's pocket book (and likely ends in one's heart)

    Look at your $1 bill.

    Speaking of "New world Order".

    Look at the back (green side) of your US$1 bill.

    Look at that left picture of the pyramid.
    Check out the logo below the pyramid:


    That is written in Latin.

    'SECLORUM' is the Latin word from which we get
    the English world 'secular'. 'Secular' started out as
    a word that meant 'worldly' as opposed to
    the clergy which was supposed to be 'other worldly' ;)

    'ORDO' the the Latin word from which we
    get 'order': a ranking, or organization, or set.

    'NOVUS' is a Latin word from which we get 'new'.
    (it really is, look it up)

    Roughly then we find:

    NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM = New World Order

    Wikipedia says at:


  8. windcatcher

    windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    Personally I don't care for Alex Jones. He's too much 'in your face' just like others of his ilk, and throws the baby out with the bath water if a call in to his show disagrees on one point, and he uses attrocious music, he suppresses the exposure of Catholicism and the Pope in unholy liasons and NWO agendas, and borders on the vulgar if not obscene. Besides, I can only pick up his program on the internet... which I never bother. I'd rather listen to VCY America's Crosstalk which I get in this area. Nevertheless, this documentary, imo, has more information and is on target for what people should know about the world in which we live and the influences behind our leaders.

    We can elect a good man, based upon principals and/or party, but not understand, we must continue to support him and take an informed interest in the influences surrounding him and the influences upon our representatives and senators in passing laws. If we do not keep them informed about our concerns, and the passage of laws, then we are not actively participating in our form of government, nor standing against the more powerful influences which pressure them with money, the promise of power, and already have their propaganda machines running on full tilt.

    Hey, just because we don't like a personality or another's approach and technique....doesn't mean we should write them totally off the map.