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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well another LONG week is over and it was just 4 days. LOL Jim has to work tomorrow and late tonight. Hope we can catch up on SOME sleep!

    Cindi, how about some pictures of your room? I'd love to see it! It sounds really neat. I'm not doing scenery for each location. The 4 year olds all think THEY live in Georgia but the rest of us live somewhere else.

  2. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I am signing off for tonight folks. I think I'll be sleeping in the recliner tonight. Everytime I get up, my toe starts bleeding profusely. The pain isn't pleasant either...

    Dr. asked me if I wanted some pain medication and I said I'd call her if I thought I needed it. I may call her tomorrow if it hasn't lessened.

    Pleasant dreams all!

    §ue (knows how Dr.B. feels)
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Sure hope that bleeding stops during the night Sue and that you don't have so much pain. I told you about me having my little toenail done but I have very tiny feet and very tiny toenails so such a small area!

    Also, hope Dale is taking it easy and making sure to follow directions for his rib!

    Hope Brent enjoys his time away at church camp! I'm sure you'll miss him but it'll give you some 'healing time'.

    We're heading to bed soon also. I'm exhausted! I don't yet know which days I'll have the baby and his sister but Ty returns to 5:45 on Monday. I put him back down to bed tho and he sleeps well. No more brothers! My friend, Tracey, is going to start Monday keeping them year round. She's dealt with children who have special emotional needs and serious behavior problems. She also has no other kids other than her own right now so can devote plenty of time to their behavior modification needs. I got called the 'b' (female dog) word 10 times today by the 3 year old.

    Nick and his new friends are having a 'wet' party tomorrow if the weather holds out! Slip and Slide, wading pool, water balloons and guns, etc. I'll have a chance to meet the parents. Nick's already asked and they are NOT Christians and said they aren't interested in 'going to church to learn about God'. Nick's quite our little witness. [​IMG] He's thinking Bible School might just be the 'ticket' to get them involved. [​IMG]

    Okay, going to curl up against hubby and purr like a kitten. He'll probably start sneezing. LOL

    Sleep well and God keep you all safe!

    John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Well, it's been a strange day around here. This morning it was cold and rainy. Then it started clearing up some around 2pm. It got to 83. Now it's back down to 70 with some light winds.

    Viv and I had our grocery shopping done by 11 am and were back home by 11:30am. Was glad to get that stuff out of the way. Had to go into Bell Buckle to the Post Office to get our mail from the Box. Good thing, too. Someone has been getting into boxes around here again. The town just a few miles away (Unionville) is a haven for meth labs, mary jane farms, and money laundering. We try to stay out of there as much as possible, but during the later part of the week and the weekends, the riff-raff comes a calling! One of our neighbors had his window broken the other night while he was at work, and he's putting in a security system this weekend. But, I know God is in control here, so I'm not too worried. We take all the right precautions, lock the doors and windows all the time and use the air at night. We are going to get a pistol and a shotgun, though. Viv says she'd feel safer with one of each, and I think I would, too.

    Well, all...have a great night!
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Tony, you need both a security system and the guns. You know you gotta have someone there to pick up what's left of whoever is dumb enough to break in while you and Vivian are home! Security foks can have 'em in route while the two of you take care of business. Eh? ;)

    Diane, I've got some "behaviour modification" techniques I'd be willing to share with the mother of that three year old. We'd modify adult behaviour first! Kids just don't pick that up from TV alone. (Experience speaking here. My kids heard/hear all kinds of thing on TV and from certain adult relatives who shall remain nameless, but they would never use that kind of language to an adult. Aweful, dire things happen to little children in my house who even think about it)

    Diane, my room really isn't anything special this year. I've done much better in years past. It is totally different than what I had planned. The "campsite" consists of paper trees and picnic table taped to the walls and a "campfire" also made of paper.

    My room is a big room that has a bunch doors leading into other smaller rooms that we're not going to be using. So I decided that five doors made five destinations. (there are actually more doors than five but it's hard to explain)

    Between two doors on one end of the room is the Washington monument(slightly crooked) soon to be surrounded by other landmarks printed off the internet. Chicago is represented on the next wall past the door in the corner, by a huge baseball. It also has nice selection of Chicago landmark pics.

    The next door (in the middle, how convenient) is Lebanon KS. Not many pics there but I intend to add some general pics of Kansas Sunday. Yellowstone had lots to choose from so it's door is nicely covered. I'm still working on the Knott's Berry Farm door which is on the first door of the third wall. They had a nice map on the internet of the park, but I need T to show me how to blow it up bigger(much bigger).

    The other corner of third wall where it meets the fourth wall is the campsite. The fourth wall is unbroken except for bulliten boards. One board is very long and is our RV.

    My Precious and two of her friends made and/or hung at least 2/3 of this. Even though the room still looks bare I'm not doing much else. The turmoil over our preacher's dismissal/resignation is showing up everywhere. I was supposed to be taking a year off from VBS this year and my heart really isn't in it. But we are sooo shorthanded that I just couldn't not teach when asked. I hope the Lord blesses tired, almost burned out giving. If it wasn't for the girls we wouldn't have the decorations we have.

    Hopefully, I'll fill in the blank spots Sunday afternoon. If it does turn out to be something I don't mind the world seeing and I can figure out how to download the camera, maybe I can email you some pics. I'm just not technically oriented. :confused: [​IMG]

    Well ya'll've had my missive for the night. See ya tomorrow.
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Well, between trying to sleep in the recliner, keeping my foot on the pillow, and Oreo jumping up and down on me, my night was not very pleasant!

    I'm not really having much pain this morning and I'm thanking the Lord for THAT! It will be much better once it stops bleeding...

    It rained last night and is forecast for the next few days. I sure hope it doesn't rain in Iowa while Brent is in church camp there next week.

    Brent will be making the five dozen cupcakes this morning while I sit at the table and give instructions. I'm still not sure how I'm going to get that many out to the church - sure can't stack them...

  7. Rosemary

    Rosemary New Member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    May I jump in here and tell you I am new and want to learn how to get around on BB. Have a question please, how do I post of picture of myself? Do I email it to one of the managers or is there another way. Thanks in advance
  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Rosemary and welcome to the Coffee House AND the BB! I hope you'll become a regular poster.

    Once you have 100 posts, you send the picture you want, in your profile, to Webmaster and he will put it up for you.

  9. Rosemary

    Rosemary New Member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    thank you so much for your help Sue! I will do that!
  10. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy and blessed Sabbath morn to all. With possible rain showers over night (did not happen) I worked all evening on mowing, trimming the hedge, etc.

    The next day (now) I pay for it, as my feet and legs suffer. But the physical work is a BLESSING since I am not wheel-chair bound (or dead). So as I "sweat with the oldies" I am actually THANKFUL for the opportunity to work.

    Now must focus on finishing my Sunday sermon and preparing for a wedding up on the mountain Sunday afternoon. And wait for the bride to get home with her "garage sale loot" - she takes Friday and Saturday mornings off in the summer because she enjoys garage saling so much!
  11. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Sue, I sure hope your toe heals up quickly. You've had a rough year of it, haven't you? God bless you, Dale and Brent!

    Rosemary, God bless you and WELCOME! [​IMG] Hope you'll feel welcomed here!

    Dr. Bob, blessed Sabbath morn to you, also, my friend. I would love so much to finally learn about my Hebrew heritage, but some of the Jews in this area are so secretive. The closest temple is in Nashville, and I'm not driving an hour to go there on Friday...ESPECIALLY in Nashville! Wonder if there's a Hebrew scholar or Rabbi around? ;) Want to learn more in conjunction with Judeo-Christian teachings to better help me understand. Any suggestions, my friend?

    Well, it's been a hot day so far. It's up to 85 here and going strong. We've got to mow around and weed the garden, put up stakes for the tomato plants, and transplant some other items. I've got to try and get some stuff moved into the house soon and also get rid of some of these boxes. Also have to take the newer riding mower apart and order the parts. That's going to be "real fun", but it has to be done.

    I pray all here have a blessed weekend.

  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    It's a sunny afternoon here in Villa Rica and 82°. Nick is on a slip and slide and having a water gun fight with a bunch of neighbor kids. I walked down for a while but they're all in full sun and it's HOT just to stand around. Nick's got on a t-shirt with his swim trunks but the other kids will probably get burned up!

    I've not accomplished much at all today. I've got a tummy ache that comes and goes. I think I probably swallowed a lot of air yesterday dealing with the brothers. I tend to do that when I'm tense and then have heartburn or intestinal pain later. :eek:

    I really would love to have it a little easier. Can I whine for a minute? No vacation again this year (I think it's been 10 full years) and since our daughter took a new job, another year that they won't come this way. Jim worked a part time job nights back at Easter and finally was outright told today that the production didn't make enough money and he's not getting paid. That's $500. we had really expected. Another local 'chrisitan' group..... We're too trusting and too nice. That's all there is to it!

  13. bloodwashed

    bloodwashed New Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Hello everyone I hope you day is going well.Sorry to hear about you toe hope it gets better.It's so good to talk with other of God's people It makes me feel good all over.
  14. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Welcome, bloodwashed! Pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee, Dr. Pepper, Coke, cuppa and a danish or candy bar! There are other goodies around and you're welcomed to them too! [​IMG] Enjoy!

    Diane, I don't think that's considered "whining". I believe it is a legit complaint! Viv and I used to do things for "christian" groups that promised to pay a certain amount....time and time again, it never translated into the money promised and sometimes no pay at all. So, we finally just started saying no, or getting the agreement in writing. We found that working for worldy organizations is usually more honest, and that's truly a shame. Just our experience...others may have had a different experience.

    I believe it was on this COMMON GROUND thread that I stated that I had worked for the developer for free for a few days to have the opportunity to witness to him. He's offered to pay, and has mowed part of my lawn. I hadn't seen him for a week yesterday, and I called to see if he was ok. He said he was and that next week he'd probably be over to the two houses beside us and would need help. Either way, I pray he's seeing a better example of Christianity than his neice who goes to our church gives. He is really put out with her "test-LIE-money" as he calls her representation of Christ. That was one reason I had refused to take money from him. I mean, he could afford to pay me being a millionaire, but, he was impressed I took nothing. I pray God really starts working in his life. Please pray with me that the Lord will bring him to Himself.

    Well, I'd better say night for now. Got a lot of things to do before church tomorrow. Ya'll behave!

  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Thanks Tony. We've seen this so often the last few years. No wonder the world devalues Christians. :(

    I'm wondering if I'm going to have to change my phone number! Our 28 year old son changed his cell phone number because of the number of 'what ya doing' calls eating up his minutes, but used my HOME phone to call 86 people to tell them he was changing his number and not giving out the new number. YIKES. One dude named James Brown has called here over 30 times this afternoon! I've just let the machine get it and I can't understand what he's saying. I know he works with Jon but good grief! My phone has rang constantly for 2 days! ONE was for me!!
  16. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Uh, I would be suggesting a second line! ;)
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    He'd already called them all and then told me! I asked why he didn't just let them find out when they tried calling. Now they all have me on their caller ID. Ug!

    He never gets calls here, Tony. Well, once in a blue moon maybe because he works nights and someone who knows us will call and ask me to give him a message when he awakens.

    I turned on the fax machine so now James Brown is getting that noise when he calls. LOL
  18. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good for you!

    Sometimes when I would get calls over and over again from my ex-SIL's creditors, I would answer, "You've reached "The Coven"! :eek: [​IMG] Sacrifices :eek: :eek: will be held beginning at 11:50pm on the 13th. Please, bring your own animal, or...whatever!" YIKES!!!!

    It stopped the calls for a while! It was funny though to hear the gasps on the other end through the answering machine! I wish I could have seen their faces!
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all:

    Welcome bloodwashed! I think you will enjoy our little 'getaway' from the debate forums...

    I used to make up, and sing, 4-line songs and put them on my answering machine. I didn't get many call backs. LOL

    I am going to try and sleep in the bed tonight. I'm sure if I turn over and hit my toe, I'll wake up. :rolleyes:

    My Pastor called tonight to inquire about my toe and told me he didn't care if I came to church barefoot as long as I came (and I may have to). :eek:

    I am taking my library book and hitting the sack.

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue [​IMG]
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    OUCH! Night Sue! Sure pray you don't stub that toe. You didn't say if the bleeding had stopped but I'm guessing it has. Nothing hurts worse than a sore toe!

    Great One Tony! LOLOL If I don't know who is calling... I don't answer the phone. I knew this guys name because of the 'singer' and hearing Jon call him by name. This fella just wanted to call out of work on a lie and wanted Jon to work for him.