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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Well, it is certainly time to say "Good Night".

    I have been so busy today doing the usual Monday chores and preparing letters to former customers that I have some paintings for sale. I am more interested in advertising my friend's business so I hope it works.

    Muffin was very nervous today. Not sure what was going on, but after awhile when he acts nervous, it makes me wonder if I should be nervous about something.

    I did discovered today that it is even dangerous for me to go to my own mailbox. It is dangerous to cross the sidewalk in front of my own house.
    Just as I was getting my mail and ready to cross the walk, this silver bullet shot by...no it wasn't really from a gun...it was a kid on a motor scooter. I am so very THANKFUL that the kid didn't hit me. I have been worried about running over these kids with my car. I never thought about them hitting me as a pedestrian.

    I don't know what the city is going to do about this problem, but now we will have to be very, very careful when we back out of our driveway.

    Anyone else having this problem in their town or neighborhood? I'm wondering to whom I should complain...the police, city council? Probably nothing will be done until someone is hurt or killed.
  2. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well, from my experience, the police will write a ticket for an unliscensed kid on any gas powered anything that is being driven on a city street.

    If it is electric powered on the other hand, there doesn't seem to be anything they can do.

    Hope this helps.
  3. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Karen, we used this quite a lot when we had a C-A-T, you know, one of those pesky, feline like critters, in the house! LOL It worked really well.
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    It's 77 here with a heat index of 83 already. It's supposed to be another hot one! I'm ready for the fall and winter to be here. Though it's the worst time for my ears, I still love to watch the leaves turn and the snow flurries when we get 'em.

    They changed Viv's hours back over the weekend and didn't bother to tell her. She went in at her regular time today. Hopefully she'll be doing the same tomorrow and the rest of the week. We're ready to go to Louisville this coming weekend. But, we decided to come back on Saturday and I'm going to go ahead an preach along with the other two preachers during the fifth Sunday sing. God didn't tell me I could take a vacation just because things got a little hairy lately. Guess I just needed to be reminded of whom I needed to be depending upon and where the strength to live the Christian life really lies. I'm ashamed of myself as a preacher for not keeping that fact in mind.

    I'm hoping to get some things done in the house today. Though it's not too bad, it's not as clean as I'd like to see it.

    Ya'll have a wonderful day, and stay cool and hydrated. This heat is a killer!

  5. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is 82º already, but the high is only supposed to be 88º! We only have a 30º chance of rain, so I doubt we'll get any, but the next few days are supposed to be in the high 80s so I am thankful for some relief from the 100º weather we've been having...

    Brent, Michelle, and I will be running errands this morning that I have been putting off because of the heat.

    §ue [​IMG]
  6. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Karen, we used this quite a lot when we had a C-A-T, you know, one of those pesky, feline like critters, in the house! LOL It worked really well. </font>[/QUOTE]T is right, Karen!!! Cause the C-A-T to make an exit----and fleas will scoot right behind!!!! [​IMG] No Cat = no problem!!
  7. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Amayan to thayat, BB! I cannot stand them thar critters! Glad to see them go. Love the annual mouse hunt with the pellet gun! [​IMG] Not huntin' kitties allowed!
  8. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Oh man...82 degrees and almost 90 heat index already at 7:30am. YUK! It's supposed to reach 103 today with a heat index of 110+. Don't know if I'm gonna be able to stand all this heat. The power grids here yesterday were pretty weak and unstable. Hope they aren't that way today. You'd think the TVA would have better power grids, but they don't. They are SOOO outdated.

    Time for some cold iced tea! See ya'll. [​IMG]
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Yep! Gonna be another hot one today. I'm going to get out early and clean up the car. I need to run the steam cleaner over the carpet and upholstery while it is hot enough for it to dry quickly. Have to drive to B'ham this evening and don't want no wet seats!

    The kids are all peacefully sleeping so far this morning. I hope we have a better day today than we did yesterday. Precious ended the day with the throwups, like I hadn't done enough already. Why do you suppose it's always the Mama that has to clean up the mess?

    Blackbird, you been breathing to many of those fumes I warned you about last night. Kitty cat wouldn't have fleas if those big shaggy dogs out in the yard didn't give 'em to her!

    I think I have the problem pretty much under control. Bengal flea spray and a good vacuum takes care of the problem. I still need to spray the kids rooms but will wait till just before we leave this evening to do that. Precious seems to be sensitive to insecticides and always has a bad day the next day after I spray(or the bug man sprays).

    I'm getting to work before it gets to hot....see ya!
  10. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good Morning, everyone! No flea problem, thank goodness! Just watering grass, but it doesn't seem to keep it from dying.

    The motor scooters, I think, are electric and for the most part they are riding them on the sidewalks, but I had never seen one go as fast as the one yesterday. I know this has been discussed at city council meetings and I am not sure what they can do. You know we have people who need motorized wheel chairs to get around and we certainly don't want to ban or ticket them.

    I am trying to train myself to look both ways when I cross my sidewalk. I thought about blocking the sidewalk, but then they would just go in the yard. I will just have to be more careful, but parents need to warn their children of the dangers.

    See you all later in the day, I'll off to paint.
    I'm working on a clown so that will make me happy. He is a happy clown.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    MK, I complained to the "bugman" that I was having allergic reactions to the spray and he uses something else that doesn't have an odor at all and is safe for pets, etc. Not sure what it is, but talk to the "bugman".
  11. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    We are happy to have survived the storm last night!

    We had a small squall line cross Wyoming out of the western mountains (Grand Teton/Wind River). It hit the moist warm air that's been hanging over Casper about 5:30 pm last night. And we lived in a hurricane for an hour.

    Amazing. Debris everywhere, trees down. We had so much water that it flood the streets, up over the curbs and covering our front lawn. Then hail. Wind 65-75 mph. Looked like the scenes from the Gulf of Mexico.

    Our main street running down was a torrent - all the manhole covers blew as water came UP out of the storm drains that were overfilled. All the viaducts under the railroad and I-25 were 5' deep water. Hundreds of cars flooded and abandoned.

    Power went out (duh) and came back for us at 7:30. Son (whose family is in Illinois where they have bad weather) came over to check on us. Ate cheese and ham roll-ups in the dark instead of grilling out that we had planned!

    We were not the hardest hit area of town. Areas near the airport (8 miles) were nailed. Buildings down, people trapped in wreckage. And six boaters on the river are missing. Airport shut down. - Glad we flew in the same time on SUNDAY and not last night!!

    At 11 pm I called to see about cable (internet/tv) and they said still 1500 homes w/o power. Got cable up once the power grid was back up around town (5 am).

    So now shovel mud off the driveway. 48F, cloudy, sprinkling rain and little traffic. Many lights still out and debris all over.

    Ugh. We survived. Gives great sympathy to the hurricane people. And no confidence in our weather service and their "little squall line" with "30% chance of rain".

  12. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Glad to know you survived, Dr. Bob! Aren't you glad you weren't a part of the earthquake in that "other" state...MONTANA!~ LOL
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Cindi, it looks just like a canker sore that never ulcerated! A blister with a yellow center. No discomfort.
  14. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    See your dentist ultri regularily!!!! Your "Undertaker" only once!!! Then again---you can't really, really get to know your undertaker, can you????
  15. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Well, well, if it isn't Dr. Bob and Blackbird!
  16. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    blackbird, I certainly hope I don't know my undertaker. My in laws knew theirs, and it wasn't a friendly relationship. I'm pre-arranging me funeral, but by long distance. I don't want to meet the undertaker...period. :eek:
  17. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    LOL, just dig a hole and roll me in it! No need for an undertaker. [​IMG]

    Dr. Bob, glad you made it through the storm. For some reason it's alway the "little" ones that cause the most problems.

    Thankful, our bugman uses that too, but occasionally he has to use the stronger "stinky stuff". We have pine bugs(think huge cockroaches) that given half a chance would over run the house. The whole neighborhood has them seeing as whoever developed this neighborhood thought it would be a ducky idea to bury the trees and brush instead of carting it off. We have lots of termites too.
  18. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    I'm less interested in the undertaker than I am in meeting the Uppertaker.

  19. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    The Uppertaker - He's my Lord, there is no other One, Who can calm the storms of life like my Lord!!!

    Good to 'see' you Dr. Bob. Glad you survived the storm.

    It's hot down here, too.
  20. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    It's STILL hot here and the mom of the 3 kids was begged by work to come in even late so she did. MacKenzie is covered in what looks like Chickenpox. All the children have had the vaccine so even if they catch it, it'll be a mild case.

    It's so hot, I wonder if MacKenzie's chickenpox will hatch? She doesn't seem to feel bad ...

    I've decided I have a gingival cyst and having the doctor opening it probably will take care of it. I found a picture on the internet of what it looked like (only theirs was bigger) and it said just excision was generally enough.