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Common Ground Coffee House #98

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 8, 2006.

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  1. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    You need to start making a list of other parents/etc. and their phone numbers for when Brent is in activities.
    I truly expect a whole bunch of people would gladly pick him up rather than have you drive with an oxygen tank or him stay home.

    Get well,

  2. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Hello there! I have been up and about for a long time now, but I don't always trouble to post.

    I read about everyone's ails and want to run for the hills. Then, the more I read, the better I feel.

    It turned really cold here to-day and overnight. We even lit the woodstove, and glad for that. It is not very often I have to run for winter coat on the 10th of June.

    I am still having some difficulties reading a few posts. It is a sorry thing that the BB has given the option on size of type for posts. It just further restricts where I can post and take part in the convesations. I sure wish the Anglicans had a chat or forum where I could post.

    Cheers, and keep looking up,

  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks, Karen and I hope to do that, but we just joined these groups and I have not met anyone.

    The fishing derby was canceled for today because it is cold, windy, and raining, so he may be able to catch that one next week.

    I am hoping to be off the oxygen sometime next week so things can get back to normal around here. I've got things to do!!!
  4. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    That'll be nice for Brett, if they schedule it when he can go!

    I'm writing up a paper on a play. It was supposed to be about our experience at the play, but I rented it on DVD instead. So now I guess I have to explain all about my drive to and from Blockbuster and then back?

    Hope everyone's having a good day. I'm getting very sick of looking at the computer screen this week!
  5. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Gina: I'm getting tired of the recliner and tubes up my nose this week. I'll trade you!

    The homeschooler's picnic was canceled today also, so maybe we'll be able to attend both of them next week!
  6. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Hello Folks,

    I may have ya both beat . . . I was on Prednisone for 6 weeks about 3 1/2 years ago. Started out with about 6 pills the first few days, then tapered down to 1 a day for the last two weeks.:eek:

    The Dr told me to take them as early in the day as possible. Still didn't sleep very much.
  7. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Evening Gang,
    Sorry you're having it so ruff Sue.We'll keep praying for ya.
    I cancelled my fishing trip too, just felt too tired & sore from work I guess. Spent the day working on this machine (to no avail) & playing with BH.
    I bought a stuffed dog bout twice her size & she LOVES it!!I told Agee I'll get a huge one for her & she can make her a nest in it. We quit putting the Dr Pepper boxes in cause the ink on the box kept turning her belly red!
    Agee was eating bannana puddin' the other day & when she finished she put the bowl in the cage....ever seen a yellow squirrel??? But she had a time lickin' the bowl & then gettin a bath!!
    Well gotta run & tuck my Honey in....ya'll have a good nite!
  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It was a very short restless night in the recliner. I haven't been up long enough to know how I feel yet... I do know that I still have that awful wheezing in my chest and an unproductive cough. I'd think those would be gone by now with all the meds, ect.

    I go see the doctor in the morning, so maybe I'll know more by then...

    I'm going to drink a glass of water, take more meds and try to get a little more rest before waking Brent up for Sunday School.

  9. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Another chilly day in the northland, folks. They may have put the snowploughs away too early this year!

    Keep your chin up, Sue.

    Well, only an hour to get ready for church. It almost takes me that long to get my shoes tied. One time I like that clergy collar,,,,can't imagine having to knot a tie....that would be another half hour just dressing...


  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is 52º right now, with sunny skies (when the sun comes up) and an expected high of 78º. That is my kind of weather!

    I only have three more days of Prednisone! Yea! One would think, with all the meds I've been on lately (including antibiotics) that I would be well by now, but I'm not.

    I still have that Bronchial dry cough (with all the oxygen). It will be interesting to see what the doctor will hand down today.

    He did suggest I stop by the Post Office and pick up a temporary 'handicapped' application so he could fill it out and send it in. That way when I am ABLE to get to a store again, I won't have to push my oxygen tank so far and get out of breath.

    With the government working as slowly as it does, I doubt I will get the sticker back before it expires!

    Time for meds and a breathing treatment.

    (And some decaf coffee).

    §ue [​IMG]
  11. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    It's been quite foggy and warm here this morning.

    Got the results from my visit to the oncologist/hematologist. At this point, though not totally ruling out leukemia, they are not thinking it is the cause of the anemia.
    My red blood cells are supposed to be "sized" at 96, but they are at 60...far too small. On top of that, there are far too few of them. So, I go for a 1000cc infusion of red blood cells and iron on Thursday afternoon, and then a second one around 4 weeks later. If these don't correct the problem, or don't show any sign of progress, then they will start testing bone marrow. So, it was good news, at least to me! :)

    It's been very hot here of late! 96 yesterday and around the same today. I'm ready for the cool weather to come back already!

    Sue, I know about that COPD stuff. Though I'm not on oxygen, I have been. 50 Ft of tubing might not be the most convenient thing, but, it's a GOOD thing, especially when you need it.

    Well, I've got to try and get some sleep. I was up all night off and on.

    Be good, Be kind, Be careful
  12. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Good stormy morning to all!

    It stormed all night last night.

    I had the weirdest dream. Seems Ron and I had a little girl as a third child and I couldn't remember her name. Everyone else kept calling her
    Shannon. Brandon and Joe were younger than they are currently and they had just got home from something church related and I made Brandon's twin bed up with king sized sheets. They were all going off to church to see Shannon be baptized and I didn't know anything about it . . .

    I have dreams like that all the time. No wonder I'm always tired.

    Now today, I've got to write! Paper due tomorrow and all I've done is the research.

    Coffee's good :D
  13. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning everyone!

    You'd think that after vacationing for a week, I'd be rested and full of energy. It ain't happening!!!! I don't believe anyone has any energy, this morning. The kids haven't hardly moved this morning.

    I just realized I never came here and told folks bye before we left. I was going to, but life got in the way. Cassie went on her cruise with the grandparents(hmph, they never took T and I on a cruise! :( ). She was to get back last Saturday at noon, which supposedly would give me time to wash her clothes and repack them so we could leave on Sunday. Well, she got back, 4 hours late, but her suitcase didn't return with her! We spent Saturday evening buying the child a new wardrobe. (instead of packing)

    We did leave on time and it only took 15 hours to drive from here to DC. Only got lost once in DC. Stayed till Thursday and walked the kids to death visiting museums and memorials and such. Then drove down to NC and visited with T's sister for the rest of the week.

    Good week all in all. No migraines or arthritis flares for a change!

    This week is back to the same old stuff. I'm about to start reorganizing the house (think cleaning closets out of stuff that hasn't been touched in a year, reorganizing the attic and garage), and hopefully will soon finish cleaning up the back yard. We got us a new chainsaw so things back there are quickly getting trimmed up or cut down.

    Matter of fact, I need to get started! I only have 5 suitcases full of clothes to unpack and launder.

  14. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    MK's got a new chain saw!! Need any help?
  15. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Oh my goodness, NO! Not if your idea of "helping" construes taking down the good stuff with the bad.

    I HAVE that kind of help! The kids used to come running to tell whenever T or his dad got out the chainsaw cause they cut down so many of my good bushes.:eek: I have horror stories.

    The funniest one was when T's dad came in and told us he'd gotten the honeysuckle out of the holly bush. He'd gotten it out alright. He cut the bush to the ground!

    No unsupervised chainsaw use around this house! And T's dad isn't allowed to "help" around here anymore. His ideas of what should stay and what should go somehow always end up being the opposite of mine.:mad:

    However, thanks to judicial use of the new chainsaw, I should have the backyard completely cleaned up and fixed so that all that has to be done is the mowing for a while. :thumbsup: It's been two whole years since I've been able to that.
  16. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Looks like I'll be staying on my side of the Mason-Dixon then..... unless Brother Blackbird needs some help harvesting corn....
  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Come on over, padre. I've got 5 stumps that need grinding out...

    I went to the doctor and am feeling much better. I get to sleep without oxygen tonight, but I am to keep it right by my bed - just in case. Woo Hoo!

    Brent went to a Boy Scout meeting at the park and then they are going to play "Capture the Flag". He should be ready for bed when he gets home!

    Pleasant dreams all!
  18. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Sue, PLEASE wear it anyhow! If you're allowed to go without, make it waking hours.

    I was taking a medication once that made me very sleepy. While on it, I quit breathing in my sleep. I knew I wasn't breathing, and I remember thinking to myself that I should, but I was so tired I didn't want to wake up enough to do it.

    Especially with you taking meds, you're gonna be tired, and your brain doesn't work right when you're tired, so if you really need it and you're super tired, you might not wake up enough to get to it, plus if you're not breathing good enough anyhow, your brain will be extra foggy.

    I remember laying there urging myself to remember my kids, that I had to wake up and take a breath, that it was worth it for them. And I did.
    But I'll never forget that...I was horrified the next day to think of how messed up that was.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you're gonna test how you do without it, don't make it when you're sleeping!

    Tell me you won't, ok? You can nap without it during the day when someone is there and awake to check on you.
  19. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    ok people. i thought i'd make an announcement about this... haha. i feel pride coming on... nah. jokin with ya.

    i'll take a chai tea latte to go. go where? oh... to celebrate this 1000th post by going to sleep! yeeaah!

    umm... yah.
    God bless!
  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Gina, I kept my oxygen on and right next to the bed, but I didn't have to use it. I also had my cell phone on my nightstand in case I had to call 911. I'm taking Prednisone which is NOT condusive to sleeping so I wasn't much worried about not waking up!

    It was hard getting to sleep and I didn't sleep really well because it was different and a little scary, but I slept better than I have for over a week. It felt good just to be able to stretch out...

    Brent will be gone to church camp all next week while I'm taking tests at the hospital. That is a good thing because I will be able to sleep throughout the day should I need to, but I'm sure gonna miss him...

    Time for coffee...
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