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Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by JasonF, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Welcome on board the Baptist Board.

    When we stand before Jesus, you will find out that
    this is a direction that GOD WILL TAKE Someone!!

    God bless them.

    Baptists are the go-to for learning about How God Saves Souls and ALL ABOUT obtaining a Home in Heaven, in the Afterlife, through the Blood of Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection.

    Bravo. The only way to live. That is real living, there.

    That sounds normal, natural, and then, the activity of God.

    Denominations are something God has nothing to do with, as far as, His Plan for maintaining a Witness. They bare false witness more often than not, as you mentioned, they are contrary to the Bible and, therefore, in opposition to God.

    When the name 'Baptist' is associated with the word denomination, you can bet they are Baptists that have departed from the faith.

    Historically, Historical Baptists and Christian Assemblies through History that had and have maintained Baptist-like beliefs are the fulfillment of Jesus' Promise to be with His kind of churches that He built and they are not and have not been 'a denomination' , or portion or divided off, of anything (with the attempt being that all 'denominations' are spit off from Roman Catholicism = no. Baptist-like Chrisian assemblies like the king Jesus Founded have existed prior to Roman Catholicism
    and at the same time the truse churches were the one they and Protestantism persecuted, to this day.

    Maybe, no one else here takes this view, but I do, because I am a Historic Baptist.

    That which is contrary to the Bible and opposed to God is evil.

    Yes, that is GOD that would do that.

    Yes, Bless your heart and soul.

    That happens Mr. Wilderness Wonderer; ask me how I/we know.

    The 10 years would be just a Wilderness Wondering, where Satan was able to get us sidetracked into the World, the flesh, and him. The Bible will keep a soul protected from them. You are headed the direction God put you on.

    May God be Gracious and Merciful to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Glad to have you!
    As you have seen, there are many different views from different baptist groups.
    In fact there is a joke that says that we are know as Heinz 57 variety of Baptists!
    In reality - it is probably closer to a thousand!

    First I would like to mention this quote from another post:
    "When the name 'Baptist' is associated with the word denomination, you can bet they are Baptists that have departed from the faith" Some Baptists (Pentecostals, and especially the Church of Christ" hate the word denomination.

    Well here is the scoop - the word denomination has 2 basic meanings:
    1) a hierarchy, such as the Roman Catholic or Episcopal churches
    2) A group (even unorganized) which has similar beliefs.

    The Baptists only fall into the second group

    Let me also mention that is is not just "IFB" (Independent Fundamental Baptist) that are not a denomination - But organized groups - such as the Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist Missionary Association, ect are not part of a hierarchy group - each and every Baptist church is autonomous and independent.

    I would also to mention that many will say that "the Scriptures never mentions....."
    Well, the Bible tells us:
    1) What we must do ie "Go ye into all the world....
    2) What we must not do ie "Do not murder"
    3) Recommendations ie Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise. Proverbs 20:1

    A big issue among Baptists is -" Can a divorced man be a pastor" - Many will say that the Bible says what it means! What Paul does say is that a man must be the husband of one wife. So if the Bible says what it means - why doesn't Paul use the word "divorce"

    It is examples like that that divide so many Baptist. And it goes one step further -
    For example Closed communion. A pastor who believes open communion has no problem with fellowshiping with a "closed" pastor - but it could be possible that "closed" pastor will refused to fellowship with the "open" pastor. And what is the basis for that. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3.
    A strict doctrin of many Baptists is separation - including secondary separation

    For example - Adam and Bill like to fellowship together. Bill would like to fellowship with Charlie as they totally agree on doctrine - BUT since Bill fellowships with Adam - (Adam does not believes that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old) Charlie will not fellowship with Bill due to secondary fellowship

    Yes, Baptists are something else.

    To sum it up - just because a pastor believes something - do not take it at face value - Study the Bible for yourself - Never Say - "I believe (fill in the blank) because my pastor said so. Rather say - After I studied the issue - I have come to believe (fill in the blank).
    Now I trust that our pastors do teach the truth - but we must have come to that conviction on our own.

    And those issues are endless - 1) "Hippy hair & skimpy skirts" 2) Missing church service to play in organized sports 3) Women must wear dresses 4) going to movies 5) We must go door knocking for visitation, 6) Age for children to start dating, 7) sell your house to pay tuition to send your kids to Christian school 8) playing cards, 9) Dancing 10) Eating in church buildings 11) Must the pastor wear a coat & tie, ....... and 1,234 other items....
    #22 Salty, Jun 24, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2023
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    And I didnt even mention 1611 King James version
    What is so ironically is that virtually NO one uses the King James Version- 1611!
  4. RighteousnessTemperance&

    RighteousnessTemperance& Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Jason, welcome on board the board.

    Word is that joining has been nigh impossible of late. How you got through is one thing. How good that will be for you is another. “Guard your life and your doctrine closely.”

    I see you’ve already encountered at least one needless misunderstanding. Unfortunately, it is all too common. But not everyone will apologize, so you’ve got that going for you.

    As you journey, note that the small-minded will cling to the first thing they hear or read. Others will re-evaluate what they think they know based on new input, new evidence. It can be a slow, even painful process, with each wading through his own path to get “there.”

    Realize that there are some old timers on here who don’t hear so well. You may not be able to talk loudly enough that they will hear you. It won’t be your fault, so don’t take it personally.

    And when I make tongue-in-cheek comments (which can be often, but not at all in this post), don’t take them at face value.