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May I still participate?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by nodak, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. nodak

    nodak Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 9, 2008
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    I think we are definitely leaving the local "Baptist" church due to issues discussed on these boards. We visited a non denom yesterday and plan to give it a try. The pastor was raised Baptist, and the church is very baptistic, just not officially Baptist.

    Does that rule me out on these boards?

    (And by the way--the music was a mix of southern gospel, hymns, and ccm. Powerpoint was used but if the song was also there in print form the song leader told you where to find it which made it much easier. The service was also very long, but you were told up front if you needed to leave just do so quietly and thanks for participating as much as you could. People moved quietly to stand or sit as needed and were quietly in and out to tend to young children. The pastor mostly preached from KJV but also referred to other translations and nobody was in your face for carrying a "per-version" if it was not KJV. All in all we felt right at home.)
  2. Jkdbuck76

    Jkdbuck76 Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2007
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    I'm just asking a question here, so please don't take offense:

    Are people scared of using the word "Baptist" on the sign of a church?

    I mean, is the non-denom church not a "baptist" church because it was not itself started by a baptist church?

    I guess my real question is this: are they unable to be called a baptist church or are they unwilling to do so? Or is there another factor involved I've not thought of (which would probably be the case since I'm not all that smart).
  3. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Last summer we thought we were interested in going to another church. So we attended a nearby church that had baptist in it's name, since we do not intend on being anything but baptist. We enjoyed the worship service, a little different then we're used too. But we ndered what kind of baptist they were, it would, we thought, help us to know what they believed, etc. So I emailed the church and recieved an answer from the pastor. Basically they are baptist in name only, and intend on doing their own thing, whether or not it is baptist, and do not want to be affilated in anyway, other then to have baptist on their sign. I'd rather they took baptist out of their name. And no, they are not some independent, or seperate baptist, they don't want that either.
    A little history, the pastors father started the church in his barn, and it has always been HIS church, when he retired the church could not look for a pastor it was made kown his son was taking over, after all it was their church, they started it.

    As for the op, I think you can post in the baptist only section unless you are still a member of a baptist church. If you join a non baptist church you wouldn't be able to post in the baptist only.
  4. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    PM a moderator in a BO forum (not "body odor", although some threads do stink :))
  5. EdSutton

    EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    True Words!

    How true!

  6. Dale-c

    Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I personally do not mind if you post.
    ALso, the fact that you are up front about it is a great plus.

    If it is non denominational and like a baptist then you should be fine.

    As long as it is not PaedoBaptist or believe in works salvation etc.
  7. nodak

    nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    Technically I am still Baptist, as I won't consider transferring my membership for a while yet.

    After just one visit, I do not know the church's history. I thought I was doing good to get a copy of the statement of faith and learn the pastor's background.

    Statement of faith reads pretty close to 1925 SBC Baptist faith and message.

    Baptism is for believers, by immersion, after age of understanding, not considered necessary to salvation.

    I will PM mods if and when we decide to move membership.

  8. Dale-c

    Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    There are others on here who are baptist in doctrine but do not have it on their signs and they are allowed to stay.
    There are yet others who called themselves baptist but believed in some sort of baptist purgatory and were banned.

    I welcome you to stay on and discuss all you want.

    BUt the final say is not mine.
  9. Steven2006

    Steven2006 New Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    If and when you do transfer and leave the Baptist church, there are other sections here where you could still post.
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Please change your profile when/if you change churches. Then notify an administrator. They can tell you of any changes in posting that you need to make.
  11. queenbee

    queenbee Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    I hope that this new church you and your family are visiting turns out to be 'the one' and I second Dale-c's comments.
  12. nodak

    nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    Will do if and when we officially change.

    This town has me really confused.

    Local SBC affiliated church does not have Baptist in it's name.

    Local "Baptist" church has some unbaptistic practices.

    I think this non denom is very baptistic but trying to avoid being linked in anyone's mind with the other two churches.

    There used to be another "Baptist Church" but it folded.

    And I've been told there is a split off of the offically "Baptist" church that is affiliated with a Baptist group but refuses to use the name Baptist.

    Starting to feel like 007 here!!