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Question women and dresses

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by RightFromWrong, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. Petrel

    Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    General rule: No!
  2. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Are we at page 20 yet?
  3. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Greetings Joanna!!

    You are absolutely correct in your definition of legalism. Adding anything to grace is indeed legalism. Thank God Almighty that you and I can enter into a God-Centered Eternity as a direct result of this Grace.

    I share your definition; however, I have an additional definition for this word: taking a personal conviction and holding it out as doctrine. Notice that I am NOT accusing you of doing this, I am simply offering my additional definition.
    I believe that there are several scenarios where pants are not only modest, but appropriate.

    For example, read what dianetavegia posted to this discussion on August 11th @ 9:04PM. That is a fantastic example of a situation where pants are arguably appropriate (as a guy I never even thought about that one). That is NOT to say that a dress is immodest - simply that pants might be a little more modest in that particular case.

    Another example is demonstrated by a childhood friend of mine. She and her husband are equestrians, and love to go fox hunting and steeplechasing (I don't know if that is a word). I dropped in for a visit and they had some great photographs from one of their excursions. One picture that stuck out in my mind was one where she was on her horse, jumping a hurdle of some sort. She was wearing a traditional outfit with pants. In this particular example, it would have been impossible to wear anything but pants. I am certain that this activity could not have been accomplished utilizing a side saddle. Additionally, if she were to have fallen off the horse, it is really hard to be modest.

    Lastly, when I lived in Florida, my wife and I were passionate inline skaters (Unfortunately for me, Virginia is not very "skate friendly."). When we went skating, she actually wore shorts. I heard some people (by my definition, legalists) tell her that this was sin, and that she must wear coulottes (probably misspelled that word) to skate (This of course generated a stinging rebuke of these people by her husband!). We skated at a rapid pace, and coulottes would have been a hindrance to skating, much the same way that long pants would have been for me. She never wore what I have been informed are called "daisy dukes," as she wore athletic shorts. We also went biking, and we both wore athletic shorts over our biker shorts (which serve a very specific purpose!! :eek: ).

    Certain situations/scenarios seemingly dictate pants over dresses in an attempt to maintain modesty, but that is not an absolute. Also, just because I don't share a personal conviction does not take away from someone else's personal conviction, just someone else's personal conviction does not take away from my lack thereof.

    I am not saying that someone cannot have a conviction. I can respect that, and I usually do. But I consider legalism to be any conviction that someone has offered as doctrine (like trying to reference the Law) about something in my life for which I do not share that conviction, especially when the person is claiming that a lack of conviction is sin.

    As for wearing our "best" before Almighty God, I do not share your belief that this can only be accomplished by women wearing dresses. But that is your conviction, not mine. As you offered it in that manner, I can respect that.

    I trust that God is showering you and your family with His Blessings,
  4. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    I appreciate how you put that as well, BIR.

    Im glad that you and I can have different standards in that area and yet neither of us has to call the other legalistic.

    Thank you!
  5. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Now THAT would be a topic I would enjoy seeing.

    Reminds me of the ifbX looney church here in Casper that had a sign put on the organ that "all organists must wear dresses or skirts". Rob, a gifted musician from our church, was asked to be organist at a wedding at that church and, yep, wore a kilt so he wouldn't defile the organ! :eek:

    SAMPLEWOW New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I needed that, thanks :D
  7. Joanna

    Joanna New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
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    Living on the farm, I am well aware there are many times when it is more modest to wear pants.
    I wouldn't look very good or modest climbing in and out of a huge tractor in a skirt- dangerous too!
    But when it's not necessary.....
    Something else to ponder.
    1 Tim.2: 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel....
    The Greek words modest apparel, are kosmios katastole. Kosmios meaning orderly. Kata- to let or send down. Stole- a long flowing garment reaching to the feet with a train behind.
    To me that doesn't quite describe pants or shorts. It's not my place to condemn others for what they wear, or force my ideas on anyone, but as Christian I am required to obey God's Word, not to earn anything, but because of what the Lord said...If ye LOVE me keep my commandments.
  8. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    And with that we, thankfully, reach 20 page mandatory limit, and so must close the thread.

    Let's wait a month or two before opening up this subject again, otay? :rolleyes: