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The Old Latin Version and the KJB Readings

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Will J. Kinney, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    I hope everyone is aware that my statement to A-A about being a heretic was tongue-in-cheek.

    I am relatively sure he really doesn't believe the Apocrypha is the Word of God.

    I should have used a smiley [​IMG]

    Any way I apologise to both A-A and the Webmaster because that sort of thing is verbotten.

    I'm sorry A-A and Webmaster.

    However the question Will asked (in his own words) remains and I will ask him a question like his own and also A-A if he is willing.

    If you believe that the First Edition of the KJB of 1611 is the Word of God why did the KJ Bible correctors remove it by the 1769 edition?

  2. Anti-Alexandrian

    Sep 4, 2002
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    No biggie [​IMG] .
  3. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Absolutely, Robert Sargent showed his chart concerning 5 Greek texts that these modern versions derived from. They differ each other because of the 5 Greek texts disagreeing each other. Strangely, these 5 Greek texts are gone back to the W/H text. Awesome!

    Will, please do it!
  4. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    How would you understand these modern versions disagreeing each other?
  5. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    How would you understand these modern versions disagreeing each other? [/QB][/QUOTE]

    Isn't that what I just wrote?
  6. Archangel7

    Archangel7 New Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    But *most* Old Latin copies and sources don't. There's actually *more* Old Latin support for "this day I have begotten you" in Lk. 3:22 than for the TR/KJV reading. In fact, it could be said that TR/KJV reading is *not* supported by the Old Latin "majority text." So why is this Old Latin reading rejected when it has *far* better attestation in the Old Latin sources than some of the examples on your previous list, or the TR/KJV reading at Rev. 22:19? This seems rather inconsistent.

    I'd characterize the differences between our approaches more like this: you begin with a pre-determined notion about what God *must* have done; I look at the facts to determine what God has *actually* done. You assign a kind of "papal infallibility" to Erasmus in his textual choices and to the KJV translators in their translational choices; I hold that every believer has "soul liberty" in the matter of textual and translational differences and is responsible before God for his textual and translational choices of the Biblical text just as he is responsible before God for his interpretation of the Biblical text. You seem to believe that every English-speaking person who had the misfortune to live before 1611 (1769?) didn't have the word of God in his own language; I believe that God has given His word to the English-speaking people in many different translations both before and after 1611.

    The KJV cannot be called "complete," since it demonstrably fails to convey many things found in the original language texts, and since it has demonstrably inferior translations in some places.
  7. Archangel7

    Archangel7 New Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    But *most* Old Latin copies and sources don't read like the TR/KJV. There's actually *more* Old Latin support for "this day I have begotten you" in Lk. 3:22 than for the TR/KJV reading. In fact, it could be said that TR/KJV reading is *not* supported by the Old Latin "majority text." So why is this majority Old Latin reading rejected by the TR/KJV when it has *far* better attestation in the Old Latin sources than some of the examples on your previous list, or the TR/KJV reading at Rev. 22:19? This seems rather inconsistent.

    I'd characterize the differences between our approaches more like this: you begin with a pre-determined notion about what God *must* have done; I look at the facts to determine what God has *actually* done. You assign a kind of "papal infallibility" to Erasmus in his textual choices and to the KJV translators in their translational choices; I hold that every believer has "soul liberty" in the matter of textual and translational differences and is responsible before God for his textual and translational choices concerning the Biblical text just as he is responsible before God for his interpretation of the Biblical text. You seem to believe that every English-speaking person who had the misfortune to live before 1611 (1769?) didn't have the word of God in his own language; I believe that God has given His word to the English-speaking people in many different translations both before and after 1611.

    The KJV cannot be called "complete," since it demonstrably fails to convey many things found in the original language texts, and since it has demonstrably inferior translations in some places.
  8. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Same ole' Will, eh, Arch? Corner him by asking for evidence for his view, & he responds with his "you don't have any final authority" stuff. That's HIS way of saying, "I'm clueless."

    BTW, have you read his excuses for the differing readings of Isaiah 61:1-3 and Isaiah 42:7 when compared with Luke 4:16-21 in the KJV?

    I believe he has a list of excuses for the differing KJV readings between Isaiah 53:7-9 & Acts 8:32-33. But that's all they are-excuses. I believe those Scriptures were known for just a few years before our time, and the readers simply accepted the fact that different versions were in use 2K years ago. Thus, we see no commentary from the AV translators addressing those readings.
  9. Will J. Kinney

    May 15, 2001
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    Hi tinyTim, I appreciate your honesty.
    Will K

    posted December 29, 2003 01:26 AM                       
    I have enough guts to admit this:
    No one has a complete infallible bible, God seen fit to destroy the originals. If you have a problem with that talk to Him. We do have reliable english translations that give us God's message to humankind, but to say that they are inspired, infallible, or inerrant is a lie. They are merely a translation. God preserved his words in the varying manuscripts. That's why I carry a parallel Bible.
  10. Will J. Kinney

    May 15, 2001
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    Scott says: ". I haven't heard or seen one non-KJVO answer that God's word is "out there somewhere." Would you care to reference a link for us, perhaps? We can easily show you what we believe, and have done so often. It means a great deal and has a lot of substance to it, but your blinders prevent you from seeing it."

    Scott, your side says the correct words of God are "in the manuscripts". Well, this is a big-time help to us all. The mss. are all mixed up and contradict each other thousands of times, so what you so piously state is nothing of any substance at all. A lot of you guys like Daniel Wallace are still scraping off old shopping lists trying to find some underlying text that will give us a new reading.

    What you believe is almost like saying the words of God are found in Webster's dictionary. Yes, they are, but in which order and which ones do we ignore? Your position is "they are out there somewhere" and that is why some need parallel bibles to be able to pick and choose which one they think might be the right words.

    Any you guys think we are loopy!

    Have a nice day.

    Will K
  11. Will J. Kinney

    May 15, 2001
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    Hi Scott,

    " Can you point to ONE (just one) Greek manuscript that is completely perfect and without error?
    Somehow I doubt that. "

    No Scott, I can't point to one Greek mss that is perfect. Thousands have already disappeared for ever, but I can tell you where you can get a perfect Holy Bible. It is called the Holy Bible, or sometimes referred to as the King James Bible.

    You, on the other hand, have no perfect Bible or text at all, do you?

  12. Will J. Kinney

    May 15, 2001
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    I can show you scores of such examples of how the modern versions pervert the true words of God and call it "scholarship".
    Will, please do it!

    Hi Askjo, if you care to see some examples of where the Niv, nasb depart from the Hebrew texts, and often not even in the same places, here is the first of two articles dealing with this.


    Then check out the second one, and you can also look at some of the other articles I have there showing the false doctrines taught in the modern versions.

    Some have eyes to see it and some do not.

    Will K
  13. Will J. Kinney

    May 15, 2001
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    Originally posted by Will J. Kinney:
  14. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Everyone, please notice that Will dodges the issues Archangel and others have brought up in this thread. Like the other Onlyists, he's all rhetoric and no substance.

    KJVOs simply cannot truthfully answer basic questions concerning their myth without shooting it down, so they play the old switcheroo game & try to steer the conversation to other subjects.

    Will, you've done a bang-up job showing everyone that the various BVs differ among themselves, & you readily admit that you cannot prove one right & the others wrong, but yet, you cling to that man-made false KJVO doctrine. Your articles are more a set of excuses and opinion than anything else. Just face it-you don't present any PROOF for the KJVO myth because there isn't any such proof to present. It's a dream.(Or a nightmare.)
  15. Anti-Alexandrian

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Uh,yeah.. :rolleyes: Everytime I see your posts it's:

    KJVO baloney

    KJVO hooey.........

    KJVO cannot........

    KJVO are...........

    KJVO BLAH,BLAH,BLAH.........

    Tell me,when are you going to bring somthing to the discussion table??? Seems like you have nothing but innuendos and rhetoric..
  16. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Uh,yeah.. :rolleyes: Everytime I see your posts it's:

    KJVO baloney

    KJVO hooey.........

    KJVO cannot........

    KJVO are...........

    KJVO BLAH,BLAH,BLAH.........

    Tell me,when are you going to bring somthing to the discussion table??? Seems like you have nothing but innuendos and rhetoric..
    </font>[/QUOTE]I see YOU haven't exactly lit up the board with too many nuggets of wisdom, and now, in another old KJVO ploy, you simply parrot the opposition.

    What have I brought to the table? I've reminded you of the proof of the origins of modern KJVO, from Ben Wilkinson in 1930 to Ruckman and Riplinger today. I've reminded you that God has preserved His word in English AS HE CHOSE, proven by the undeniable fact that no two English BVs are alike, ante- or post-AV 1611. I've reminded you that there's absolutely NO Scriptural support for the KJVO myth. I've pointed out some booboos in the "inerrant" KJV. And I've repeatedly asked you gents for PROOF for the assertions in your doctrine, and so far, the only answers I've gotten are similar to yours quoted above. This translates into, "I AM CLUELESS".

  17. Anti-Alexandrian

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I have shown you that believing that the KJB is perfect,and infallible goes back much farther.

    I have reminded you that ALL "bibles"(whichever of the 200+ conflicting authorities)from bogus Papal manuscripts conflict one another in THOUSANDS of places..

    Look,ALL of 200+ Laodacean "bibles" and the Protestant Bibles cannot be God's word:"HOW LONG HALT YE BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS?"

    And I have posted scripture PROVING that God bears witness to the things pertaining to Him;God will not bless the new "bibles"! How do I know that? Because He has not YET.

    You have done no such thing.People have been trying that baloney for years,nothing positive yet.

    Already have;John 16:13,1st Corinthians 2:9-13...Give it a rest...

    Again,you have brought nothing profitable to the table;just APING the opinion,and rhetoric of others that is as vile today as the day it was founded.....
  18. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I and millions of other people have gotten saved through reading these new "Bibles." Sounds like God has been blessing them to me.
  19. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    So what you are telling me is that there isn't a single inerrant copy in the Greek? If, as you say, there is no complete perfect Word of God found in the original language, then how can you be certain that the KJV is perfect. What is there to compare it to?

    As I have said before, I believe that the original manuscripts were inspired by God. Internal and external evidence points to this. However, the fact that we do not have a single perfect Greek manuscript sure makes it seem that man has, throughout the years, made things "less perfect," because we are, indeed, given over to our sin nature. We make mistakes - we are human. It is a logically fallacious leap to move from not having a single perfect manuscript to the King James Version, moving from imperfect to perfect. We as scholars of the Word do our best to uncover what the original manuscripts look like, and we've found that some of what the KJV is based on comes from additions that were placed in there by well-meaning humans, but were still added on. You could very well believe that those scribes were diviniely guided to add certain things, but I don't see why God would have left out things in the originals. The facts show that the manuscripts slowly changed with age. I don't believe that they moved closer towards perfection, arriving in its perfect state in the KJV. Common sense, logic, and doctrine all point in the opposite way.

    And it is something of great substance. Here is a follow-up question: Do you believe that the original texts were inspired by God and the "correct words of God." How do you know? How do you get from a level of perfection to 1500 years of imperfection back to perfection? Where in history did God mess up in his preservation of the Scriptures?

    Okay, so there were a few questions. I really am interested to hear your answers, though.

    And yes, many of us, do believe that you guys are a little loopy! [​IMG]
  20. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Hey, I use John 16:13 and I Corinthians 2:9-13 to prove that the modern versions are valid, too! The Spirit chose to lead me to the cross through a modern version, so that proves that! Maybe you're listening to the wrong spirit, perhaps? All I know is that I am a saved person now because of the gospel message that was written in the NIV! Glory to God!

    Everything, from slavery to the acceptance of homosexuality, has been "proven" using those Scriptures. (just do a quick search on the internet to find that!) If that is all you have Scripturally, then you have not much at all.