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Understanding both sides of the debate

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Politically speaking, do you lean right or left? Regardless, it’s handy to know what the other side is thinking.

    You can spend hours hunting down political editorials on the net. Well, Commentary Today is an excellent solution to the problem. It provides links to an astonishing roster of political columnists.

    The site's organization is simple. Liberals are in the left column. Conservatives are on the right side. Click on the headline names to read the columns. Notations tell you if the column was posted in the past few days.

    Not many people can read about politics without putting in their own two cents. You can do that, too. There are links to forums where you can rant or rave!

  2. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    That is a great site! You only have to read the right hand side to know the truth! That saves a lot of time! (Can you imagine all the posts that will take me to task for posting this--LOL!)
  3. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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  4. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Thanks for the link! It's interesting!

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    This crys out and supports the supposition..

    "What liberal media?"

    Actually some on both lists would actually be
    moderates or in the middle.

    I appreciate the link because you can now respond
    to an Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin real time
    Michelle Malkins site does not allow comments.

    So those who claim its the liberal media by all
    means take a look at this link.

    Thanks I am blessed
  6. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Liberal bias definitely exists in the news, entertainment, and academic venues. All you have to do to understand this is pay attention to how information is presented. Dan Rather has to be the most glaring, but by far not the only, recent example in mainstream news.

    This link is to a cross section of various commentators - some of whom do have space on certain news organizations albiet not the mainstream - and in that group there's a wide assortment of liberals, conservatives, radicals, and otherwise.

    A good thing is that the list "on the right" is much longer than the list "on the left".

    We are all blessed!
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Dragoon: I think Al was saying, "Thanks, I Am Blessed" (which is me), not "Thanks 'I' am blessed." [​IMG]
  8. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Dragoon: I think Al was saying, "Thanks, I Am Blessed" (which is me), not "Thanks 'I' am blessed." [​IMG] </font>[/QUOTE]Thanks, I Am Blessed 16, for the good reference link!
  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    You're quite welcome!

  10. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    This is hilarious.
    Perhaps you didn't notice that Dan Rather is no longer on CBS @ 6:30 EDT?

    By the way, since we are talking about "how information is presented," did anyone see Sean Hannity or Joe Scarborough admit that the doctor they perpetually proclaimed as a "Nobel Prize nominee" in fact WAS NOT a "Nobel Prize nominee?" They certainly made the false claim over and over and over and over and over and over...........

    I guess popularity clearly demonstrates credibility.
  11. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Great, maybe I can quit my day job after all!

    I sent CBS News several messages requesting that they fire Dan Rather after he's presentation of forged letters. I never liked his biased news reporting even back during the Viet Nam war. I heard they finally listened to me and took care of it. I feel good about having that much influence!

    However, I'm not sure though because I quit watching their garbage a long time ago so they could be just pulling some evil conspiracy trick on me. Alas, they probably stuck another one like him in his place.

    No, unfortunately, the liberals are rather popular in certain venues. But it's still good to be right on the right.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Again I say "What liberal media!" those who use
    that trite soundbite do not have a leg to stand on if this link is and indicator, in fact it is a conservative media...I think if one media person disagrees with a persons point of view ..they immeadiately get labeled. Dragoon I thought
    you distrusted the media?

    show some resolve flip flopper. ;)
  13. JamesBell

    JamesBell New Member

    May 24, 2005
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    A conservative media? You are clearly either too far to the left to see the light or are joking. How about the liberal media that campaigned for John Kerry. How about the liberal media that knowingly used false documents to discredit the President of the United States. How about the liberal media that refuses to admit anything is going right in Iraq and reports little other than "body counts" Or how about the liberal media that claims to be too good for the masses when trying to explain why their ratings were dropping. (CNN did this) Come on, the media has a liberal bias. Of course, I could care less. Any person that looks to a single source for information and believes it without lokking any further deserves to be uninformed.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    The subject is th the link it is conservative
    in scope and numbers.imho and it begs the question
    "what liberal media" the link is just more evidence that it is not totally liberal but in
    fact moderately conservative. imho
  15. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    There you go again, ASLANSPAL, ignoring the truth and twisting things to suit your purposes!

    Again, I say, the news, entertainment, and academic venues have a strong liberal bias. Of course, by some standards, even the liberal bias is just not far enough to the left. In that case, perhaps they do appear to be conservative to some. Maybe that's why you think these venues are conservative.

    Commentators, on the other hand, are of every flavor one could want. The list provided was one of commentators. There are some great conservative commentators listed. God bless them for presenting the truth!

    Now, of course, I know conservatives are the only ones that apply labels to people based upon their observations and experience. Bleeding heart liberals would never do that!

    Distrust? ASLANSPAL, you forgot that I'm a Viet Nam veteran in need of "healing" so, of course, I distrust your friends in the media. But, hey, I'm perfectly normal, normal, normal - SLAP - normal, normal, normal - SLAP, SLAP, SLAP - normal.

    Show resolve - Support the cause!

    We need every man and every woman to truly support America in its on going war against terrorism wherever it's being fought including Iraq. That means you, ASLANSPAL, just like in the old "Uncle Sam" poster.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Again Dragoon this is not a confirmation board where just because you tell others to do something to confirm your view that it is going to be done.

    Make up your mind one minute you say you don't
    trust the media then all of a sudden you like
    Ann Coulter on the list of conservatives but
    yet you have no opinion of Ms.Coulter ..what gives

    By all means I am showing resolve and encouraging
    the troops to draw down from what has now become
    a sectarian and civil conflict ..where your resolve is to allow more blood and treasure to
    be wasted. Bottom line we can bring our troops
    home with honor and a defined victory ..I have
    got that resolve..you quit with your "show resolve
    baloney" it is disingenuous..you take care or you
    and I will take care of me and like I said this
    is not a confirmation board. As for bush I have
    a right to point out incompetence and hypocrisy
    so quit it with your "Stepford wifes doctrine"
    where we all are just bushbots..again back to my
    salient point this is a discussin/debate board
    not a confirmation board.

    I think you would do better to write Republican
    leaders and tell them to show resolve in accordance to your view...they are the ones looking towards the 2006 elections and how to get elected...now that is a debatable issue!

    Will they show your resolve..or will they show
    the resolve to solve a problem and bring troops
    home via a time table ..btw that has been leaked
    out and it was leaked out for a reason to get
    the public ready for a time table for withdrawal.

    It is not about resolve it is about discussion
    and debate...you can attempt to use that trite
    soundbite to end debate but guess what it will

    Everyone in this country is resolved on the war
    on terrorism but it is there right to point
    out incompetence and hypocrisy and it also
    American blood and treasure so again it is our
    right to critique.

    My next big critique is where did all those
    billions of tax payer dollars go in Iraq?

    Is that legitimate debate Dragoon?
  17. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    You are correct. Now the old argument that everyone has been expected to believe that it is better to fight the terrorists in Iraq than in New Jersey - which has been parroted by bushbots - will no longer hold water now that there has been a bombing in London. Obviously, that old argument has been proven to be false.

    The price American citizens will pay because our leaders refused to deport illegal aliens and failed to secure our borders and insisted on being politically correct since 09/11 will be very, very high.

    And we still continue to fund terror with our tax dollars - $3 billion promised to the Palestinian terrorists, of which Americans will foot the majority of that bill.

    Meanwhile, sign up for the Green Card Lottery - you might be one of 50,000 lucky winners this year! Of course, we can count on the US Immigration Service to screen you very thoroughly and do an extensive background check before you are allowed in, right?


    Hurry, this year's lottery expires in December. The new one will begin in January 2006.

    Are Libertarians more conservative than Republicans now?
  18. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    On some issues, yes.
  19. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Great, maybe I can quit my day job after all!

    I sent CBS News several messages requesting that they fire Dan Rather after he's presentation of forged letters. I never liked his biased news reporting even back during the Viet Nam war. I heard they finally listened to me and took care of it. I feel good about having that much influence!

    However, I'm not sure though because I quit watching their garbage a long time ago so they could be just pulling some evil conspiracy trick on me. Alas, they probably stuck another one like him in his place.

    No, unfortunately, the liberals are rather popular in certain venues. But it's still good to be right on the right. </font>[/QUOTE]This is all well and good, but I couldn't help but notice that you conveniently forgot to address one point I made:

    Don't forget: you are the one who was discussing "how information is presented........"
  20. Dragoon68

    Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    ASLANSPAL, no one is "telling" you - as in "ordering" you - to do anything! I think most everyone that posts hereon is independent enough that they wouldn't oblige such if it were the case. We all "tell" each other things that we believe we should or shouldn't do. You will find that in your own posts. That is part of the debate. So long as we're not blatantly rude or abusive about that I don't see it as a problem.

    You're not understanding the clarification I made between news, entertainment, and academic venues verses commentators. I've explained that at least twice on this thread alone. We all have "favorite" commentators and there are plenty of political viewpoints from which to choice.

    The regular news media - especially the television news - is very liberally biased. One of the "classics" books on this subject is Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News by Bernard Goldberg with confirms the liberal bias about which I've written. I personally observe that tendency especially when the subject matter being reported is one about which I have specific knowledge. There are, of course, books that present the opposite view.

    I do like some of what Ann Coulter says. She's a good commentator. I don't agree with everything she says. I did "take up" for her on another thread regarding her debate with Robert Muller because I believe the story about that grossly misrepresented her comments. That still doesn't mean I blindly agree with her, or any other commentator, on everything. Another example is Neal Bortz whom I generally enjoy and agree with. However, I strongly disagree with his position on homosexuals. He's dead right on a lot of other issues. There are others - the ones who are clearly and consistently liberal - that I don't even bother reading.

    I suspect most people feel that way about various commentators they like. They may agree with them on some or most but not all issues.

    We - every American - needs to show resolve by supporting the cause. You believe differently and consistently criticize all views to the contrary. Don't expect a free pass to do that while others - who believe in the cause - remain silent. That would turn this forum into yet another liberal biased venue where only one view would be presented. Surely, you don't advocate that!

    I'm not too worried about conservative Republicans. I'm still a bit concerned because they too are politicians. I've written off the liberal Democrats as a hopeless case. There are, of course, liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats and many in between.

    However, it's the undecided persons - American citizens with voting power - that could be swayed by your line of thinking I worry more about. So, I'm going to be pushing for the right solution. Don't expect a free pass to communicate your views openly while those with opposing few remain silent. That's not going happen!

    The issue of resolve is absolutely a matter of discussion and debate. In fact, that's critical to our success or failure in the war against terrorism. So, you bet, Lord willing, that I'm going to keep advancing that issue. I understand that you don't like it but it has to be said. Try not to take it as a personal insult which it is, I assure you, certainly is not intended to.

    No, everyone in this country is not resolved to win the war on terrorism at the price it may take. Some people are wanting to pull out regardless. Some are advocating a "draw down" by a time table that would reveal our plans to our enemies in advance. That's a big problem! Many more are influenced by whomever is the most vocal and by want they see on the evening news - one of those highly liberally biased venues - and their resolve is threatened by it. It is important that we not fail to this weakness.

    It is, indeed, a "right" to critique what our government does and doesn't do. It's also a "right" and a duty to critique that process itself and to make not when it becomes a threat to our success. When the critique turns into a malicious and destructive bashing of a just cause it threatens the morale of those we've sent to fight and serves then to support the cause of the enemy.

    Sure, start another thread to bring up this evil conspiracy theory.

    Show resolve - Support the cause! It is a fight for survival, ASLANSPAL, and we need you, along with every other American, to be 100% on our side! The troops need to know we are behind what they're doing and why they're doing it.