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Baptist Believer
Jun 20, 2002
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Fort Worth, Texas

Baptist Believer

Well-Known Member, Male, from Fort Worth, Texas

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    1. Earth Wind and Fire
      Earth Wind and Fire
      BB, I just saw this. Why do you feel you have cancer... are there any symptoms?
      1. Baptist Believer
        Baptist Believer
        There is a long history of colon cancer in my family, and every time I have my yearly colonoscopy they find significant precancerous growths. I haven't been able to get a colonoscopy since the pandemic began and it needs to happen. I have the unfortunate issue of almost always having complications afterward - usually massive hemorrhaging that requires a blood transfusion and a stay in the hospital - sometimes in ICU.
        Aug 26, 2021
      2. Baptist Believer
        Baptist Believer
        I'm trying to avoid going to the hospital for obvious reasons.
        Aug 26, 2021
    2. Earth Wind and Fire
      Earth Wind and Fire
      Trump jeopardized my wife’s life as a cancer victim, not giving her appropriate treatment during this Corona 19 pandemic. Principally by rejecting good practices for testing and insisting on a American developed one, he slowed down everything and put in “shuttering in” agendas that just froze up everything... and that was inept and caused multiple deaths. Trumps gotta go.
    3. Earth Wind and Fire
      Earth Wind and Fire
      This I know for sure, it is that most of these people are really scoundrels and they do not respect, obey and admire probity: therefore if you wish to engage in conversation with them, get cunning and loose the probity...,it buys you know potatoes as my Irish aunt used to say.
      1. Baptist Believer
        Baptist Believer
        I cease being a disciple of Jesus if I stoop to that level. They bring condemnation on themselves and they will be judged by Jesus at the end of the age.
        Jun 14, 2019
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    Fort Worth, Texas
    Home Church:
    A Baptist Church in Fort Worth
    Favorite Verse:
    Matthew 11:28-30
    Disciple-making, writing, reading, music, theology, graphic design
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