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Eric B
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Jun 4, 2024 at 2:00 PM
May 26, 2001
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Jan 8, 1966 (Age: 58)
Home Page:
New York City
Subway train operator

Eric B

Active Member, 58, from New York City

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Eric B was last seen:
Jun 4, 2024
    1. annsni
      Very cool about traveling like you did!! Montauk is so pretty. :)
    2. abcgrad94
      Thanks Eric. I did not see your thread until later and by then I was tired of discussing the topic.
    3. righteousdude2
      These are just a few of many nasty, mostly provoking attacks. Yes, I've written the mods. Still no answer.

      "Go ahead, "prophet". You are pathetic..."

      "Well, bless your little heart. You are just too cute when you are upset."

      More of your lies. I never said such. Apparently you cannot address the article, but would rather resort to your typical ad hominems. I expected no better from you, selfrighteousdude. I didn't call you or anyone else a racist... you seem unable to get past your hatred to have any rational response. You are a sad case indeed.

      He loves to call me "selfrighteousdude; pathetic prophet; and continues to belittle me as a third rate author because I don't have a big time publisher.

      I attack him because he leaves me no atlernative. However, a few of my pastor friends suggested I try praying for him, and letting him know what Scripture he has broken with his bullying tactics.
    4. billwald
      Apologize for not answering your message. I never seem to read the headings on the screen.

      Still claim to be a Calvinist, Dutch Reformed variety, not Presbyterian. We don't know everything as the Presbyterians do and ask questions.<G>
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  • About

    Jan 8, 1966 (Age: 58)
    Home Page:
    New York City
    Subway train operator
    Home Church:
    Christ Tabernacle
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