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"A Nail in a Sure Place"

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by KenH, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    "A nail in a sure place."—Isaiah 22:23.

    My soul! through grace, thou hast long been enabled to hang all thy grand concerns for eternity upon the Lord Jesus; and will it not be a very refreshing subject for thine evening meditation, to see how eternally firm and secure all rest, with an unshaken and-unchangeable confidence? Behold him as he is in himself, in his person, work, and righteousness; "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. "Next contemplate him as the source, origin, fountain, and support of all the great things of salvation. There is not a purpose of God, but is founded on Christ; not a promise, but is made, confirmed, and fulfilled in Christ; and not a dispensation in all the kingdoms of nature, grace, and glory, but comes from Christ and his own righteous government. Go on, under a third branch of meditation, and behold Jesus as a nail in a sure place, and that the persons, concerns, and blessings of his people all hang on him; from him they derive all their spiritual strength, gifts, graces, authority, order, and appointment; on him they all depend, for life, ability, power, and disposition to carry it on; and to him the whole glory of their services return, in an endless revenue of praise. Lastly, and above all, to crown thine evening meditation, on this nail in a sure place, behold the hand of God thy Father, both fixing him there, and proclaiming it to the souls of his people; "I will fasten him," saith Jehovah," as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his Father's house. "Hail! thou glorious almighty Mediator! founded on such authority, and possessing in thyself such eternal principles, evermore will I hang my soul, and body, and spirit, with all I have, and all I am or hope to be, in time and to all eternity, on thee; for never can too great a stress be laid upon Jesus, nor too full a confidence be placed in him. How can a soul perish that hangs on God's Christ?

    - Robert Hawker, The Poor Man's Morning and Evening Portions, March 21, Evening