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Biblical Truth

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Van, May 27, 2024.

  1. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    God hath endowed the wills of men with that natural liberty and power of acting upon choice, that it is neither forced, nor by any necessity of nature determined to do good or evil."

    One of the verses cited to support the assertion is Deuteronomy 30:19 which says God sets before us the choice of life or death. This is contrary to the doctrine of Total Spiritual Inability, which says we will only choose one of the many roads leading to death.

    Now this choice was set before us after the Fall, and therefore our being predisposed to sin did not preclude the possibility of choosing life. Therefore the actual biblical doctrine should be the “Limited Spiritual Ability” of the unregenerate lost.

    Humankind has three enemies, Satan, the World –with its corrupt values, and our fleshly desires. All three at one time or another set before us choices where we usually choose sin. But, according to James 1:14 we are tempted, not compelled, and therefore have some ability to choose not to sin. But even if we do choose according to God’s beneficial will, this does not result in “good works” for all our works of righteousness prior to salvation are as filthy rags. Nothing we do earns or merits our salvation, it is the gracious gift of God.

    James 1:14-15
    But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it has run its course, brings forth death.

    Now the Greek word, translated "lust" simply means desire, craving, longing, but in our fallen corrupted state, our longings produce (conceive) desires for godlessness. So our own lust or craving, if not focused on God's will for our lives, such as keeping His commands, will devolve into sinful godlessness.

    Our Limited Spiritual Ability can be thwarted by godless living, such that we may end up as an example of Soil #1, [Matthew 13] unable to respond to God's revelation. Thus even in our fallen state, our nature but limited spiritual ability at least initially, does not render us unable to seek God or fully trust in Christ.
  2. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    Our Limited Spiritual Ability can be thwarted by godless living, such that we may end up as an example of Soil #1, [Matthew 13] unable to respond to God's revelation.

    Thus even in our fallen state, our nature with our limited spiritual ability, at least initially, does not render us unable to seek God or fully trust in Christ.

    Scripture speaks of our ability to "set our minds on" either spiritual things (God and His commands) or fleshy things rather than an inability to set our minds on spiritual things.

    Thus with our minds focused on worldly, fleshy, demonic things we cannot please God, but when we focus our minds on spiritual things (even the spiritual milk things the lost can understand) we can please God. See Romans 8.