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Breaking Story! Its Rove!

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by ASLANSPAL, Jul 2, 2005.

  1. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    No surprise really since the media is so controlled.
  2. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    Carl Rove is not thumbing his nose at the constitution, and you fully know that. That makes you a false witness. Deu 19:16-18 Pro 6:19, 12:17, 14:5, 19:9 and many others. </font>[/QUOTE]I must say I'm a bit appauled. And nonetheless at myself. My human, knee jerk reaction is to quote verse telling many here not to sit in judgement. That duty is not ours, especially when used against our own brothers. Our righteousness is but filthy rags... </font>[/QUOTE]Dear Lady,
    Christians are charged with the task of judging. We are to always confront liars, especially if they masquarade as Christians. If A-pal's discription of that photo is simply a statement coming from ignorance, that is far less evil than deliberately contriving to cause a false impression. The latter is the case here.
    I don't know Rove's spiritual condition, but if he is a believer, I would not want to be found bearing false witness against him. Nor would any mature Christain.
  3. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    Carl Rove is not thumbing his nose at the constitution, and you fully know that. That makes you a false witness. Deu 19:16-18 Pro 6:19, 12:17, 14:5, 19:9 and many others. </font>[/QUOTE]I must say I'm a bit appauled. And nonetheless at myself. My human, knee jerk reaction is to quote verse telling many here not to sit in judgement. That duty is not ours, especially when used against our own brothers. Our righteousness is but filthy rags... </font>[/QUOTE]Dear Lady,
    Christians are charged with the task of judging. We are to always confront liars, especially if they masquarade as Christians. If A-pal's discription of that photo is simply a statement coming from ignorance, that is far less evil than deliberately contriving to cause a false impression. The latter is the case here.
    I don't know Rove's spiritual condition, but if he is a believer, I would not want to be found bearing false witness against him. Nor would any mature Christain.
    </font>[/QUOTE]I believe bearing false witness goes for all, as do all the commandments. Just because someone isn't a Christian is no cause to disregard that commandment. Are you saying it's ok to bear false witness against someone who is evil or bad or a liar?

    And please educate me. Where is it written that Christians are charged with such a heady responsibility?

    Confronting liars is a good thing. That must be why I'm so upset with our current administration.
  4. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    I said we should always confront liars, but if it is a Christian bearing false witness, all the more reason to question. The key word was FALSE.
    Remember Paul confronting Peter, as to his Judaizing the gospel of Grace? Gal 2:11-14. We are given broad leeway in our understanding of our rights and responsibilities before God, but we must not judge those things not specifically dealt with in God's Word. Bearing False witness is specifically dealt with in God's Word.
    I don't agree with all of President Bush's views. For instance his idea of border control, disagrees with my views, but are probably not scriptually within my right to judge. I question the wisdom of not racially profiling middle eastern men at all border crossings. I may express my opinion, vote against, and support different views of his policy, but I won't judge President Bush. Matt 7:1 has been blown so out of context as to render many Christian's powerless to judge sin.
  5. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    I think we are better served to judge ourselves and let our lives be the witness.

    If you judge anyone, you should judge your president. It is our God given and Constitutionally given right to do so.

    He waged war on Saddam Hussein because of some things he used to do and may do again; perhaps we should judge George W because of some things he used to do and could do again. He is a human being afterall, and he has been under the control of demon drugs and booze. He is nothing special, just a man. I fear too many are putting too much trust in him. Why? Because he professes to be a man of God? Because he claims God spoke to him? I just don't get it. I don't think God needs him on his side at all. In fact, I think he is giving God a bad name.
  6. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    TisHerself, That is the problem. People do not judge themselves.

    Would you prefer a non-believer for President? How about another couple terms with Clinton? You judge our President, of once being under the control of demon drugs and booze? How do you judge Moses, David, our apostle Paul? They all were murderers. Your logic is ill conceived and specious. Funny thing about being a Christian T-H, God does speak to His own through His Word.

    Why on earth would you compare the pasts of Saddam to that of GWB? President Bush has given himself to the Lord and received salvation. Saddam continued in his murderous ways till the very end and would still be doing it today, were it not for our intervention. Yes GWB is a human and subject to frailties, just like you and me. I believe him to be a man seeking God and His direction. Our responsibility is to pray for those in authority over us, because they are fallible. This current administration is far more receptive to Godly council than most of our previous administrations.

    You have been co-opted by that small band of extremist leftists currently controlling the Democratic Party. You should just examine their rhetoric. They hate George Bush. They haven't had any stance on any issue since GWB moved into the White House. They are a party of NO. It is their blind hatred of President Bush, simply for his acknowledgment of God, that drives them. (Ken H constantly points this out) That and the fact that they've lost both houses of Congress, the majority of Governorships, and the hearts and minds of America. Face the fact that your party has left you and you must either take it back or join the GOP or start building a new one.
  7. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Yes, CMG, you made it quite clear in another thread that you seemingly do not have a problem with the despicable Mr. Novak outing Mrs. Wilson, as you continually make the claim that she was some sort of clerk. Did you read the New York Times today? If not, then how about the Drudge Report, who has a link to a story.

    From that link.
    [Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/05/politics/05wilson.html?ei=5065&en=098db82eca21fe76&ex=1121227200&partner=MYWAY&pagewanted=print ]
    That doesn't sound like a clerk to me, CMG. But you have made it clear how you feel about her, so I doubt this will change your mind about anything. As you are constantly claiming that it isn't a crime if they are not "overseas," you probably have no problem with outing her, and not only wiping out her cover but compromising anyone associated with her.

    Mrs. Wilson was "one of the good guys" in the war on terror, but I suppose it is okay as long as she wasn't "overseas."

    Two points:
    1. Seemingly, you believe that success validates someone's message.
    2. Please provide where he "misled" the public.

    ..........and yet the despicable Mr. Novak is not the one who is facing jail, despite the fact that he is the one who actually outed Mrs. Wilson.

    Where is the proof of this? Please show us where Iraq was planning to buy yellowcake uranium.

  8. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest


    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    More wood on the fire prosecutor raised the stakes.


    By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
    55 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON - A federal prosecutor on Tuesday demanded that Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper testify before a grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA officer's identity, even though Time Inc. has surrendered e-mails and other documents in the probe.

    Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald also opposed the request of Cooper and New York Times reporter Judith Miller to be granted home detention — instead of jail — for refusing to reveal their sources.

    Allowing the reporters home confinement would make it easier for them to continue to defy a court order to testify, he said. Special treatment for journalists may "negate the coercive effect contemplated by federal law," Fitzgerald wrote in filings with the court.s

    Craig Crawford said this in his blog

    07.05.2005 Craig Crawford

    Matt, Do The Perp Walk Now
    Matt Cooper is one of the niftiest guys I ever met in this town. And a damn good amateur stand-up comedian. But I want him to go to jail. We need this. Americans must see a reporter in handcuffs to understand what is happening to the freedom of the press. He should do a Martha Stewart and immediately volunteer to go to a minimum security facility where there will be no issue about his safety. And he should insist on a perp walk to the squad car. That picture will be as provocative and illuminating as the brave soul standing before the tank in Tiananmen Square.

  10. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    If Rove was the leaker, then why didn't the Democrats jump all over this last year to help them during the election?
  11. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Should we be questioning whether you are lying about your salvation? Is turnabout fair play?
  12. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    Ummm... because they just found out? How can one jump on something that has yet been made known to them? Or should it have been a pre-emtive jumping like that of your buddy Bushie?
  13. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    Should we be questioning whether you are lying about your salvation? </font>[/QUOTE]Why would you question mine? Because my beliefs are different than yours? Have I not shown myself to be knowledgable of scripture and God's law? Look, Mr. Ken, there are plenty here who do not agree with everything you say. Friendly advice would be to get used to that fact.

    In typical fanatical right wing fashion, you have managed to answer a question by not answering it... instead you pose another question.

    Thanks for the welcome, by the way:)
  14. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Not according to O'Donnell. He said, "I have known this for months but didn't want to say it at a time that would risk me getting dragged into the grand jury."
  15. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    For the same reason, you are questioning Bush's. I have noticed a quite unChristlike attitude exhibited in your posts. So it just causes me to wonder about you, that's all.

    Frankly, for the record, I think that both you and George W. Bush will share Heaven together with the rest of we Christians.
  16. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    Not according to O'Donnell. He said, "I have known this for months but didn't want to say it at a time that would risk me getting dragged into the grand jury." </font>[/QUOTE]As I'm sure you are quite aware, before any story has legs it needs some evidentual proof or the person bringing it to light becomes the shot messenger of bad news. Besides, knowing if for months and knowing it in time for the election are two entirely different things.

    ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Ken since when did a 40 year old virgin start
    becoming the bully of the board...why pounce
    on the ladies salvation ..isn't that the limit.

    The reason the Baptist Board is so successful
    is because discussion and debate reign and not
    bobble head confirmation.
  18. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    For the same reason, you are questioning Bush's. I have noticed a quite unChristlike attitude exhibited in your posts. So it just causes me to wonder about you, that's all.

    Frankly, for the record, I think that both you and George W. Bush will share Heaven together with the rest of we Christians.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Frankly, for the record, I wasn't aware God allowed murderers into heaven. But I guess there is still time for George to confess his sins.

    I am truly sorry and I appologize profusely to anyone whom I may have offended with an un-Christlike comment! Going forward, I would like it very much if my brothers and sisters here would point such things out to me:)

    I'm all about the tough love:)
  19. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    What's your problem, ASLANSPAL? I said that I believe that both her and Bush will be in Heaven.
  20. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    If you say so.