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China Was Just Delaying the Inevitable with Lockdowns

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Aaron, Dec 23, 2022.

  1. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    After Loosening COVID Restrictions, China Mandates Hospitals To Take Regular Virus Samples To Monitor Mutations | ZeroHedge

    All of a sudden China seems content in trying to live with Covid and re-opening the country...it's funny what happens when your citizens have had enough and decide they are no longer going to put up with it. The softer stance on the virus is coming just weeks after protests rocked major cities in China.

    As part of China's "new" policy on how it is dealing with the virus, it is setting up "a nationwide network of hospitals to monitor mutations of the virus", according to a new report from the South China Morning Post.

    As the SCMP notes: "Mass PCR testing was cancelled in early December and negative test results are no longer required to return to work or enter public places, including hospitals. There is no encouragement for people to get tested."

    Now, the country is bracing for new variants of the virus as a result of "waves" of the infection hitting the country in a short period of time, the report says.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  2. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    And their elites aren't escaping the consequences.

    Deaths Among CCP Elites Rise as COVID-19 Wave Hits China

    Yang was one of a long list of prominent figures tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who died amid a surge in Omicron sweeping China, after the regime abruptly loosened its years-long draconian COVID-19 restrictions that had shuttered businesses, crippled China’s economy, and made it a challenge for the Chinese population to sustain their basic lives.

    The abrupt U-turn in direction, however, was made without the provision of resources and policies to help the populace deal with the mounting cases of infections.

    The country’s health system has been ill-prepared. As the virus spread across households, chaos has erupted in hospitals and crematoriums, and even Chinese elites, known for the privileges they enjoy, haven’t been immune from the whiplash.
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Omicron—Omicron, virtually impotent in the U.S. (because we'd actually reached herd immunity long before the deadly vaccine rollout), is ravaging China.