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Christians' addicted need our help

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Soulman, Nov 27, 2004.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Can't he add you and the girls to his insurance at work?
  2. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Well, my girls have medicaid for 100 dollars a year. As an adult I don't qualify for medicaid because I make over 500 a month. My hubands job insures him for free but for me it would be 300 a month. Yes I said 300. We just can't pay that and feed the kids too.
  3. Christianbsw

    Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    If you have an infant that is breastfeeding, I hope that you will discuss this with your physician immediately. Addiction can be very serious as some substances, over time, may contribute to other problems. You may also build up a tolerance to some medications. Some meds will decrease effectiveness of the immune system. As I am not an doctor, I will not give medical advice, I would encourage you to seek consultation with someone familiar with the medications. It may be helpful to find a support system through your Church or in the community. There are often resource lists at hospitals and if you have a psychologist, they may be able to refer you. LCSW social workers have many resources for people with addictions and can treat depending upon their professional licensure.
    May God give you the wisdom to follow the path He desires. May He bless and keep you.
  4. Christianbsw

    Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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  5. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Thank you for your concern bsw and no I am not breastfeeding any longer. I will not have anymore children, unless thrugh divine intervention. lol. I have prayed through this trail and have meraculously been able to make it with 2 pain pills a day and I've spoken to weomen that became so addicted to these things they took up to 10 a day! When my tolerance builds up I quit for a few days. My house turns into a wreck and my pain becomes much worse, but when I finally take the medication it relieves the pain again. It's a tiring process and my desire is total health and freedom. If insured I would just have my gall bladder removed and quitting would be much easier I'm sure. I'm trusting the Lord to make a way or just heal me. GBY TOO
  6. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Thank you I will look into that.
  7. Christianbsw

    Christianbsw New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Whew! That's good. There isn't a concern for the kids. I hope the state insurance can help, at least with the girls. I worked with a Ph.D. candidate at a Baptist assessment center for children who signed his children up for State insurance. It turned out to be a real blessing when he was really paying next to nothing for it and his son had episodes of asthma and other concerns.
    I am uncertain if they will cover adults, but some states, I am told, do have parent plans. Also, some county hospitals may offer referral services at reduced rates. You might check if a social worker at a church will offer you this service.
    Best wishes.
  8. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    How do you know? Benny Hinn claims great miracles and people give glowing testimonies at his meetings but no one can find a definite, clear-cut miracle afterwards. Not one! AA claims the same success. As well as TM, yoga, Hari Krishina, etc. Wait five years and do follow up. Then persuade me with your evidence.

    I, too, have looked at the RU website repeatedly. Thought that I had missed something. I didn’t. It’s 12-step in religious garb. As I said before, a skunk by any other name still smells the same.

    Answer my questions. Refute my assertions. Deal with logic and rational argument. No one has said, “No, it’s not Jungian.” Would you know Jungian psychology if you met it in the dark? No one has defended the underlying Jungian presuppositions. No one has given a coherent Biblical defense of what RU is doing. How is it Bible based? A few Scripture verses and the name of Jesus does not make it necessarily Biblical anymore than AA’s use of religious terms.

    How many times have I argued that success doesn’t make it Biblical? No one has challenged this. If success is the benchmark, then the Mormons are doing a great work for God. So are the JW’s. This “working great” is like a mantra. It is repeated over and over. How is it working? By what standard?
  9. av1611jim

    av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    On the other hand, the web site you provided does not have and even admits not having empirical evidence that it works or is Biblical. So just exactly what do you propose?
    What do you do? Quit it with this New Age apprehending of Ancient Greek to make something sound Biblical. Nouthetic indeed!

    I am certainly no fan of Bill W. and the good old boys. But neither am I a fan of a constant critic with no offering of a sound alternative. So come clean already. 9 pages! Good grief!

    Give up your secrets oh wise one. I also have gotten tired of your ranting. And to think, just a few pages ago I was DEFENDING you! Come clean brother! Enquiring minds want to know! Spell it out, plain and clear. On the bottom shelf so us kiddies can get to it.

    Thank you very much.

    In HIS service;
  10. Soulman

    Soulman New Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    Origionally posted by Soulman: Paid,
    I have said before and will say again that all council given at an R/U meeting is biblical. All questions are answered biblically. We know that we are not trained councillors and therefore do not claim to be. I have been saved for over 30 years and can provide some direction based on the nature of God and the scriptures. Isn't that what you have been saying? Regular 12 step programs do NOT have God. R/U acknowledges that the program will not and cannot work without God.

    Paid, Please tell me what is wrong with this approach. This is how R/U works. It uses God. 12 steps never coe into it. 10 principles do....not steps.... Once a person is saved, God can help. Agree with that??
  11. Soulman

    Soulman New Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    We have had some people on this thread that have made the good people trying to do the right thing mabey feel a little out of sorts.

    Some have said that R/U is a 12 step program modeled after AA. Not the case

    It has also been said that you throw in a few verses and expect it to work.


    these aren't just a few verses. We are promoting the most powerful words on earth. We have a God which cannot lie!

    When a person comes to our program all bottomed out, and I ask him or her if they have truly had enough of all the world has to offer? If I give them a verse such as: He who comes unto me I will in no wise cast out. Or Jn 3:16. Friend don't let these men minimize these words. The GIFT of God is eternal life! If God says it then thats it!

    If God promises to take our burdens, He is bound to do so by His promise. Once born again we belong to God and He WILL help His children!!

    It is easy to get thrown off track. Stick to the basics of the Word of God. These men seek to confuse us. God is NOT the author of confusion!
  12. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Copied from http://www.reformu.com/Our%20Opinion.htm
    "We believe that freedom from addiction is not a lifelong experience of ongoing recovery, but a once in a lifetime miracle of God that is maintained by His power over sin once and for all in a new creation: a Christian."

    This is one point in RU's favor. They differ from AA in that freedom from "addiction" is NOT a lifelong continuing process. I heartily agree.
  13. Soulman

    Soulman New Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    That is correct. They believe in a cure.
  14. Mapipe

    Mapipe Member
    Site Supporter

    Nov 30, 2004
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    Paid, Have you ever reviewed Setting Captives Free? It appears to be very good. Totally done with scripture. www.settingcaptivesfree.com
  15. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    I agree. However, they are using the terms of the modern recovery movement although it appears they mean something different. This is a problem. It creates all kinds of confusion when you redefine words to something other than the generally accepted meaning. It's rather like Bill Clintion saying, "Oh, I wasn't answering that question, I was answering another one." I just don't have time to develop just now. More later.
  16. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Put on your reading glasses and read again. You have confused a lot of points about what I said or didn't say. Furthermore, which website are you referencing? I did NOT give a website stating that nouthetic counseling is NOT Biblical. Also, nouthetic in various forms is in the Greek New Testament. It is not an Ancient Greek concept. (BTW, it is not a term taken from Greek mythology as Freud did) It is a Biblical Greek concept with the idea of confronting the sinner with his sin in order to restore him in fellowship and relationship to God.

    Please give me any quote of mine that states or implies that empirical data validates a practice. On the other hand, you can easily find many posts where I contended that success or results does not prove that the thing is of God.

    It seems that somewhere you have taken a blind Kiergaardian leap into the dark.

    Also, please don't try to be sarcastic or smart alec toward me personally because it tempts me to respond with cutting wit and sarcasm in reply. I have an addiction...uh...weakness in this matter. :cool:
  17. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Yes, they do seem to take a truly Biblical approach. This is not a blanket endorsement because I don’t know enough about them. Here are some positives:
    1. They recommend some good websites (e.g. NANC) that I do know about. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume they are in substantial agreement with sound Biblical counseling.
    2. They emphasize doctrine! This is good and refreshing.
    3. They believe in the sufficiency of Scripture.
    4. They use primarily Scriptural terms—not psychological buzzwords. However, an occasional psych word slips through but our culture is so immersed in psychological jargon that I find myself occasionally mouthing the language. [​IMG] Usually I catch and correct myself.
    5. They seem to take a sound Biblical approach in dealing with sin.
    Thanks for putting me onto this site. Like anything, I need to learn more before completely endorsing them.
  18. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    I have written a two page answer to this post but it won't fly. I've tried repeated to UL it as well as PM. This a test to see if there's something wrong in the cut/paste operation.

    Edit: Well, it worked. I give up. Jim, let this stand without an answer.

    [ January 21, 2005, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: paidagogos ]
  19. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Disclaimer: Check out the site below. This is not the kind of Nouthetic Counseling proposed by Jay Adams and NANC. You see how terms are picked up and used to mean somthing entirely different from the original intents.

  20. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Copied from: http://www.freedomministries.com/courses2.html#dcc
    "When the world makes no sense there are biblical solutions for struggles with depression, anxiety, panic, addictions and guilt. Solutions lie in the development of basic undeveloped tasks that you may have failed to complete when growing up and tasks that bring changes that heal. Offers help in taking on the likeness of the one that created you."

    The above is a quote from a website associated with the aforementioned Freedom Ministries (http://freedomministries.com/counselingoutreach.html). These people offer you the world--degrees, accreditation, certification, licensure, ordination, and even your own church branch, academy or a Bible college-seminary.

    They claim to do Biblical counseling, even Nouthetic Counseling. This is the farthest thing from the truth. They are not Nouthetic as the term originated. They are subverting it to their own usage since it carries some reputation and respectibility. The quotation is absolutely Freudian for anyone who knows anything about psychoanalysis. So, please don't associate me or anything I say with these people. I deny them.

    [ January 21, 2005, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: paidagogos ]