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Church no longer allowed to use public school on Sunday

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Salty, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    This story is about Syracuse, NY.
    Reading a P-S editorial today. I would laugh my head off - if it were not so serious! First the headline stated "Thumbs-up: No more worship in city schools" That was the first mistake they made. The City school district stated that they will not accept a tenant who views do not match their believes. In this case, the church believes that homosexuality is a sin. So if a church believes that homosexuality is normal behavior - they would be welcomed to worship in a City School building.
    Second - the PS stated that the church is renting a private facility and "without relying on taxpayer-supported facilities to do so." Do the Editors of the Post-Standard think that the school was allowing the church to worship without payment? Didn't their reporters do some legwork to find out how much the church was paying to use the building. Thus by paying rent -the church was not relying on the taxpayers! Third - why is it that SU and the city school district are not abiding by the First Amendment? "Freedom of religion shall not be infringed!" What concerns me are the other groups on SU that may no longer be allowed to worship at SU! I have another question for SU & the City School Distirct. If the Girl Scouts wanted to meet in a school bldg - would they be prohibited because they do not allow boys? And to think, SU was founded as a Methodist college with high Biblical and moral standards. -- Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
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