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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Of course, our email connection and grif.net sites are down today. But our server is in the "toilet" (so to speak) quite often . .

    New day, new challenge.
  2. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Amen, Dr. Bob....

    Thanks all for the prayers. This vertigo thing and the unsteadiness that comes afterwards is the pits. I can see why Van Gogh and others who have had it have committed suicide. But, I'm not a cheater nor a coward. Every day is a new experience, even if some of the same old things happen! [​IMG] I may actually have to go to Casper to see Dr. Bobs wife, the Doctor....Hmmmm....don't think he'd like that too well! [​IMG]
  3. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Oh my Diane! I bet you were ready to scream. Usually it's the dogs who drag in the mud here. It barely sprinkled here last night, but when Ava came bounding in wagging her tail, I realized she was WET! Doggie prints across the foyer floor! I was glad I hadn't made it to mop yet.

    Matter of fact, I STILL haven't vacuumed and mopped yet. Precious stayed home this morning still not feeling well, so I carried her to school and went to the mall to get her prescription filled. Problem was, I had left the dumb thing at home. By the time I got it filled and took it to her, it was lunchtime. I'm just finished eating but only have an hour before I have to go pick up the kids.

    I bought them water balloons while I was out. Think I should bother mopping???? :D

    Hehe Dr Bob, at least your got unstopped. When the oldest was about two, ours got stopped up. We plunged and plunged and nothing worked, but if we left it alone the water would trickle down. Worked on the dumb thing for nearly a week before we decided that whatever it was was stuck in the neck and couldn't go on through.

    The men folk took the commode outside and tried to put a snake through it. No dice, what ever it was was stuck tight. Finally they took the back off and turned the base upside down and gave it a shake. One of my make up bottles had been stuck in the neck. It was exactly the right size to stop up the works. I didn't use that type of makeup again........
  4. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Nah... I'm pretty cool headed PLUS I remember how much money I can make at home and still home school Nick. I also enjoy the children. I've still got the 10 month old and his 3 year old sister for about another 20 mins. They ate supper with us and Brayden entertained us eating chicken/ broccoli/ asparagus/ rice casserole for the first time. He seemed to like it but he had rice in places I didn't know a 10 month old had places. LOL

    Nick and MacKenzie are in the sand box. It's 8 X 8 and they found a ring neck snake (hatchling) so they had to paint snakes on their papers.
    Click to see photo

    I am TIRED tonight. Only Ty until after school tomorrow so I'll be up at 5:30 (mom got in trouble for being late to work each day) but I can be back in bed by 6:00. With the phone off the hook, I should be able to sleep in for quite a while. Ty would sleep most of the day if I'd let him.

    YAWN.... NCIS is on tonight. [​IMG]
  5. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I'm heading to bed folks. Being out in the fresh air, working all day, makes for a good night's sleep!

    Pleasant dreams all!
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Originally posted by menageriekeeper:
    The 3's are satisfied. I had mine BEFORE ya'll had yours...

    Originally posted by Pastor Bob:
    Originally posted by I Am Blessed 16:
    [​IMG] :eek: [​IMG]
  7. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    All i did was catch another mouse. It has
    been a week but i kept three traps set. You
    never know when some more might come back.

    Last night Muffin (the dog who doesn't know
    he is a dog) pointed the bottom of the fridge.
    I'll keep the traps set another week.
  8. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Muffin the mighty hunter!
  9. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Was foggy here this morning at 3am. There wasn't supposed to be any fog...but, there was. Viv said it wasn't very thick...just an eerie bit of it making things look spooky down by the creek. We live less than 300 feet from the road where the Rebs and the Yanks marched during the Civil War, and not too far from one of the battle sites and encampments. We've just wondered if there were any ghosts around. Have heard there were, but none documented.

    (Oh, Great! And now I've just read an email from Sue about towns with Ghosts! Thank God ours isn't one of them!) ;)

    Anhow, I just got up not too long ago and still trying to recover from my friend Verti! Go, Verti, Go! LOL ;)

    Have a great day!

  10. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    And a bright good morning to you all, too!

    Only Ty until this afternoon so I slept in til 8:30. He'd come at 5:50 and I went right back to bed after my eyedrops. Only one more month of eye drops!

    Nick and Ty are already in the sandbox. It's 70° already and supposed to hit 84° by this afternoon. No AWANA for me until late August! There's some award ceremony tonight but I'm not going. I'll pick up my 'year' award some other time.

    Hope that vertigo passes very quickly Tony and that everyone has a lovely, unstopped up day! We have one toilet that is very slow to fill. It must be the last room in the house on the water line. The tank takes forever to fill up!

  11. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I'm afraid you hoped too late for me, Diane. I woke up stopped up and it hasn't quite gone away yet. It what I get for transplanting stuff last night.

    It's going to be hot here too and was yesterday. I have to get out and go buy some groceries. We're out of bread, milk and coffee! Hopefully by the time I get back the inlaws will be here to help me drag the yard sale stuff out of the attic.

    Ya'll have a good day! Tony, I'll pray you get to feeling better.
  12. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Good afternoon,

    I was over at a friend's house this morning and was inspired by her roses. She has a beautiful Oklahoma Rose (Deep Burgundy Red) and a Joseph's Coat. The Joseph's coat is so beautiful. It has yellow, rose, and orange roses on the same bush.

    So I went to the nursery and bought one of each. We really don't have a proper bed prepared for them so I am going to put them in large pots until we have a bed prepared.

    Have a great afternoon!
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Nick and the neighborhood 'hoods' are playing whiffle ball out back while Ty and Max dig in the sandbox.

    I took Nick for a quick allergy check this afternoon. Dr. comes from another town and a fatality had closed the only main road so he was about 20 mins. late getting to his office. We were fist in line but then had to wait 15 mins. at CVS for some allergy meds, get gas and then it was time to pick up Max! 12:30 - 3:15 spent running around! NOT my style! Thankfully, it's over for a while!!

    Next Wednesday is going to be my final eye check for a while. I was able to switch days so I only have to take Nick and Tyler and will be home in plenty of time to pick up Max. I told Ty if he's VERY good I'll take him to the Dollar Tree for a toy. He's a good, very good kid, but in the doctor's office tends to interupt and want to show off every boo boo, talk about his dogs and cats, etc.

    Nick just watches and learns.

  14. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I spent a good part of my day running around too. I thought I was only going out to pick up some groceries, but when I got back from that a friend called and asked me to run an errand for her. When I got back from that errand Precious called for me to take her some medicine. I've made 5 trips to town and back today. I hope everything is done cause I'm NOT going out again!

    My kids are playing nicely....now. They came home bickering and whining, so I put them to doing chores. Didn't take long before they were ready to get along again.

    I love the Dollar Tree! I can still get away with telling mine that if their good we'll go there and get a treat. I bought mine water balloons from there yesterday.
  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Water Balloons! We're under a 2 week outside WATER BAN with a possible extention. The town has doubled in size in 4 years and we just can't keep up! Lady Godiva from next door had on my hose today. I'm tired of jumping on that kid. Thankfully he'll be with mom's husband number 1 or 2 next week and not husband number 3 so not here! That gives me a break! If I can only put up with him for a few more days. :eek:

    Tomorrow and Friday will be LONG days. Ty comes at 5:45 and the next two will come at 6 but stay until 7:30. Max is after school until 6:30 or 7:00. I won't have Ty on Friday or Monday because the next three weeks, mom is working Tues. - Fri.

    I'm so sleepy tonight! I did a lot of housework today. Patches found a 6" Salamander in our house and it got away! [​IMG]

    Yesterday was the ring necked snake the kids found. Wonder what tomorrow holds!

  16. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Nice and humid and getting warm here already at 65 degrees. It's supposed to be another scorcher here today at 90+. I'm probably going to leave the windows closed and the air on today. Had a lot of trouble breathing yesterday and last night.

    Viv and I both got up at 12:30am for some odd reason. Went back to bed and got back up at 1:15am, and then finally at 2:00am. Don't know why, but it was just very hard to sleep last night.

    When Viv called to let me know that she was at work, she said that they were probably going to send them home early today. They sent all but one line home yesterday, so, she volunteered to stay on that line. But, after some of the things that happened yesterday, she said she wasn't volunteering again today if it happened. Besides, she wants to finish doing some things in the garden and around the house and get the grocery shopping done.

    Talk wit ya'll later! ;)

  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    It is a cool 54º this morning after 84º yesterday. Of course it's going to rain the next 3 days... :rolleyes:

    Have a severe headache this morning - not sure what's up with that - pollen count is not high.

    §ue (off to the corner)
  18. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    It's already 80 degrees here. Hot and sticky....and it's going to be even more so if it rains....They are now calling for some storms in our area. The Clouds are building, but don't know if we'll get anything.
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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  20. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hmmm Sue, that's a cool site but I didn't see any suggestions on how to keep young children from throwing makeup bottles down the commodes. [​IMG]

    Hey ya'll! It's going to be hot and sticky here today. The mosquitos are already terrible and the city has been spraying for them for a month already. Going to be a bad year for fleas and ticks too.

    I won't be around much today. Gotta get ready for the yard sale tomorrow. Have paperwork to get done for RIF and a house to clean. Bitsy has gymnastics this pm, so I need to stick something in the crock for supper. And I still have more plants to move(they may have to wait til tomorow).

    Ya'll have a good day and stay cool!

    [Oh yeah, go check out this thread in the news/currant events thread ( http://www.baptistboard.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php/topic/1/3269.html )]