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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hey Tony:

    When my kids were young, our church always went to John Bishop's "Triple S Christian Ranch" in Rosebud, AR. Now the church takes the kids to Larry Brown's "Cedar River Baptist Camp" in Letts, IA.

    It's been four days for my toe. I think I've been up and about on it too much...

    High 90s' forecast here too all week. Today is the first day I've turned the C/A on but I've been running the bedroom A/C all week.

    Your family sounds like hubby's family. Will be in prayer.

    Diane: The people I've talked to swear that Brent can give poison ivy to other people when his blisters break... :rolleyes:

    I haven't gotten it and I've been touching him all over! I had it once when I was younger, but not since.

    I got Brent Caladryl instead of Calamine lotion. He didn't want to go with pink spots all over him and the Caladryl dries clear. [​IMG]

    Dr. gave me a prescription for Benadryl and Prednisone for him. I didn't get them filled. I don't think he'll need them. Funny thing, the only ones that itched were on his fingers!
  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Nick's been given Prednisone for his mosquito bites twice now and the swelling went away within hours but they were REALLY bad. If the camp were to call about the Poison Ivy, you could go to a local pharmacy and have them call the prescription for prednisone to a pharmacy near the camp. The Benadryl would make him sleepy and he doesn't want to not enjoy camp! The camp nurse would know when it was bad enough. Prednisone has SO many side effects that I'd much rather avoid it!
  3. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    HEY YA'LL!!!!!!!!


    LOL, we had a great day in spite of my leaving half the story props at home and my having to leave just after opening Bible study. The poor lady they had asked to help me only got her book this morning. She had been out of town since they asked and had no idea I was leaving her to teach half the lesson. She did great anyway and Precious was there to help with crowd control.

    Our kids were so funny this morning. In the sanctuary the boys were sitting on one end of the pew and the girls were as far on the other end as they could get. The girls said the boys were "wierd". :rolleyes: [​IMG] They did pretty much the same thing when we got to the room. Girls at on table and the boys at the other. I doubt any girl talked to any boy. I knew that third graders did this but didn't realize that second graders were the same way.

    The room ended up not getting many more decorations, but that ended up fine as there was a ton of stuff in my packet that ended up on my walls. By the end of the week there won't be a bare spot left!

    I'm sure, Sue, that Brent will have a wonderful time at camp. He won't even think about how much he itches until.......he comes home with all his complaints next week. It's how our kids let us know how much they love us, you know. :rolleyes:

    By then his poison ivy spots will have mixed in with his mosquito bites and he'll be pink all over without the calamine!

    Whoops, talk to you later, my friend just called and said she'd been in a minor car wreck!
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    The sky is dark as chocolate here, and the wind is blowing like hurricane! I can't believe this stuff. There is a lot of thunder, some lightening, but no rain...YET! They say it's coming and hail is with it! I went out and mowed around the garden and compost bin so that we could have a clear path, but man...I don't know...it if rains like it looks like it's going to it's going to be a gully washer! I had to come in because of the lightening!

    Sue, Brent should have a great time at camp! I usually did, except for the camp just before my Sr. year. There were a lot of things going on in our church and in several of the churches that were there, and it was very hard to enjoy my time there with all of the bickering and venom being spewed.

    I can remember one of my favorite camps was nearly ruined when President Nixon resigned. It was hard on a lot of people there, but we pressed on and the Lord really worked. One of the preachers preached that the Lord put up governments and rulers, and he allowed them to be removed...God was in control. It gave a 12 year old boy peace of mind.

    Diane, please, DON'T let Nick take that junk! Prednisone is ok, but if it's for longer than five to ten days, I'd refuse!
  5. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well be careful Tony.

    This morning it was absolutely beautiful here. When I came home at ten to take a call I was expecting it was still beautiful. Got back to church and about 11:30 Precious looks out a window and says it's raining. Was it ever! I don't know how it happened, but in the one hour from the time I got back to the church the clear sunny sky had turned black and it was pouring. All those kids got a shower leaving the church. The lightening was streaking too.

    So much for working on my flower bed. At least my trays of plants won't need watering. [​IMG]
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I PROMISE, I was standing outside in the sun, talking to Ty's father, walked in and started reading the threads here and BOOM, raining like crazy! I'm SO glad because it's 90° and I can't afford my air conditioning.

    Tony, the two times Nick's had Prednisone have been for 5 days only. I'm very anti that stuff. Jim has a tummy that will never go away because of it. It's extra bad for kids during growth spurts.

    I still don't know which days I'm having the three kids so I'm trying to schedule decorating. I called my co teacher and she's got to help her father tomorrow so we're planning on Thursday now. I'll probably end up with the kids but my S/S room opens to a gated playground and is next to the nursery in case Brayden needs to be put in a playpen while we're on ladders!

    Temp has already dropped 5°! Alright!
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Down 12° now and breezy! Whew!
  8. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Dropped 21° now. LOL
  9. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well I had thought that the rain would blow through and I could get out to that bed and pull the creeping juniper while the ground was nice and soft. Unfortunately, the rain seems to be just sitting on top of us. By the time it does blow on out it will be dark or the mosquitos will carry me off.

    Guess I'm getting and enforced rest. Too bad I'm to wide awake to sleep. Poor Bitsy fell out asleep on the rug at the foot of my bed. She is snoring away. I hope bad cat won't decide she need to wake up a play!
  10. bloodwashed

    bloodwashed New Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Well we had quite a bit of rain here as well.Lost power at work a couple of times but thats Alabama in the summertime.
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well it seems to have stopped raining here and it's a nice 66°. I'm standing over a hot stove melting crayons. I'm on my last can full. I'll have a small can of black and gray but I don't think I'll bother tonight. I'll have WAY more than enough. [​IMG]

    Nick's bites are going away quickly but the 3 on his ankles look almost like broken blood vessels or little hickeys. :eek: I'm amazed and thankful there was NO swelling this time! The big ones on the back of his arm are pretty much gone. The tiny ones on his legs look like what a normal kid would have. Only those ugly ones on his ankles bother me. I worry so much when he's bit because he got cellulitis when he was 4 from infected bites.
  12. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I have survived the first day of Bible School and shopping with an eight year old. The washing machine and dryer have not stopped in two days.

    We had a thunderstorm last evening, but a beautiful day today.

    The happy noises of children playing are so wonderful.
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I made plans to decorate this Thursday, Thankful, at 10:00 and my 3 day a week mom just called and needs me Thurs. and Fri. from 10:15 til Dad is off work. Guess I'll have some kid helpers too. They'll play tho.... I suggested the two brothers to another sitter and they didn't last one day. It was a long few weeks here but it's back to a nice pleasant group. [​IMG]

    I know what you mean about the washer! Nick's been playing with the neighbor kids and water pistols. Since he has to be covered because of bites, he changes clothes 3 or more times a day. I told him today that he's now my laundry assistant and will have to help fold and put away all the clothes, not just HIS. He gladly agreed. He doesn't like to stay in wet clothes. [​IMG]

    It's going to be nice sleeping tonight! Nice and cool!

  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Hey! I'm almost at a palindrome! 23432 should roll around any second!
  15. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I should have washed today, but I didn't. Hopefully I'll be able to find T something to wear in the morning. Doing laundry didn't even dawn on me. I guess I'm more tired than I thought from deck building and VBS.

    Speaking of tired, Bitsy just woke up a few minutes ago. Just in time to eat, take a bath and go back to bed. I hope she's not coming down sick.
  16. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    The temps fell 30 degrees yesterday in less than an hour. The wind was terrible and was so hard it was blowing things from construction sites around the area. Then the rain came after Vivian got home. She drove through some pretty heavy rains, though. She said there was zero visibility in Murfreesboro.

    I was not sure what to do. The barometric pressure fell so quickly that I was sicker than a dog and couldn't even get up into a sitting position on the couch for nearly an hour. I wouldn't wish Meniere's disease on my worst enemy...not even the worst democrat I could find! But, I know God is in control and has a plan.

    Diane, still praying for Nick....

    Sue, still praying for Brent, Dale, and your toe!

    MK, praying for you, too. God bless ya...ain't kids fun? ;)

    Ya'll have a great day! [​IMG]

  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Tony, I think your rain is heading our way. It will be in the 90s all week, but starting today we are supposed to have thunderstorms all week!

    Poor Brent. Rain was forecast for Iowa the whole week he is there at camp...

    I slept SO good last night. Nothing woke me up and I know I turned over in my sleep, but it did not bother my toe!!!

    Insurance company is coming out today to look at the truck and take pictures...

    Going to do laundry today and wash the bed clothes.

  18. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy - we keep sharing our wind and blustery spring weather with you all, so don't whine!! [​IMG]

    52F, cloudy and just not real spring like in Wyoming. And I have a 2:30 pm backyard wedding today (yes, Tuesday) and will be happy to be wearing a suit!!
  19. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Another good day at Bible School. Pastor seems very pleased with the progress, but granddaughter got a headache today. I'm trying to determine if she really has a headache. She was fine after I brought her home and she didn't ask for any medicine or complain. How do you mothers tell? I do know that this child's mother had very bad headaches when she was a child, but seemed to outgrow them. Her mother did have some headaches because of her teeth, but Sissy has had a check ups and she thinks it is allergies.

    I really think that it is change of routine and she is already worried about flying on an airplane. Even our dog is upset. He stays in his crate most of the time and he is itching and scratching. I have given him all the usual meds for him...I think he is just upset. He does fine until I put a suitcase in our room. Then he knows that something is up.

    I have a "teach me piano" for the computer and musical keyboard so Sissy has been playing that. She seems to have a very good ear for music. We also have legos that belonged to my stepson and they love to build things.

    Goodness, I'm tired from trying to keep them busy. These children have not really learned to pick up after themselves unless made to do so. We are working on that. Must be difficult for them to have a very relax parent and then a grandmother that wants things picked up and put in their place. Wonder why it is so difficult for some children to place trash in a trash can. Is there a way to make a game of that?
  20. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Dr. Bob, would you like to trade for the upper 80's and lower 90's here? The air is so thick one cannot breath it...they need to slice and eat it!