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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, May 11, 2006.

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  1. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good Morning all:

    It's foggy here this morning and Vivian encountered a little bit of rain on the way to work. It was stormy here last night and cut the power off two or three different times. I believe part of our house was hit by lightening, as most of the breakers were out when I went to the garage. I'll have to wait until it get's a little more light outside before I can go and check. I know that our compost can was hit. There's a big black burn mark to prove it!

    Gayla, I wish my SIL would move here, but she doesn't want to leave her girls, and they both live up there with their boyfriends. I can fully understand that desire to stay around her children.

    SFiC...I LOVE KK donuts! When Viv and I lived in Augusta, we would get the hot donuts every time we could! Those are a favorite in my family, and in hers also.

    A lot going on for me today. Please, if you think about it, remember me in prayer today as I got to the pain clinic in Antioch, TN. They are going to want to do more probing and shots in my spine, and I just can't let them do that any longer. I'm hoping that my conference with the doctor today will be fruitful and he will want to control the pain with medication. The only surgery I would every let them do is to remove the bone spurs that have developed over the past six months in my spine. They're pressing on my nerves and practically paralyzing my legs at times. Yet, God is good. He can work it all out.

    Vivian said something yesterday about selling the house in March and moving to Wilson, Rutherford or Davidson counties since they would be closer. I think she's getting tired of spending 2-4 hours a day in the car to and from work. Plus, we cannot keep up 2 acres of land right now. There's no time, and nobody that is able to do it. Someone suggested leasing it out for horses or gardening to others in the area.

    Sue, I hope you and that large group of people had a great time (or have a great time!)! Sounds like fun.

    Well, ya'll have a great day! Be good, Be kind, Be careful!

    Bro. T
  2. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Jim, all of the women had to reapply to get in the WPF. I imagine it might be the same with the MPF. You might contact Squire to find out.

    Barnabas took a sabbatical for personal reasons and he and his wife are also visiting most of the summer in Hungary. I miss him!

    Good morning all,

    It is SO humid this morning, it's hard to breathe. It rained most of the night and we are expecting more today.

    I have a doctor's appointment this morning to see about the awful swelling in my feet, ankles, and lower legs (and the pain involved).

    Brent and I have a HomeSchooler's picnic to attend at 1:00 in the park. We are to bring our own lunch and our volleyball and net-also our badmitten racquets and shuttlecocks.

    Brent and his Boy Scout Troop are to meet at 5:00 (at another park) to cook pork chops for the Lincoln Rotary Club tonight.

    This could get interesting if it rains all day...

    Bitsy: Thanks for wiping the counters down. I'm going to have some of that good-smelling coffee right now!

    HAGD all!
    §ue :flower:
  3. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good morning everyone!

    I'll be running today as well.

    I have to hunt two tires for my car as I forgot to have the place I usually buy from order them for me and now they don't have time to get them in. I don't know what I was thinking, I KNEW I had to have those tires before we go on this trip.

    Then it'll be off to have the oil changed, T's watched fixed and then back again to put someone on the lawn mower and someone else to clean out the car and wash it inside and out! There are also two karate classes to fit in and Chris needs a haircut.

    Then I might get to rest. :D

    Off to start finding those tires!

  4. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Sue, Thanks for the information.

    No, remember I am Anglican and it is called the Baptist Men's Private Forum....We reprobates are not allowed....I am listed as a member of the women's though...serious, that's what it said when I tried to apply..........:praise:


  5. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Good morning. :flower:

    I've gotta get myself in gear and slam out some writing, but it's not happening yet. I'm still too foggy!

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow. It's our "cleaning day" of the week. And I actually want to. I'm starting to gross myself out. [​IMG] I need to find two papers to get started on my one paper. They're on the bed somewhere. I have a general idea of where the bed might be. Finding the papers will be another issue in and of itself.

    Ok, someone slap me and wake me up. I'm sure there are plenty of people on here that would be more than willing. :tongue3:
  6. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Wonder what kind of weapon one uses when tire hunting? A lug wrench?

    Anyway, fresh doughnuts are in.and coffee had to be from Starbucks today after the fiasco Juan Valdez pulled here yesterday. Neighbors are still talking.

    Bro T.,
    My prayers are with you, Bro. I know how painful it can be. My twin sister has a lot of pain in her back because of being born with 2 discs missing. Also praying for Vivian that God may strengthen her during those long rides. And, if you have to sell and move, that God will provide a house that is both affordable and closer to Antioch.

    May God richly bless you both.
    #226 standingfirminChrist, Jun 1, 2006
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2006
  7. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
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    Oct 25, 2004
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    Nothing personal, Geener. Everyone else had 6 hours to react and I hated to think of you wasting valuable writing time doing silly things like resting, sleeping, etc.
    #227 padredurand, Jun 1, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2006
  8. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Standing Firm, I used a telephone in my hunt for tires! Bagged myself two for my Rendezvous for only $195, so I guess I did okay!

    Also got the oil changed, went to karate, called in everyone's perscriptions and exchanged the few pieces of clothing from yesterday that didn't fit. The car didn't get cleaned and the lawn mowed because it started raining!

    Resting for a moment!

  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all,

    Brent is grilling pork chops for the Rotary Club (he and his Boy Scout troop) so I'm going to put my feet up and relax.

    The doctor put me on Lasix and Potassium for my swollen legs and feet. Then I had to have blood work and an EKG.

    He is working on a process of elimination. I should find out the results tomorrow and if everything is all right with my heart, he will test the kidneys and go from there.

    I am still tired from all the work this past week. Can we ever really catch up on the sleep we lost?

    Have a good evening,
  10. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Thanks Dad! I see the slap came with instantaneous weight loss. WHOO HOO! I'm lookin' GOOD!

    I was in a FOUL mood today, after a nasty little incident yesterday. However, it was very helpful in drama. Mwah ha ha ha...we're doing a play called "Trifles", and were told it was ok to manipulate if we wanted to. And boy am I EVAH! I cut off the final scene and am going to rewrite it this weekend, have to have it by Tuesday for the rest of the group to work out. In MY ending Mrs. Peters and I kill the Sheriff and the County dude. In other words, all the men are killed by the women. (in the original the women simply cover up a key piece of evidence against a third woman being held for the murder of her husband, and never stand up against the men who are being somewhat smart aleck towards them...I changed all that) The play will close with an exchange between the women asking themselves outloud (but with their backs to each other) what the value of a woman is...what a woman is in comparison to a man, whether a woman has a song or is merely a "trifle". (it's set in the 1930's)
  11. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Gina: You are bloodthirsty! Shame on you. :laugh:

    Brent is home from Boy Scouts and he won the Rotary Club cake walk. Just what I needed......more sugar. He was so proud though. :love2:

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue :sleeping_2:
  12. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Remind me to never get on Gina's bad side but to always have her on my side when I'm mad at my husband! :eek: :smilewinkgrin:
  13. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Nah, I'm not mean in real life. Sorry! :smilewinkgrin:
    In the play nobody wins, but having this happen is a way to exaggerate something that was lacking in the view of men towards women back then, a way to express the way women felt/still can feel vs the way they live, and they are in a way "sacrificial". They will bring these questions to light with their actions and perhaps it was part of what would initiate change in thinking back then, and they basically give up their lives for that. (back then when they actually used the death penalty...)
    In a way it's like domestic violence...women had to start killing violent husbands before people stopped and said "hey, maybe beating women is something we should really try harder to stop". Except in this case, it's the whole mindset of a woman's value that's in question.
    Nothing new or that others haven't thought of, just a new way to present it and make it into a play interesting enough to get us a good grade.

    Ok, now I get to stay up a few more hours and clean and write a paper that's due tomorrow. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!

    Guess it means I'll be here when the fresh donuts come in though! That sounds really good right now. I had to run out and get laundry soap and dish soap and trash bags for cleaning tomorrow, and had WANTED to get a breve to stay up on but the place was closed. I wouldn't have bothered going out if I'd known that! I had been quite positive that they stayed open until 11 on Fridays.
    And it ain't Friday, so that explains it. DUH ME!
  14. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Good morning!

    Slept a bit later today. Wonderful feeling. We had graduation last night and it came a thunder boomer. Lovely service though. Gary Chapman spoke. He is sooooo entertaining and scriptural and encouraging.

    Coffee's made. It's columbian dark roast today. Counters are clean and I ran the donut-display glass thingys (what in the world are those called?) through the dishwasher. (I put some yogurt in the fridge too. I can't eat those donuts and figured I wasn't the only one :tongue3: )
  15. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Foggy this morning. But, it's supposed to be cooler. We'll still have the humidity, and we're looking for SEVERE thunderstorms this afternoon. Oh well, we need the rain! :)

    My doctors appointment went so-so. I was quite frank with my pain doctor, and he was quite frank with me. We came to the conclusion that his communication skills towards me were lacking, and I also took partial responsibility for not asking all of the questions I should have. At any rate, I'm going to be having my Medial Branch nerve block (radio waves) done on June 16th. This should provide SOME relief for about four to six months. Thank God for that! I hope it takes.

    I'm missing my family reunion this weekend. We were supposed to leave last night and spend the weekend (up until Sunday morning) in Augusta up at Clarks Hill Dam (Georgia side...the Carolina side is named for Stom Thurmond and called Strom Thurmond Lake) in a cabin. I haven't seen my aunt and uncle for six years this month, nor their two grown kids. I haven't seen one brother since my father's death in June of 2000. I've only talked to him one or two times since that time. And I haven't seen my sister who moved there, for nearly two years. She's got 5 daughters...Dell said that nobody could have the weekend off though, so Viv had to stay. If she would have gone, she would have faced possibly being terminated.

    Now, concerning Gina L...she plays rough! :) But, she always tries to play fair. ;)

    Sue, I'm praying for you...Hope your legs get better soon. Hope your grandson enjoys the cookout with his troop, and that it's a really great time for them.

    Jim, I don't think Anglicans are Reprobates.... A little nutty at times, maybe, but that could be because I watch Brit-Coms and see how the Vicar acts towards Hiacynth Bucket! LOL

    God bless ya'll.

    Bro. T
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    I slept in until 8:00 this morning and I feel as if half the day is gone! It sure did feel good though...

    I am waiting for a call from the doctor's office, with the relults of my tests so I can find out where we go from here. I started on new meds today, but of course they haven't had time to work yet.

    The swelling in my legs and feet didn't go down overnight like they usually do, so we shall see... I know I'm not going to be doing much today.

    I have been appointed the new owner of our local FreeCycle group so I will be sitting at the computer most of the day, sending out notices, with my feet propped up on a stool (under the desk).

    Brent is certainly busy with his Boy Scout troop. The troop is 85 years old and VERY active in community projects! All next week, they will be building an obstacle course for the Cub Scouts, plus the regular meeting is every Monday night.

    Also next week, he is going to a fishing clinic and fishing derby sponsored by D.A.R.E. It is all free and I know he'll have a great time.

    Bitsy: Thanks for cleaning up! Those 'thingys' are called doors for the display case...

    Tony: I would run from Hiacynth Bucket too!

    Time for coffee with Juan,
    #236 I Am Blessed 24, Jun 2, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  17. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    OH Sue! We have a different pix in our heads about what the coffee shop looks like. I laughed when I read your comment about the doors cause I have always thought the donuts were on top of the counter in a pedistal plate with a dome cover (that's what I ran through the dishwasher of my mind anyway!).

    I'm so sorry the swelling didn't subside last night!

    Tony -- How great you were able to have that honest and frank coversation with your doc! And now the block to look forward too. Have you talked to anyone about the pain zapper like Jerry Lewis has? One of my friends got that and she's been elated with it.
  18. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    The dishwasher of your mind? I LIKE IT!
    Do people say that or did you make it up?

    Comparing how the mind flushes out good and bad by comparing it to machines that do the same. That's good soil for new phrasings and such.

    "It was too much for him to grasp. Laying his head on his desk, the man tried to forget what had just happened. However, his mind continued to see the events one by one, sorting them out in the way a computer program tries to make sense of a corrupted bit of information."

    Ok that doesn't quite work, but if I played with it, it might.

    Of course, we could use the concept to practice really bad analogies too.

    "It was too much for him to grasp. Laying his head on his desk, the man tried to forget what had just occurred. However, his mind continued to see the events play out one and match them to logical conclusions but it never worked, like the way a washing machine snatches a random sock here and there and washes them clean but you never find the other sock." :laugh::laugh:
  19. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I just made it up. I'm weird :thumbs:

    I liked both those -- especially the first one being the geeky nerd that I am. BUT the second one happens so often, it's such a bizarre part of life like deja vu.
    #239 mcdirector, Jun 2, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  20. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    I thought it was "Windmills of My Mind".
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