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Featured Does God Ordain Our Sins?

Discussion in 'Calvinism & Arminianism Debate' started by ThyWordIsTruth, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    The opening statement to chapter 3 of the Westminster Confession of Faith, which is entitled, "Of God's Eternal Decree", we read:

    "God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass"

    It then goes on to say, "yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established."

    Now, either God has ordained "whatsoever comes to pass", or He has not.

    The Reformed theologian, Dr Wayne Grudem, among others, has this to say:

    "In Spite of All of the Foregoing Statements, We Have to Come to the Point Where We Confess That We Do Not Understand How It Is That God Can Ordain That We Carry Out Evil Deeds and Yet Hold Us Accountable for Them and Not be Blamed Himself: We can affirm that all of these things are true, because Scripture teaches them. But Scripture does not tell us exactly how God brings this situation about or how it can be that God holds us accountable for what he ordains to come to pass. Here Scripture is silent, and we have to agree with Berkhof that ultimately “the problem of God’s relation to sin remains a mystery.” (Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology p. 175.”

    (Systematic Theology, p.330. 1994, 2000 edition)

    On the word "ordain" we are told that it means, "to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law...destine, foreordain" (Websters)

    If, as it is claimed by Calvinists/Reformed, that Almighty God "ordains", or "decrees" that us humans "carry out evil deeds", which are sinful, and we do so. Is it morally right, that this same God, Who actually "orders" that we do this, can then hold US accountable for carrying out HIS actions, and punish US??? This teaching is abhorrent, and blashphemous, and goes aganinst the very Holy Nature of the God of the Holy Bible!

    So, by the teachings of the Calvinists/Reformed, it is Almighty God, Who "ordains" that we murder, commit adultery, rape, steal, and carry out every form of heinous sins, and though we are doing what God so "orders" that we do, YET, He holds US responsible for these sinful acts, and punishes US for doing what HE has so "ordained"???

    This "doctrine" is what the Apostle Paul calls, "doctrines of demons", as its origin is from the pit of hell, and the devil himself!

    God does indeed "permit/allow" that we sin, and this is OUR choosing; but can NEVER "ordain" that we do so. There is a huge difference.
    #1 ThyWordIsTruth, Aug 27, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
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  2. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I think it depends on how one defines "ordain".

    For example, Arminianism holds that God ordained Adam's sin - not that it should occur but that in occurring it it was within God's predetermined plan. Peter speaks of Jesus' death at the hands of "wicked men" the same way. The Jews handed Jesus over to wicked men to be killed but this was also the predetermined plan of God.

    Some draw a distinction between "ordain" and "decree", the difference being a decree places God as the originator and cause of the act where ordain speaks of permissive will and divine plan.

    Robert Picirilli does a good job in explaining the Arminian view of ordain in Grace, Faith, Free Will.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  3. Dave G

    Dave G Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    I don't believe that God has ordained ( appointed ) every thing that comes to pass, yet many here would label me as a "Calvinist" because I agree with "TULIP".
    Rather, I clearly see this:

    " Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
    14 but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
    15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
    ( James 1:13-15 ).

    Also, please pay careful attention to what I've bolded in your above quote...
    It does not say that God is the author of sin, but the opposite...

    Which God's word confirms in James 1.
    I know of very few ( if any ) "Calvinistic" groups that even come close to teaching this.
    Would you post some quotes from statements of faith from some of them?

    To me, this is an accusation commonly made against those who teach what the Bible has to say about election, predestination and so forth, but never really substantiated.
  4. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I can agree that all events must somehow fit into God's Masterplan for the human race. Like the fact that God "used" Judas in the Death of Jesus Christ, for the sins of mankind. However, it cannot be said that God somehow "predetermined" the actions of Judas, which were extermely sinful. I see this in Acts 2:23, "Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain". Where the Greek verb ὁρίζω, is used, which is here rendered, "determinate". It should be noted that this Greek word also has the meanings, "to mark out, certain definite terms, within certain limits", etc. This allows for God, Who knows all things, to have been able to have "used/allowed" the actions of Judas to accomplish His will, in the Death of Jesus Christ. We must ensure that at no time that God can be seen as the "cause", or "author" on any sinful actions.

    What did you make of Wayne Grudem's comments?
  5. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    "I know of very few ( if any ) "Calvinistic" groups that even come close to teaching this.". Did you read the quotation from Wayne Grudem? He is a leading Reformed theologian. His language does show that God becomes the "author" of our sins, even though he would otherwise deny this. But his own language is very clear to my mind.

    As for the Westminster Confession of Faith, they use the word "ordain", which has been suggested might mean something else. I see no justification for watering-down its meaning as been established in English language authorities, like the Oxford English Dictionary, which says it means, "to order or command something; to decide something in advance". Again I stress the point, if, "God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass". And this word is "ordain" retained, there is no escape from the fact, that this does indeed make the God of the Holy Bible, the "cause and author" of our sins! "whatsoever comes to pass", means exactly that, "ALL THINGS".
  6. Barry Johnson

    Barry Johnson Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Gotta love the Westminconfession ' Hes not the Author of sin ' . Oh ok, that answered it . But what about ..." No , look here it says Hes not the Author of sin " . Don't question it .
  7. Barry Johnson

    Barry Johnson Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    No God does not ordain our sins . When reading the Bible we should stop where the Bible stops . There is no verse that says God determined all things in a eternal decree . When God determines anything if he has we would mark that down as God has determined that one thing . Cavinism does the opposite ,using deductive reasoning, seeing where God does this one isolated thing over here ,thus God must always do this every where ,always and in the same way .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I disagree with his comments. I believe that he has allowed theology to dictate a situation that he cannot explain, so he just leaves it to "mystery". I believe that Acts explains the situation very well when Peter speaks of the Jews handing over Christ. Peter tells the Jews that they are guilty of an evil as they handed over Christ to suffer and die at the hands of wicked men (pagans, i.e., the Romans). But they can be forgiven because this was in accordance to what God has announced beforehand.

    We can declare that God, if omniscient, has not only ordained everything but has decreed everything simply because being omniscient He created man. But to even wrestle with the idea that this could make God the author of evil is venturing into human understanding, IMHO. Scripture does not, as Grudum says, "ordain that we carry out evil". That said, this evil is a part of God's plan (see Judas' betrayal as well). I think that Grudem just goes a little too far in saying that the events God uses can be taken to say God has ordained the human actions. I believe Proverbs 16:9 applies here - man is responsible for his own plans, his own heart, his own evil. God is responsible for the outcome, or what comes out of man's plans.
  9. JD731

    JD731 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2020
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    It seems to me that often times God gets pigeonholed into being constrained by time. Of course he isn't. He can report on things with 100% accuracy before they happen because he is seeing them no matter at what point in history they take place. This is why sinners must have the blood of Christ applied to take away their sins. God does not see through the blood of Christ. If a man committed only one sin God could not fellowship with him because he would always see him sinning. Sins that Christians commit after conversion cannot be seen by God because Christians are "in Christ," that is in his collective body. This is marvelous wisdom of God. His holiness is not compromised in any way because of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. He does not see us as sinning but he sees Christ, who has paid the penalty for our sins. I am so thankful that I am in Christ and will never face the wrath of God because Jesus Christ my Lord already has. Praise his wonderful name!

    It is in this sense that his counsel was "determinate." It was determinate counsel because God saw it happen and did not change it. He did not ordain it. He reported on it. He allowed it to happen. He did not prevent it. It does not mean that he willed it to happen or that he instilled the will to do it in the men who carried out the action. God sees all things at one time. He would forgive the men that did it. He said he would. But if they refuse his forgiveness through Jesus Christ the determinate will of God is to judge them after they die and cast them into the lake of fire, which is the second death. No one in that place will be able to blame God for being there.
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  10. Dave G

    Dave G Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    No I did not.

    In fact, I confess that I don't take my cues from "Reformed theologians", so I really haven't read much of anything by those who claim the term, "Reformed"...
    But I do agree with them on "TULIP".
    I don't subscribe to the Westminster Confession of faith, but I do know of some on this board who do.

    What I can tell you is that, based on my studies of God's word, I personally see nothing that makes me think that God author's sin.
    Nor does He condone it.
    While I believe that He allows it, He in no way makes men to sin.
    We do a good job of that without anyone's help.;)

    Question for you:
    Do you believe that everyone who sees election as being unconditional and the atonement as being particular in nature, agrees with the "Reformers" in everything that is taught and said?

    I hope not.
    #10 Dave G, Aug 27, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  11. Dave G

    Dave G Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    Again I think that you've missed something:

    To me, you're making a thread based on only part of what is being said instead of looking at the "fine print".
  12. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I agree, that there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that teaches, or even suggests/hints, that God in any way is the "author or cause" of any sin. I also agree that just because a person might agree with some or most of the Reformed teachings, that they do not necessarily agree with everything.
  13. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    can you please clarify what you think I have missed? thanks
  14. JD731

    JD731 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2020
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    That is sad because none of it is true.
  15. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
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    God ordained that the Fall and the Cross were both in His plans, as he is fully Sovereign, and yet did not cause Adam to sin, as still choose to do that!

    Believe that some calvinists/reformed have seen God ordaining even the fall, as the means to which the Cross would come to magnify His grace and goodness . making greater good from that evil! means to ecsult and show off eternally His grace !
  16. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Can you or anyone show me from the use of "ordain" in the English language, where it means that the person who does the "ordaining", is not responsible for their actions? If, as the Confession of Faith states, that God has "ordained" these, then it makes Him their "author". This is what the word has meant from the time it was coined!

    Origin of ordain
    1250–1300; Middle English ordeinen<Old French ordener<Latin ordināre to order, arrange, appoint. See ordination (Definition of ordain | Dictionary.com)
  17. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    In chapter 6 of this Confession, it states:

    "Our first parents, being seduced by the subtlety and temptation of Satan, sinned in eating the forbidden fruit. This their sin, God was pleased, according to His wise and holy counsel, to permit, having purposed to order it to His own glory."

    It says that God was PLEASED to have ORDERED the fall for His Glory!!!

    This is utter blashpemy!!!

    To be "pleased" with something is to be "satisfied and content", with it!

    The Holy Bible very clearly says, that God was "‛âtsab" by the sins of man, as in Genesis 6:6. Where the Hebrew verb denotes, "hurt, pain, grieve". No where in the entire Bible do we ever read that God was PLEASED to allow the fall of Adam and Eve, which was a very grave SIN!
  18. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I could be wrong here, but from my understanding of what you have written, it reads that any sins that a Christian comits, because they are included in the Cross/Blood of Jesus, they are automatically forgiven, and there is no need to repent of our sins after our conversion?
  19. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Robert Picirilli uses the word in that way.

    Also, this is similar to how "ordain" is used when we speak of a church ordaining a minister. The church approves of the minister/ ministry but is not actually the one doing the ministry.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  20. ThyWordIsTruth

    Aug 23, 2020
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    so are you saying that God actually "approves" of our sins? In which case, they cannot be sins!