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Featured Ezekiel 21:27

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by robycop3, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Your argument is simply in vain, due to God's word.God plainly said David's dynasty was then established FOREVER, with no interruptions. You're looking for a line of continuous kings, while "throne", as used in the Scriptures being discussed, means "rulership", not necessarily "royalty". it could be a PM, President, Premier, Chief, Big Kahoona, or any such title.

    And you know that after Solly, no one has ruled both Judah and "Samaria".Thus, the Davidic line no longer ruled ALL Israelis, beginning with Rehoboam.(Remember, when Rehoboam wanted to assemble his powerful army & conquer "Samaria", God forbade him to, saying the division was from Him.) But when Jesus returns, He will not only rule both, but He will rule the rest of the world as well.

    Now, how important to God is God's promise to David? Besides His promise of Shiloh, the Messiah, the Savior, etc, all the titles & offices Jesus holds or will hold, it's the most-powerfully re-iterated promise in the Bible. And God re-iterated it just before He ended the Davidic dynasty's rule over the Jews, so they'd know the dynasty would be kept going uninterrupted somewhere.

    Your refusal to offer up any candidate for that ruling davidic descendant is very-telling, showing you simply don't believe God's promise to David. He overturned that throne when He toppled Zedekiah & DQ's Coniah & sons, so there were still 2 more overturns to occur, according to God's word to Zeke.

    I presented the British throne as a possible candidate because it's had 2 overturns, originating in what's now Ireland, being overturned to Scotland, being overturned to Britain. (When it originated in Eire, the Davidic line still ruled Judah.) (Remember "a nation & a company of nations"!) While I could be completely-wrong about that, I'm 100% right that there's a descendant of David's ruling over some Israelis somewhere; GOD SAID SO!