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Georgia Election Interference Case Update: Three Guilty Pleas

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Baptist Believer, Oct 20, 2023.

  1. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Excerpts from the closed thread, Let me introduce you to inmate No. P01135809:

    August 29, 2023

    --A Frequent Poster Wrote--
    I notice at least two co-defendants are asking for speedy trials. I think one has already been set for mid-October.

    The prosecutor wants everyone tried at the same time, and is protesting.

    I really do expect this case in Georgia to fall apart in record time.


    --A Frequent Poster Wrote--
    ...The charges won’t stick because she is, first of all, bringing charges for “crimes” that did not occur in her jurisdiction. She is a county prosecutor...

    ...Third, she is charging attorneys for giving legal advice to their clients. It will never pass constitutional muster...

    You see a great case? I see an obvious political attack that will fall into a thousand pieces once the motions start flying from 19 co-defendants. It is already beginning with motions for speedy trial from some.


    --A Frequent Poster Wrote--
    When the trials begin, the case falls apart. I promise you if anybody is convicted of “rico” violations I will humbly apologize to you.

    --I wrote--
    You don't need to apologize for being wrong. Sometimes people make mistakes or misjudge a situation.

    August 30, 2023:

    --A Frequent Poster Wrote--
    …this attorney that is demanding a speedy trial is not stupid. He is confident these charges will collapse under judicial scrutiny, otherwise he wouldn’t be demanding a speedy trial.

    However, I stand by my promise. If this man is convicted under “rico” I will apologize to BB for being completely clueless concerning this case.


    At the time of this writing, three of the defendants (including the two who demanded a speedy trial that was scheduled to start on Monday), have offered guilty pleas -- Scott Hall, Sidney Powell, and Kenneth Chesebro. As part of their pleas, they have affirmed the truthfulness of the charges and will be available to truthfully testify in Georgia. Moreover, since there are also federal cases in progress that involve their actions, their sworn testimony in state court will likely correlate with the federal cases involving Trump and associates. They will likely be witnesses (if not defendants) in federal court.

    So the case has NOT fallen apart at all. In fact, it looks quite solid if Powell and Chesebro would rather admit guilt than face a jury after the discovery process. And the "speedy trial" strategy was flawed from the start, since Fani Willis was ready to go with trial since before she released the indictments.

    I'm not going to try to change anyone's mind about these events since the Right Wing media bubble will work up some new theory to help their viewers/readers avoid having to deal with the reality that they have been deceived.
  2. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Did they plea guilty to “Rico” violations?

    I saw Powell plead guilty to lesser charges and got probation.

    You are correct, partially, the case didn’t fall apart, so far.

    Not ready to give that apology just yet. :)

    peace to you
  3. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    They affirmed their guilt, as charged, in writing and verbally before the judge. Since RICO involves more than one person, they cannot plead guilty to RICO, but only their coordinated acts as part of the conspiracy. They affirmed that they committed their acts in coordination with others.

    Yes, that's how plea deals work. The terms of her deal require her to testify truthfully, provide assistance to the prosecution by providing access to any documents she possesses, and to avoid talking to other defendants or the media.

    It doesn't look like it will. Jenna Ellis entered a guilty plea this morning. That makes four. And I'm sure there will be a rush for others to try to strike deals before things go much farther.

    I've never been interested in an apology. I'm a disciple of Jesus... we are remarkably hard to offend.

    This is about recognizing reality instead of the propaganda to which so many Christians have embraced. You are one of the few around here who actually try to engage with reality. You made a commitment to truth (your promise of an "apology") which is an important step. But I'm not seeking an apology, I'm hoping you will step away from the populist propaganda of Trumpism. It is not "conservative" nor "Republican" in any historic or practical sense. And it is certainly NOT of Christ.
  4. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    They plead guilty to lessor charges and got probation and small fines. Even the “felony” guilty plea today resulted in probation and Ms Ellis claims she was advising DT and acting according to untrue information she was given by others, though what info and who gave it didn’t seem to be reported.

    I was specific about the “Rico” charges as being a stretch. So far, no convictions in Rico charges.

    I do, however, stand amazed that anyone would plead guilty on any charges presented.

    We will see how it plays out. It will be especially interesting to see if any testimony comes back on DT, or just the attorneys advising DT.

    Peace to you
  5. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Let’s be clear… They are entering a cooperation agreement with the prosecution as part of their guilty plea. They are not simply being “let off” with minor charges. They will receive the lesser charges AFTER conclusion of their cooperation with the prosecution.

    You can watch the hearings for yourself to see what arrangements were made:

    It wasn’t reported because the information was not presented. It is simply a claim by Ms. Ellis at her hearing.

    Of course not, there has not been a trial yet.

    I’m not. I’ve been keeping up with the case and know what evidence has been publicly reported by credible sources. It is significant that the persons who have actually seen the evidence that the Fulton County prosecutors possess (Powell, Chesebro, and their legal teams), have both made an agreement with the prosecutors instead of risking trial.

    While Trump has publicly insinuated that his defense will be that he listened to the advice of his attorneys, and as a result, cannot be held responsible for his actions. However, if he is going to claim the “Advice of Counsel” defense, he has to forfeit attorney-client privilege so the claim can be evaluated in court – sometime he probably won’t want to do. Moreover, attorneys like to document things for self-protection against ethics charges, so it is likely that the attorneys will be able to demonstrate that they are not responsible for Trump's actions.
  6. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    DTS in its finest form.

    these minor convictions prove nothing other than the prosecution worked hard to find anything they could. It was a witch hunt that worked out for the extreme far left. Further the venue in which they had the case in if itself overwhelmingly extreme far left. When one doesn't post except to show up just to post this exposes the hatred.
    #6 Revmitchell, Oct 25, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
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