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Hip hop church

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by vermae, Jul 31, 2007.

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  1. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Right. So flutes & harps & psalterys are evil. Kinda contradicts the Psalms, doesn't it?

    Oh well, I guess if you need to prove a pre-determined point, any ol' Scripture will do. Eisegesis, anyone?
  2. Aaron

    Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    That the Spirit put the cardinal rule of your ministry in the mouth of an idolatrous pagan, don't blame me! :saint:
  3. Filmproducer

    Filmproducer Guest

    Excellent post HOG! :thumbs: Your last paragraph pretty much sums it up. :thumbs:
  4. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    HOG's post ... the last paragraph especially, continues to demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the issues. Jesus didn't take inherently evil things and make them good. We have no Christian pornography, or christian adultery. Because we recognize that while some pictures and some sexual activity is perfectly right and holy, not all of it is. The problem is that our spiritual discernment is so low, so tuned to the things of this world, that we are unable to process information in a biblical manner.
  5. Filmproducer

    Filmproducer Guest

    In your humble opinion, I'm sure....

    Neither you, or anyone else, has shown how rap or hip-hop music is inherently evil. You, yourself stated that "there are many good secular songs". Well, there are secular rap/hip hop songs that are good. Have you ever heard of The Roots? Didn't think so....

    The same can be said for a lot of things, if not everything. By that same logic there should not be Christian entertainment, such as movies, or Christian stand up comedy, etc. Frankly this line of thinking is just as strange as conversing about women coming to church in a bikini and what said church should do about it.

    So if we do not spiritually discern as Pastor Larry does, our discernment is low and tuned to the ways of the world? I'm Sorry, but that's pure Hogwash.
  6. Cutter

    Cutter New Member

    Nov 22, 2006
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    1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
    :16 For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
    :17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
    No matter how you dress up the fleshly things of the world they are still of the flesh.
  7. Hopeful

    Hopeful New Member

    Jul 5, 2007
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    I'm sorry you feel this way, but I don't think I'm demonstrating any such thing in my post--I'm simply disagreeing with your opinion. My fundamental understanding of this issue is that it's an issue because some Christians are upset because "worldly-sounding music" is being given Christian lyrics and the resulting new song (same tune, new Words) are being used by other Christians to reach the lost "where they are". That's exactly the point that has been argued on this thread for all these pages.

    You are arguing that the music (without lyrics of any kind) is inherently evil. And I was pointing out that this is not the first time in history that God (through His followers) put new Words to old, worldy music and made it something new and holy. GOD took the taint of the world off that music (the associations with worldliness and sin) and purified it to be a vessel that carried His Message. To say that it cannot be done now or is not being done now would be to deny that it is possible to do--and that has already been proven to be "not the case" in history.

    I understand your point that hip hop/rap music is wretched sounding, and I can certainly understand that you would believe the music (without the lyrics) is evil because of the association with the accompanying culture. As has been pointed out endlessly already, the "evil sound" that most music has to you or anyone is because of the association that particular musical style has with the world in which it sprang up. THIS is the point that the two sides of this argument will never resolve; if I believe that most music is inherently neutral until assigned an associated emotion and you believe that music is inherently good or evil without any corresponding previously assigned/designated emotion and no cultural context for reference, then we can never agree that hip-hop can be used for good instead of evil (or NOT).

    But please don't misunderstand MY point--I DO believe most music is basically neutral on its own, without cultural context or composer's instructions or lyrics to impose an overarching "morality" upon it; thus lumping this into a discussion likening it to pornography is disingenuous, because pornography DOES have cultural context and a composer's "instructions" involved in it. When hip-hop music has lyrics that are worldly or sinfilled, it ALSO has "instructions" written into it, so we could obviously call it worldy and unChristian. But when the "instructions" in the form of lyrics are rewritten with the Gospel message, the music itself is transformed. And I will stand on the top of any mountain anywhere and shout that Jesus DOES take inherently evil things and make them good....He does that every day when He imparts HIS goodness into whatever vessel He chooses to carry His story to the lost.

    So I guess we shall continue to disagree. But I just wish everyone wouldn't bash the other about the head so harshly in their disagreement. And I would personally like to thank everyone who is trying to reach the lost in an environment where I personally fear to tread. May God guide ALL your choices--not just the music. :saint:
  8. 4boys4joys

    4boys4joys New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    All Kinds of Music ?

    The reference to the fiery furnace was to simply point out that they knew the difference between worship music and the music that called the people to worship idols. Not to say that the instruments are evil but that a certain melody had to be played in order for people to know how to respond. All about distinction.If I put candles on a cake and sang Take me Out to the Ballgame my THREE year old son would know it was weird. All I was saying is they obviously had to have had a specific melody that preceeded the worship of the calf. Music has specific purposes in all areas of life that are distinct and noticeable. Why not so in our churches?:BangHead:
  9. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Actually, it wasn’t an opinion. There is a fundamental misunderstanding and he demonstrated it.
    Here is the fundamental misunderstanding again. Rap/hip hop is a style of music that is at the very least associationally incompatible with Christian worship. I can’t imagine that is even questionable by anyone without an agenda.
    I tend to agree.

    A great example. Don’t we all recognize that coming to church in a bikini is immodest and inappropriate and therefore wrong? Can there really be any discussion about whether a woman should go to church wearing what amounts to designer underclothes bearing her flesh that only her husband should see?
    I think that is hogwash too. I have never set myself up as the standard and you should know that. I have simply pointed out what some people don’t want to recognize.
  10. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Don’t be. First, it is not about my feelings. Second, I don’t feel anyway about it.

    I didn’t offer an opinion. I pointed out that fact that rap/hip hop is a style of music associated with a lifestyle that is inherently incompatible with Christianity. It grew out of that lifestyle because of what the lifestyle was. It is still intimately connected with that lifestyle.

    No, that isn’t the point. First, there is no evidence that rap is responsible for reaching people where they are. The gospel reaches people. Second, It is not about reaching people at all. It is about being pleasing to God by putting his message in a container that is appropriate to the message.

    You didn’t read closely. No one has ever taken worldly music and make it good. Some took good music that was used by the world and used it for good.

    I never said that. Personally, I think the rap style is intriguing.

    It’s not. There is no neutrality in the world. It is either good or evil. The world may borrow from something good and use it for bad reasons. But it is still good.

    No, the music is the same. Remember what the music is and you will see this.

    Give us a biblical example of taking something inherently evil and making it good.

    Have you read John Makujina’s book Measuring the Music? You should. It is one of the best books on this topic.
  11. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    It happens every time someone get's saved....:laugh: :wavey:

    Ok, Ok, I know you were not talking about people, but things...

    The problem is, what things are inherently evil?
    It is how we use things that make them evil.

    A car is not evil.
    A computer is not evil.
    A tv is not evil.
    It is how we use them.

    Music is a thing, therefore it cannot be evil.

    Only creatures that have a will to choose good and evil can be evil.
    God looked at his creation and called it good.
    Only when Man sinned did evil enter the human race.

    Not even animals are evil... (well, with the exception of CATS!!!) lol
    As a matter of fact, only people and fallen angels can be evil.

    Everything else is a tool.

    Tools that evil humans can use for evil.
    Tools that good humans can use for good.

    Music is a tool.
    #291 tinytim, Aug 8, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2007
  12. Rufus_1611

    Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    Things that are evil...

    • Pentagrams
    • Twisted crucifixes
    • Graven images
    • Idols
    • Most Disney movies
    • Synagogues of satan
    • Dagon fish hats
    • Albums recorded by Brittney Spears or Barry Manilow
    • Mormon temples
    • Rune letters
    • Crystal balls
    • Harry Potter books
    • Rock and roll music

    "Therefore it shall come to pass, that as all good things are come upon you, which the LORD your God promised you; so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things, until he have destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you." - Joshua 23:5

    Oh and animals can be evil as well...

    "And he knew it, and said, It is my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces." - Genesis 37:33

    "So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee: and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I the LORD have spoken it." - Ezekiel 5:17
  13. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    No it doesn't. Remember, the comment was about things that are "inherently" evil. Man is not inherently evil. All men are sinners, corrupted by original sin and their own sin. But Adam was a human who, at one point, was not evil. Jesus was a human who was not evil. So salvation is not taking something inherently evil and making it good. It is taking something that was intended to be good and holy and restoring it to what God intended it to be.

    A number of things. This deals with the bigger issue of aesthetics, holiness, and the like.

    In some cases yes, but not in all. There is no good way to use adultery. It is inherently evil. There is no good way to use pornography. It is inherently evil.

    No, it can be.

    No, adultery cannot choose to be anything. It is inherently wrong.

    Yes and it can be used for evil or good depending on what it is. Remember, the discussion is not about "music" per se, but about styles of music.
  14. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    All the things listed are either influenced by humans, or have had a meaning assigned to them by humans...

    As for the animals, I will look into those references.
  15. npetreley

    npetreley New Member

    Oct 20, 2002
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    Here, folks, is a prime example of why you shouldn't read or quote from the KJV unless you understand the difference between early modern English and today's English. The word "evil" no longer means the same thing as it did to the KJV translators. If you KJVOs want to argue otherwise, then defend the verse that says God creates "moral" evil.

    Main Entry: 1evil
    Pronunciation: 'E-v&l, Britain often and US also 'E-(")vil
    Function: adjective
    Inflected Form(s): evil·er or evil·ler; evil·est or evil·lest
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English yfel; akin to Old High German ubil evil
    1 a : morally reprehensible : SINFUL, WICKED <an evil impulse> b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct <a person of evil reputation>
    2 a archaic : INFERIOR b : causing discomfort or repulsion : OFFENSIVE <an evil odor> c :

    #295 npetreley, Aug 8, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2007
  16. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Adultery and Pornography is the misuse of the the thing called Sex.
    Sex is not evil...
    But is misused by evil humans.

    This is the point I am trying to make.

    Music is not evil, but is misused by evil humans... (ex. thanks to Rufus, Britney Spears)

    What makes Music evil?
    The way it's played? If so, who is playing it? And what makes one way evil, and another not?
    Where do we get out guidelines?
  17. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Thanks... That explains why some animals were called, "evil"
    EX... a grizzley bear is not evil... but in the language of KJV, it is because it causes discomfort...

    But it is just acting the way God designed it.
  18. tinytim

    tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Using the 2nd definition.. I guess I could agree that some music is evil...

    Bluegrass causes me discomfort and I am repulsed by it!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Just jokin! Don't take me seriously. As if anyone ever does!!!
  19. Rufus_1611

    Rufus_1611 New Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    Are you going to hold to your point that nothing is evil?
  20. npetreley

    npetreley New Member

    Oct 20, 2002
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    Using that same reasoning, we could also claim that some participants of BB are evil. I'm sure some people would claim I'm evil to them. :laugh:
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