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Let the Market, Not Government, Decide the Fate of EVs

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by KenH, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    "The Governor’s agenda is a double whammy for gasoline/diesel-powered vehicles: make EVs more economically attractive with taxpayer-funded subsidies and restrict the number of gasoline/diesel-powered vehicles that New Mexicans can buy.

    Perhaps the strangest part of her agenda is that she hopes to trim the number of gasoline/diesel-powered vehicles in the state without knowing whether that is what the citizens of New Mexico want. Car owners are, after all, wary of EVs for various reasons, including high upfront costs, limited range, and people’s inherent skepticism of new technologies.

    She is telling New Mexicans that she knows better what types of vehicles they should purchase than they do, ignoring the wishes of her constituents in the process. Today only about 1 percent of the vehicles in New Mexico are EVs."

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