Amen, Brother Me4Him --
preach it!
Rapture1 - the event removing Gentile Age Saints from earth to heaven
Rapture2 - the changing of living saints to glorified bodies
Resurrection1 - The event where dead saints are raised from the grave
Resurrection2 - the changing of dead saints to glorified bodies
Resurrection3 - the Victory of Messiah Jesus over the grave
(On this BB 'Rapture1' and 'Resurrection1' are as used
by poster Me4Him; 'rapture2' and 'resurrection2' are as used
to be used by Ed Edwards before Me4Him showed up.)
I'm a pretrib and believe:
The Rapture1 Event is composed of a resurrection2 preceeding a rapture2.
The Resurrection1 Event is composed of a resurrection2 preceeding a rapture2.
Obviously Post-tribs do not believe in a 'Rapture1 Event';
some post-tribs beleive in a rapture2 at the Resurrection1 Event.
Mel Miller:
//Christ is coming WITH ALL the Saints. I Thess.
//Futhermore, the wicked must be reaped before
the Sons of God are reaped in the Parables
you mention in Matt.13. Verse 30 states the
"tares must be reaped FIRST".
//Your choice of Scripture proves a Post-Trib
Rapture rather than a Pre-Trib Rapture.
Mel //
I accept that the scripture, I Thess. 3:13,
agrees that the Resurrection1 Event is composed of
a resurrection2 preceeding a rapture2.
BTW, Matthew 13:30 is in a parable.
I believe that men reap the tares for destruction before
they reap the wheat for storage in barns.
God's revealed plans elsewhere preclude that at the
last day God will resurrect the evil prior to the good.
This is shown clearly in Revelation chapter 20.
I'm not one to throw away or spiritualize Revelation chapter 20
because of my misunderstanding of the Kingdom parables in
Matthew Chapter 13.
Generically, parables contain deep spiritual truths
but not every reading by everybody who reads the parable is
going to be true. Where this parable appears to conflict with other
non-parable scripture, I will choose the non-parable scripture.
BTW, Revelation 20 is NOT the only scripture that appears to
conflict "the tares first" phrase in Matthew 13:30.
BTW, most scriputres in the Bible support either a pre-tribulation rapture1
or a post-tribulation resurrection1. Only a few specify both.
I used to talk about a 'pretribulation rapture/resurrection'
that would, of course, have been the pretrib rapture1 composed
of a rapture2 following a resurrection2.
For example, Daniel 12 talks like the resurrection of the good
happens at the same exact time as the resurrection of the evil
(and talks like not ALL will be resurrected). But Other scriptures
show all must be resurrect2ed (except those raptur2ed) to be judged.
I was standing a viewpoint of the south of Saint Kitts which looks
over toward Nevis. There are several small hills connected by
land that are the south end of the island St. Kitts. The other island,
Nevis, looks like the smaller hills in front that are on St. Kitts
We need to understand these variant perspectives,
if we are to get what God wants us
to get out of the prophetic writings of the Bible.
The first part of Daniel 12 clearly shows:
Many will be Resurrect2ed.
The resurrected are to be judged.
Other scriptures show:
Many will be Resurrect2ed.
The resurrected are to be judged.
There are multiple judgments and multiple resurrections.
All humans will be resurrected and judged.