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Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by buckster75, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Another quote from the article about the movie:

    'Something classical'
    Adamson won the allegiance of his adult actors, too. The magnficent Tilda Swinton appreciated the care he took in explaining the computer-generated backgrounds she played off as the Witch. "If you have a fancy enough palace, you don't need to shout," Swinton says.

    Swinton praises her director for creating "something very classical. What you get is pure snow-covered birch forest, pure '40s children, pure faun with a red muffler." And she's grateful for what Adamson didn't do. It must have been very tempting, she says, to tread where Lewis feared to go and enter the private conversation between the White Witch and Aslan. It also would have been disastrous.

    After all, she asks, "What do the epitome of all evil and the epitome of all good actually say to each other when they stand next to each other?" Adamson stays outside their tent. "This way," says Swinton, "there's a sort of rigor in it, so it's still magical - it still presents a question for children to work out for themselves."

    Swinton now has one great wish. Adamson didn't take her punk suggestion of signing Marilyn Manson for the soundtrack. Yet she hopes to play the White Witch again in a movie of Lewis' LWW prequel: "I want him to make The Magician's Nephew."

    I wonder if any of the Baptists on this forum would want Marilyn Manson, the guy who preaches open hatred for Christians and Christianity at his concerts babysitting their kids? Maybe he will get the sound track for the next movie.
  2. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Hmm. Because I see the movie I want Marilyn Manson babysitting my kids? (Although, since his schtick is just that, he might not be half bad. But I don't think I can afford him.)

    How many logical fallacies are you willing to perpetrate?
  3. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    How much historical and scholastic fact are you willing to deny is the question. BTW, Mansion's "schtick" consists of tearing pages out of the bible after he incites hatred toward Jesus, and then throws them into the crowd so that the audience can further stomp and spit on them. Good call rsr. Is that where your treasure is?
  4. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    You were the one who brought up Marilyn Manson, probably because you can't think of an argument that doesn't involve guilt by association or reference. At least that's been the case in this and every other thread I've seen you post in.
  5. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    I didn't say this though:

    (Although, since his schtick is just that, he might not be half bad. But I don't think I can afford him.)

    you did
  6. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Obviously there is no sense trying to talk to you. You brought up Manson, dragged him in from the blue. Pure and simple. I simply made an observation based on your misdirection.

    Again, you seem to have no arguments that are not based on logical fallacies or misdirections.
  7. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Let the others read the info presented and judge for themselves. I didn't drag him out of the blue. The woman who starred as the white witch wanted him to do the soundtrack for the movie. Kind of like soft porn stars acting in the passion movie. Same spirit. When will the church get some discernment...I wonder...
  8. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Again, you have no arguments that are not based on logical fallacies and misdirection. Just look at your last few posts. There is no there there. Repeating something over and over and over again does not mean it is true.
  9. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Denying it over and over again, does not make it untrue. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
  10. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Again, you have no arguments that are not based on logical fallacies and misdirection.
  11. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    We shall let the people decide what is fact.
  12. Sularis

    Sularis Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    actually - eloid.... - it seems no one has read the books here - you obviously havent

    1)h m m m, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't aslan only die to save edmund?

    Consider yerself corrected - Aslan died to save traitors and wrongdoers - of which Edmund was the most notable - since all traitors and wrongdoers belong to the White Witch aka Satan, and were turned to stone.

    2) and wasn't aslan's "resurrection" achieved by "deep magic" via an incantation - after 1 night?

    No incantation sorry - yer wrong again - the two girls cried all night and mice chewed away his ropes - but no incantation - and actually not "deep magic" - "deepER magic" ie the power of sin and death is broken by the greater and deeper power of love, grace, and life!

    3) and .... didn't the four kids "help" aslan to overcome the white witch [he couldn't do it without them]?

    Can we say yer wrong again? - They were actually losing the battle without Aslan - Aslan heading to the White Witch's castle - set free those that were in the White Witch's power and led them against her and to victory

    The four kids were there to be stewards after Aslan's victory!
  13. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Who is the woman who plays the white witch in the Christian family movie Narnia?


    At the couple’s Scottish eyrie they have forsworn television after advice from the children’s school that it would make the twins “inwardly torpid”. The children may be unaware that their mother, a self-confessed former television addict, is also a secret fan of Marilyn Manson’s heavy rock.

    Swinton’s other most important collaboration was with Derek Jarman, the gay anti-Establishment film maker who cast her as the prostitute Lena in his 1986 film Caravaggio. The imaginary biopic of the Italian painter, who died in 1610, was the first of her eight films for Jarman, who became a good friend.


    Who is this Marilyn Manson anyway?


    Putesky said in a recent interview that he kept early recordings of the Manson band, figuring the Satan-friendly performer would eventually hit the big time.
    Manson, of course, is probably better known for making controversy than making music. And he shows no signs of quitting.
    The 35-year-old rock oddity is in talks to take on the role of Jesus Christ in Diamond Dead, an upcoming film by director George Romero (Night of the Living Dead). Described as a dark comedy, it tells the tale of a rock band that makes a deal with the devil and reportedly features a scene in which Jesus smokes pot.
    Such a dope show is already being crucified by conservative Christians, some of whom have vowed to shut down production on the movie.
    "The idea of Marilyn Manson in the role of Jesus Christ is getting all sorts of reactions," trumpets the Diamond Dead Website. "Someone emailed me saying that it's a horrible and anti-Christian idea, but, nevertheless, they are praying for us."
    And that's just the latest in a long line of controversial Manson moments.
    Last fall, officials at Six Flags Darien Lake in upstate New York barred him from appearing at the venue as part of Ozzfest after deeming his stage act "inappropriate."
    And in December, authorities in Zurich launched a criminal investigation after fielding complaints by a religious group offended by his 2001 concert there, but prosecutors ultimately declined to press charges.
    Manson, who describes his onstage antics as "shock art," also faced charges of disorderly conduct and assault and battery after gyrating his genitalia on a security guard's head during a 2002 show in Michigan. Manson ended up pleading no contest and was ordered to pay $4,000 in fines but avoided jail time.


    Manson quote:

    "Hopefully, I’ll be remembered as the person who brought an end to Christianity." (Spin magazine, August 1996, p. 34)

    wow....so this woman who stars as the white witch wanted Marilyn Manson to do the soundtrack for the Narnia movie. What a positive Christian role model for our youth. These people are in the world, so we should not expect any discernment from them, but what is the SBC's excuse. Passion and now Narnia...two strikes.
  14. Sularis

    Sularis Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Oh yeah I almost forgot you Boanerges person

    Your Christian research article that you posted - shows a clear misunderstanding of mythology in its entirety - in that several of those figures you mentioned are in fact dead and AWAITING rebirth for the final battle. Only some of those died and were reborn and in no ways on a yearly basis

    as to people missing the point/allegory - Gee I think this entire board is an excellent example of people doing just that!

    Hey as to offensive material - lets look at the Bible - telling folks to kill Babies - kill kill kill - and demons it mentions demons and HELL!

    Boanerges - What can I say but please, please engage that wondrous device God placed in your head.

    oh on another note incubi are male demons that have intercourse with females - you forgot the other gender of demon - the succubi

    Unless YOU personally have a degree in mythology - I advise you that you dont want none o' dis

    and I almost forgot the nonsense that eloid... posted - witches viewpoint - umm hello there are glaring errors and stupidities in that - and Im going to take a page from your book and not tell you what they are but just state that they are there.

    and Boanerges and eloid... the article is pointedly wrong - clearly the author didnt read the book and doesnt even have the decency to prooftext - the author just makes stuff up - its very close - its almost in the book - but it isnt

    Grow up - not in years but in brainpower - please - at least have the decency to operate at a Calvinistic level - or if you cant handle that Arminian will do
  15. eloidalmanutha

    eloidalmanutha New Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    sularis wrote:
    actually - eloid.... - it seems no one has read the books here - you obviously havent

    1)h m m m, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't aslan only die to save edmund?

    Consider yerself corrected - Aslan died to save traitors and wrongdoers - of which Edmund was the most notable - since all traitors and wrongdoers belong to the White Witch aka Satan, and were turned to stone.

    2) and wasn't aslan's "resurrection" achieved by "deep magic" via an incantation - after 1 night?

    No incantation sorry - yer wrong again - the two girls cried all night and mice chewed away his ropes - but no incantation - and actually not "deep magic" - "deepER magic" ie the power of sin and death is broken by the greater and deeper power of love, grace, and life!

    3) and .... didn't the four kids "help" aslan to overcome the white witch [he couldn't do it without them]?

    Can we say yer wrong again? - They were actually losing the battle without Aslan - Aslan heading to the White Witch's castle - set free those that were in the White Witch's power and led them against her and to victory

    The four kids were there to be stewards after Aslan's victory!

    1)The Witch, however, claims Edmund's life as hers to take: "You at least know the Magic which the Emperor put into Narnia at the very beginning. You know that every traitor belongs to me as my lawful prey and that for every treachery I have a right to kill." (Lewis, 1986, p.128). Aslan then offers his own life in exchange for Edmund's;


    2)Lewis uses a similar technique in using "Deep Magic" to explain the miraculous events that take place, like the resurrection: "'It is more magic.' They looked round. There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again), stood Aslan himself." (Lewis, 1986, p.147) The young audience for whom the Narnia Chronicles were mainly intended would have an easier time understanding the concept of magic, rather than the theological implications that arise in the Bible stories of the resurrection.


    Seymour's script also adds a curious bit of dialogue after Aslan comes back from the dead and explains the Deeper Magic. Susan and Lucy ask why he didn't tell them that he knew he would rise again (a fair question, since Jesus had predicted his own resurrection to his disciples), and Aslan replies, "I knew of the old incantation, but it has never been put to the test, until now." The girls then marvel that Aslan took such a "risk"—as though he had been uncertain of the outcome. Some critics, like Steven D. Greydanus, have said this line is "rank heresy" against Aslan's omniscience.


    3) Aslan walking out of tent
    Children turn and see him
    Aslan walking towards them
    PETER: Aslan...
    Children bow
    PETER: We need your help.
    ASLAN: I know, but understand...
    Shot of Peter and Susan
    Aslan: The future of Narnia
    Shot of Aslan
    ASLAN: Rests on your courage.


    [ December 17, 2005, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: eloidalmanutha ]
  16. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Oh yeah I almost forgot you Boanerges person

    I haven't any idea what you are rambling about (obviously neither do you). Could you please include the decoder key next time?
  17. eloidalmanutha

    eloidalmanutha New Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    boanerges wrote:
    wow....so this woman who stars as the white witch wanted Marilyn Manson to do the soundtrack for the Narnia movie. What a positive Christian role model for our youth. These people are in the world, so we should not expect any discernment from them, but what is the SBC's excuse. Passion and now Narnia...two strikes.

    the next thing ya know, they will be inviting Tilda Swinton (as Jardis, the White Witch)to teach sunday school . . . :eek:
  18. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    maybe get her as the leader of the praise and worship team. After all, she does have excellent taste in mu-sick
  19. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    "Consider yerself corrected - Aslan died to save traitors and wrongdoers - of which Edmund was the most notable - since all traitors and wrongdoers belong to the White Witch aka Satan, and were turned to stone."

    Since when did the father of lies become a woman? This is one of the same errors that the Passion movie had.
  20. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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