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Pastor Qualifications.

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by pilgrim2009, Jun 23, 2009.

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  1. Me4Him

    Me4Him New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning,


    Ex 35:2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD:


    When Jesus was here he said if his kingdom was of this world him/servants would fight, so he established the "SPIRITUAL KINGDOM" that is within you.

    But notice what occurs when Jesus does return.

    Zec 14:3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

    4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives,

    What was the reason Jesus said they would fight,

    Joh 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight,

    Zec 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.

    Zec 8:3 Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.

    4 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for very age.

    5 And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof.

    Mountain is a symbol representing "kingdom",
    mountain of the LORD (Kingdom of the Lord)

    There won't be any "OLD AGE" people on the "NEW EARTH".

    The Bible.

  2. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    How many hours in one day before Gen 1:6?

    Gen 1:7-8a, " God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so. God called the expanse heaven."

    According to your theology isthe location of heaven, the expanse? If so where is hell located?
  3. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I see in this response the same arrogance I see in most dispensationalists. Anyone who does not agree with the dispensational error just doesn't believe the Bible.

    No you don't believe it.

    Then present and explain them.

    You accuse me of rude remarks and then post the above. Of course you mean no disrespect but write "but I am not even sure you know what the questions are. It’s like you are cutting and pasting from someone you trust, but you don’t really understand what is being said."

    I have had a couple other dispensationalists on this Forum accuse me of plagiarizm. I do cut and paste, when appropriate, from someone I trust, God! and I do understand what is being said in those things I post. I also am careful to give credit.

    Dispensational doctrine is that Jesus Christ offered an earthly Messianic kingdom to the Jews, they rejected Him and He established the Church as a fall back position. I had a thread on this forum last fall where I asked someone anyone to show a single passage of Scripture where Jesus Christ made such an offer and the Jews rejected it. No one did!

    I went back through this thread. I had made 23 posts, you had made 26. I had one post presenting the text of Scripture [my post #84] in response to a post, you had none. I had intended to present all those posts but could not since they constitute about half the responses. I believe that anyone reading these posts in an unbiased manner they will see that "snide" remarks are not restricted to me. My posts are numbers 24, 54, 55, 58, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 74, 79, 80, 81, 84, 92, 93, 98, 101, 109, 111, 113, 116, 117. Your posts are numbers 29, 37, 39, 42, 44, 46, 49, 51, 56, 59, 71, 75, 76, 83, 86, 89, 91, 96, 97, 99, 100, 108, 114, 118, 119, 120.

    I have dealt with John 5:28, 29 on this Forum. The Greek word translated hour can mean a period of time. It can also mean a brief period of time as indicated by the admonition of Jesus Christ to the Apostles in the garden and at the crucifixion. There is absolutely no way it can mean 1007+ years

    The clearest and most significant passage in all of Scripture regarding the general resurrection is a teaching by the Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded by the Apostle John:

    John 5:28,29, KJV
    28. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
    29. And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

    Tthis passage is very straightforward with nothing to indicate that it is to be interpreted any way other than literally. The word translated ‘hour’ is from the Greek word "hora" and occurs 108 times in the New Testament. It is translated hour 89 times. The meaning of the word [from Thayer's Greek Lexicon] is as follows:

    1. a certain definite time or season fixed by natural law and returning with the revolving year
    1a. of the seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, winter
    2. the daytime [bounded by the rising and setting of the sun], a day
    3. a twelfth part of the day-time, an hour, [the twelve hours of the day are reckoned from the rising to the setting of the sun]
    4. any definite time, point of time, moment

    Two passages in the New Testament where the usage of the word ‘hora’ obviously refers to a brief period of time or a specific time are as follows:

    Matthew 26:40, KJV
    40. And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?

    Matthew 27:45, KJV
    45. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.

    See also John 1:39, John 4:6, John 4:52, John 12:23, John 12:27 and others.

    The teaching of John 5:28, 29 is that in the same hour, this brief, specific period of time, all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, And shall come forth. What else can this mean but a general resurrection, a resurrection that will include everyone, saved and lost, at the return of Jesus Christ and the end of the age. I am not alone in this belief. The vast majority of Baptist Confessions throughout Baptist history also contend for a general resurrection and judgment.

    Your gracious demeanor really shines through here. I suppose you have become adept at that in your chosen profession. But there will be no next time.
  4. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    How so? Telling you what I believe and what I believe it is somehow arrogant? So what is it when you tell me what you believe? Is that not arrogant as well? Why is espousing and defending one’s beliefs arrogant?

    I haven’t said that. I think you have some issues. But as I have said, it about hermeneutics, what we believe about how words are used. At times, I have for a point of emphasis called it a matter of belief, and at those times I have probably overstated my case particularly given the rancor that you received it with. I think in another conversation with another person that probably would have been received without difficulty, but as I said before, I could have and should have put it a different way.
    Just above you said it was arrogant for dispensationalists to say anyone who doesn’t agree with them doesn’t believe the Bible. But here, you say that because I don’t agree with you I don’t believe the Bible. Why can you do it?
    As I said above and many times, this is not an issue of who believes the Bible, but an issue of hermeneutics … what we believe about how the words of the Bible should be handled.
    I did. I devoted long posts in previous threads to Rev 20 which clearly talks about more than one resurrection, to 1 Cor 15 which clearly talks about more than one resurrection. So I have done this already, and cited sources that handle it in more depth than is possible in this forum. So you can search for them. In addition, there are much better documented and much better written books and articles that defend better than I can here.

    Again, feel free to disagree, but to say that I haven’t dealt with the issues you have raised is just dishonest.
    I don’t mean any disrespect. You don’t seem to understand a couple of things. First, we can disagree without it being personal. You go after me personally, and I don’t appreciate that. It doesn’t help, and it makes no sense. I am not your enemy. Second, you don’t seem to get that you might not be as fully aware of issues as you think you are. I know that there are many things, as I study, that I learn that I didn’t even know were questions. I learn more about what the issues actually are. I seriously don’t get the sense from here that you fully grasp what the issues that dispensationalists have are. You might, but it just doesn’t seem like it. Third, we can disagree about eschatology while both loving the gospel and believing firmly in the word, and looking for the return of Christ. No one here is denying the gospel of Christ.

    I don’t think I have ever done that.

    You raise this a few posts ago and I pointed out that we did answer the question. You just didn’t like the answer. It’s okay that you don’t like it. I am not bothered by that. But don’t say we didn’t give an answer because we did.
    I think I have dealt with quite a bit of Scripture, either directly or indirectly, in response. But the point I am making is that I think I am honestly trying to defend what I believe with interaction. You are simply saying, “That’s not true” and not making any counterarguments to say why it isn’t true.

    I interacted with this in depth elsewhere, as have others. No one is suggesting that we interpret it as anything other than literal. It is what the literal meaning is that is at stake. But again, does this issue rise to the level of vitriol you seem to have about it. I don’t think so. I have no fear that my exegetical case can stand up. It has for a very long time. You were wrong to accuse me of not believing the Bible because I differ with you about what it says. There are a number of explanations that adequately handle the text that disagree with you.

    It can mean that there is a time of judgment coming when everyone will be raised and judged, and that time of judgment must be understood in light of the rest of Scripture which further explains the resurrection. You are placing too much weight on a verse that was not intended to be a comprehensive doctrine of the resurrection. You are, in effect, creating contradictions in the teaching of Jesus because other passages of Scripture clearly show more than a single-point-in-time resurrection.
    If I have been anything less than gracious to you, I apologize. I think, with good conscience, that my comments have been directed at ideas, not at people. I think they have been as gracious as words on a computer screen can be. They certainly come from a heart that desires to show you grace even though we differ. You are very frustrating to be sure, as I probably am to you. But I responding to the ideas that you have put forth.

    Not sure what that means. My chosen profession is to be a pastor. Do you really want to attack me for that?

    No next time of me being a pastor?
  5. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I have many dispensationalist friends and do not find any of them to be arrogant. We do agree more than we disagree. As dispensationalism has changed we do agree more. I would stand with them any day if someone came against them. They are godly men.

    I have found Pastor Larry to be direct but I am not sure arrogant is the right word to describe him.

    Many years ago when I studied under one the best craftsmen in the world I learned a very good lesson. He has several of his pieces of work in the Smithsonian Institute and yet he has been called arrogant by some whose work is poor by comparison. I do not know of one person who studied under him would have called him arrogant but rather humble.

    Imagine what the money changers said when Jesus turned over their tables.

    Suppose you truly believe he is arrogant would it be godly to take the higher road and treat him with grace. Sometimes we learn more about that when others exhibit it with us.
  6. pilgrim2009

    pilgrim2009 New Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    I say this in the love of Christ.If dispensationalist would research the whole story of why it was created and the men who financed it they would come out of its camp screaming bloody murder.I can say it no other way but it is a great deception and most dispensationalist are not prepared for whats coming and soon.

    Since the dispensationalist are waiting to be raptured before the Tribulation when the man of sin is revealed they wont believe its the real man of sin because they believe they will be gone in the rapture and when the orders are given for the mark of the beast most will take it because they believe its not the real mark because they are still here.

    There will be a general falling away from the faith and when the Tribulation begins and the man of sin is revealed then it will be people blaming the Pastors and saying its all been a lie and then millions will finally reject Christ and take the mark to survive and that mark brethren will seal their eternal doom for-ever.

    God have mercy.There is more to this than minor dis-agreements over eschatology this is about eternity.

    Its not far away either so get prepared.This plan has been in the making for less than 200 years and yes Jesus return is at hand but not one minute before what the Bible says will happen before that glorious day.Praise God our redemption draweth nigh.

    God have mercy in Jesus name.

  7. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    You think dispensationalists are unbelievers and false teachers leading people to eternal hell?
  8. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Would you say the same thing about many Baptist churches? Most of them are the results of splits. Your assertion is much like sayinbg the SBC is rotten because of its division over the issue slavery.

    I do not agree with much of dispensationalism but to attribute a modern day belief as directly connected to a particular history is not always wise. In fact dispensationalsim has changed a lot over the past 40 years. You have to take a lok at what people beieve today. Many of the early Baptists did not baptize by immersion at first. Many people among quite a number of denominations are not even Christians but certainly their beginning leaders were. Would you associate the beliefs and actions of the founders to the people today who are not believrs. I would hope not.
  9. Allan

    Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    His view is something different than you are assuming. It is more line with his earlier post:
    IOW - It was concocted by the Roman Catholic Church and instituted through the infiltrating Jesuit order that has been undermining the church for the last 1000 or so years.
  10. Allan

    Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Also he seems not to grasp that Covenant theology was not what was taught for 1800 years in the CHurch history. Premil was taught and the primary doctrine of the Church for the first 350+ years of Church history (which is the foundation of Dispensationism) and for 'nearly' 300 years it uncontested On top of that we have record that this teaching was considered as the orthodox doctrine of the CHurch as recorded by Justin Martyr own hand. The Covenant view did not become a mainline church view until Augustine brought it in at around 450'ish ad (give or take a few years).
    #130 Allan, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2009
  11. pilgrim2009

    pilgrim2009 New Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Absolutely not.What I am saying is most Christians do not believe they will go through the tribulation and when it gets here to survive they will take the mark of the beast because they will not believe it is the mark that dooms them to hell because they are still here on waiting on the pre-trib rapture.

  12. pilgrim2009

    pilgrim2009 New Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    I do not consider dispensationalist unbelievers God Forbid.Dispensationalism was created for a purpose not to rightly divide the word of truth.Most of the big time ministries teaching zionistic dispensationalism through TV and their thousands of end time books are funded by un-believing organizations to further their cause.Brother John Torell of Europe American Evangelistic Crusades an ex-dispensationalist has been re-searching the purposes dispensationalism was created and most of the men behind it.

    You will not hardly find anything but zionistic dispensationalism on our so-called Christian TV`s its not allowed.Most of the ones behind the curtain funding people like John Hagee etc are not believers and actually hate Christians and Christ and are the same system the pharisee`and sadducee`s had in Christ day and are using Christians to preach their message so they can take the land of Israel and finally rule the world.

    These ministers promoting the zionistic zionist doctrine`s are well funded and make huge profits.It is public records what these men make for profit while teaching zionistic dispensational talmudic doctrines.

    Fact is Jesus never offered an earthly kingdom to the Jew`s nor did He post-pone His to the end of time.

    {Luke 17:20-21}

    And when he was demanded of the PHARISEE`S when the Kingdom of God should come,he answered them and said,The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:Neither shall they say,Lo here!or,lo there!behold,the kingdom of God is within you.

    Why has the zionist doctrine been pushed so hard since its creation?

    {Luke 19:14b}We will not have this man to reign over us.

    The pre-trib rapture.

    {Luke 17:22} And he said unto his disciples,The days will come,when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man,and ye shall not see it.

    There are those who are wanting their own kingdom {i.e.world dominion and control}and Christians are being used through zionism to help them get it while they are being laughed at behind the scene being called goy`s waiting on the rapture.By the time it is realized that Scofields system was created to fool christians for political reasons it will be to late.

    Every time you hear about Christian rights in America under threat think about Scofield and his system of wrongly dividing the word of truth.

    In Jesus.

  13. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    My point is that the dispensationalism of today is very different than 50 years ago. It has undergone many evolutionary changes. Just because something has a history does not mean it is the same today.
  14. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    This is a hateful, unsubstantiated, anti-Semitic post. I hope that you are able to back it up. I want you to prove, to demonstrate, to give actual sources for what you have said. Otherwise you have slandered a man and his ministry, and you need to retract what you have said.

    Demonstrate that "Most of the ones...funding John Hagee are not believers."
    Demonstrate that "Most of the ones..funding John Hagee...actually hate Christians and Christ."

    Who are they then? Muslims?
    What are your sources for such statements? I hope they are reliable. Don't just post your lame opinion. Give actual source material where you can demonstrate that unbelievers are funding John Hagee and that these ones hate Christians, and hate Christ.

    If you can't do that then retract your post, apologize, and maybe refrain from posting. Be responsible in what you say.
  15. EdSutton

    EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    What he said!! [​IMG]

    (FTR, I am no fan of John Hagee, but that changes nothing.)

  16. pilgrim2009

    pilgrim2009 New Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    First off I apologize that the truth offends you.

    First off I am not anti-semitic I love everyone even if they are unlovable in some cases.Second off when this plan was created the word anti-semitic`s was created to protect this plan that anyone who disagrees call them anti-semitic and convince those who we convince this is God`s plan and they {i.e.Christians}will protect and defend us and in our plan for world control.If anti-semitism did exist then Jesus,St John the baptist,along with St Paul were guilty as well in their scathing rebukes of the Pharisee`s and Sadducee`s {i.e.Jewish leaders}of their day.Nothing has changed and I will not retract that which is fact.

    See the link below and dont ignore the facts because this brother in Christ loves Jew`s,Gentiles,White,Black,Orange,Red and green people if there are green people and wants to see everyone saved.

    You see people like you their minds have been conditioned to call someone an anti-semitic and a Jew hater if someone is against their plans in the name of Christianity.If you can`t accept Scofield was a hired gun to sell this conspiracy to Christianity and his unGodly life showing what kind of man he was with copies of the records then your mind is a closed book because of its conditioning to work this way.

    Proverbs 18:13

    He that answer a matter before he heareth it,it is a shame unto him.

    Do a search and either read Mr Myran Fagan`s speech or listen to it when it was given in the late 1960`s of this conspiracy.Also Benjamin Freedman both of these men were Jews and telling on their brethren according to the flesh because they knew they owed it to Jesus Christ to warn His people even though they knew the strong hold these men had over Christianities Pastors and Teachers.

    There are several parts to the evidence and you will have to see the copied records and pictures of the things I claim.At the bottom of each page will carry you to the next part.You can`t really dispute these claims unless you can prove they dont exist which I very seriously doubt.

    {Galatians 4:16} Am I therefore become your enemy,because I tell you the truth?

    Go here and begin for the facts to shock you.


    If you have a problem then go here to click on each part in order called dancing around the golden calf under 2006 and 2007.


    When this plan is tampered with they have conditioned the minds of many Godly brethren to falsely accuse their brothers in Christ the whistle blowers as Anti-Semitic`s which is a lie from the pit of hell where the originators of this mess is right now.

    God bless you in Jesus.

    #136 pilgrim2009, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2009
  17. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    So you don't think dispensationalists are unbelievers but you think they will go to hell because they take the mark of the beast while waiting for the pretrib rapture. So how does someone who is a believer go to hell? That doesn't make sense.
  18. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    The truth doesn't offend me; slander and lies do. That is what you have posted. I am not going to read all the links you have posted about your conspiracy theories, and the illogical fallacies that you have posted trying to reason that Jesus, John and Paul were anti-Semitic as well. You have much to learn. Have you ever looked up the word blasphemy? It's literal meaning is
    To call Christ anti-Semitic, then is blasphemous.

    Now I put the responsibility on you, and I hold you to it. Don't give me links, conspiracy theories, excuses, ideas, opinions, etc. I want the facts. I want concrete quotes, and then the links from where the quotes are taken from. Let's try again:

    Demonstrate (using quotes) that those supporting John Hagees ministry are unsaved. Give your sources. Quote evidence. I don't want links to a conspiracy theory of any kind, or another's opinion. I want facts.

    Demonstrate (using quotes) that those supporting John Hagees ministry hate Christians and hate Christ. I want sources that have such quotes in them. Prove your charges. Demonstrate these accusations or withdrawn them. If you can't do this and continue to spew out such garbage eventually you will find your posts before the administration and yourself under consideration of being suspended/banned.

    Slander is not tolerated. False accusations are not tolerated.
    The rules are at the bottom of every page. You agreed to abide by them when you registered.

  19. pilgrim2009

    pilgrim2009 New Member

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Pastor Larry.

    You know very well whoever takes the mark of the beast during the Tribulation to survive will be cast into the Lake of Fire.If someone saved or lost takes this mark they will still be cast into the lake of fire.The taking of the mark of the beast will forfiet salvation.

    Tim Lahaye seems to think believers will be safe in taking the mark during the trib.Tim Lahaye is wrong eternally wrong.

    In Jesus love.

  20. sag38

    sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    Where has Tim LeHay ever suggested that Christians will willingly take the mark? I doubt you can back that accusation up. But, if so, please show us.
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