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Phelps at it again

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Flippo, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. Flippo

    Flippo Member

    May 20, 2003
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    Fred phelps, the man behind the God hates homosexuals protests is planning to protest at some soldier's funerals here in Tennessee tomorrow. Claims soldier's deaths in Iraq are due to God's wrath over America's acceptance of Homosexuality.

    Now, I believe homosexuality is an abomination [like all sin], but this is totally absurd and is hurtful to the families of the fallen soldiers'. It is also a very poor witness of Christianity.


    I am altering the wording of the introduction to this post. The previous language has been determined to be both offensive and non Christian. I will not tell you on the open forum how I feel the previous word speaks toward those Christians who by God's Grace alone have given their lives for the testimony of Christ which was in them. Please, some of you, if you haven't (and I suspect most of you have at least given a curory reading to it) read Foxe's Book of Martyrs, even an abridged copy will give you a proper perspective of the correct usage of words and wording.

    No derogatory or hateful language ought to be accepted among Christians, either in their discussions be they private or public, nor in their private interpretations.

    Please understand, I am no better at presenting myself to others as to not only give the reason for the hope in me nor to present Christ in and through myself. But when I feel I must speak in such language, I pray the Lord to seal my mouth. Does this mean I think God has changed his attitude on sin? NO. It means that I recognize God also views my prideful heart as exceeding sinful.

    So, I for my part as a co-moderator on this forum, I will no longer tolerate such language. The language will be deleted and replaced where possible, and if not possible, the post itself will be deleted. If the latter happens to your post I will refer you to this editorial.

    May God Bless,
    Bro. Dallas

    [ September 03, 2005, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Frogman ]
  2. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    US soldiers' deaths in Iraq are due to enemy attacks. We don't know how many Iraquis are being whacked in THEIR turn, as the liberal press reports only OUR casualties, or accidental civilian deaths caused by our forces.

    Phelps is clearly a mental case. I live near Huntington Wv, home of Marshall U. A coupla years ago, he decided to appear there to protest MU's allowing a gay org on campus. His roadies went to City Hall and DEMANDED extra police protection for their guru. The mayor said, "As a man of God what's he afraid of? We can give him extra police presence, but you must pay for each and every one of them". This didn't suit the roadies, but Phelps elected to go ahead without the extra police & obtained a parade permit. Meanwhile, the word went forth that as an American he has the right to protest, but WE have the right to IGNORE him. And he WAS ignored...by the Marshall students and faculty, and by all the local news media. No one so much as SPOKE to Phelps or any of his entourage, and he left town with his tail between his legs ahead of schedule. And not one word of his visit hit the local newspapers. Thus, the people of Huntington killed two birds with one stone...Phelps was able to fully exercise his rights as an American, while the people gave him a very-stinging rebuke by simply not acknowledging his presence at all.

    Now I'm not condoning HS whatsoever, but there are two ways with dealing with these people...man's way, such as Phelps practices, and GOD'S way, salvation by & through JESUS CHRIST. Hs's are NOT unforgivable sinners, and if Phelps were normal mentally, he'd be working to bring the GOSPEL to the HSs instead of already consigning them to hell before they die.
  3. StefanM

    StefanM Well-Known Member
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    Jul 4, 2004
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    That despicable "person" protested at a funeral about 15 miles from my house last week.
  4. All about Grace

    All about Grace New Member

    Feb 11, 2002
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    Phelps does not represent the God I serve.
  5. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    He certainley looked like an interesting fellow when he was featured on Michael Moore! [​IMG]
  6. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    That about sums it up!
  7. LorrieGrace

    LorrieGrace Member

    Jun 28, 2004
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    Is there anyway that the family can notify the police and have this person kept away. They are in enough pain and suffering without having to hear someone preaching hate.
  8. Marcia

    Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I don't think Phelps is a mental case and his actions do not indicate he is a Christian. He has all the marks of a cult leader. His little group that travels with him and spews out hatred is his cult.

    People who think God punished New Orleans for being wicked with the hurricane should wonder why nothing has happened to Phelps.
  9. MsGuidedAngel

    MsGuidedAngel Member
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    Mar 13, 2004
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    Fred Phelps, Needs To Learn about Jesus Christ!! he Judges people and he is NOT to judge anyone! Matthew 7:1-5 KJV 1611AV
  10. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I think it is a safe bet to say that this gentleman will not ever enter the Kingdom of God. Why not? He does not have nor show the love of God or Christ. How do I know? He is not reaching out to sinners, he is pushing them away with his hateful speech. We are called to preach the Gospel to the world and disciple believers. We are not called to condemn the world. We should call sin what it is (SIN) but we should do so in a away that explains to people their need to be saved from it.

    When Christ was on this earth what did He do? He went to the tax collectors and sinners, why? Because they need saving (Matt 9:10-13, Mk 2:15-17, etc). The self righteous will not be saved, but those who realize they are sinners can be if they turn to Christ alone in faith. It is the sinner who needs saving, not the one who thinks he/she is already good enough. Christ went to the sinners and so should we. Not to "ok" their sinful actions but to call them to repentance and faith in Christ (Mk 1:15, Acts 26:18-23, etc).

    Phelps actions are unBiblical and unrighteous. He needs to repent and turn to Christ in faith and be saved (as do all of his followers).

    You said:
    Fred phelps, the man behind the God hates homosexuals protests is planning to protest at some soldier's funerals here in Tennessee tomorrow. Claims soldier's deaths in Iraq are due to God's wrath over America's acceptance of Homosexuality.

    ==The problem with Phelp's position is simple...it does not play out. If God is going to punish America why is it homosexuality only? What about abortion, pornography, adultery, fornication, lying, cheating, stealing, gossiping, etc, etc, etc? This man has one pet sin that he is going after and has therefore become unbalanced. Also I doubt the Roman Empire was free of these sins, I know they were not, yet Christ showed grace to Roman soilders. There are many soilders in our military that are godly Christians. Is God going to punish them for the sins of others? Phelps argument falls apart when basic Biblical principles are applied.


    [ September 03, 2005, 08:49 PM: Message edited by: Frogman ]
  11. Doc1932

    Doc1932 New Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    Here in southwest virginia he was welcomed to demonstrate at the funeral of a soldier who fell. The man was gay.

    Not really sure why he didn't show back up. If he had he would have gotten a foursome for the price of one.
    The soldier
    A carload of teenagers were killed(driver was gay, some suspect the friend was also)
    A gay mans body was found shot in the head in the blue ridge mountains. He was known to frequent the local gay bars.
    And another teen was killed on a jet ski (also gay).

    I really don't see the harm in fireworks. He pushes the point in the face of everyone. Like he said in an interview one time " if I can make one young person decide not to be gay, it was all worth it" Sometimes you have to put the fear of God into people.
    Sometimes a feather works, other times it takes them being hit by a mac truck.
    Phelps is the mac truck.
  12. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Sometimes a feather works, other times it takes them being hit by a mac truck.
    Phelps is the mac truck.

    ==That maybe true, but if you get hit by a mac truck you die. Those who listen to the hate coming from Phelps are in danger of spiritual death (Rev 21:8). The Bible calls us to love the world, as God has loved the world, and to preach the Gospel. The Bible does not, and may I repeat, does not instruct us to be hateful, mean, and insensative.

    You know I thought about this back when Matthew Shepherd was killed and those people protested at his FUNERAL. I can't see Jesus out protesting a funeral holding a sign that says "God hates fags" or something like that. What do I see Jesus doing? I see Him offering life to the sinner, freedom from bondage, and eternal forgiveness to all who come to Him. Jesus reserved his hardest words for people like Phelps.

    Also does God hate gossipers? Where is Phelps "God hates gossipers" signs? Where is it? It is not there. Why not? Because I am sure Phelps and many in his group have gossiped and still do at times. They pick on homosexuals...I wonder why. Homosexuality is an abomination, a sin, and those who practice it are not saved (1Cor 6:9-10, Rev 21:8). However it is forgivable and Christ died to save them from their sin. Phelps is not offering them that message.

    If you want a solid Biblical message on sin (etc) listen to John MacArthur or Ray Comfort. You will not get "God hates...." out of them. They will give you a Biblical message of sin and what needs to be done to help people.

    I am sorry but Phelps is dangerous.

  13. bruren777

    bruren777 New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Mr. Phelps and those of his ilk will twist any event of any kind as an act of God. They spew their venom and declare they are doing the Lords work.

    Non Christians see and hear him and think he represents all Christians.

    He is a cult leader and nothing else!
  14. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Is there any way we can encourage a counter-protest of Phelps? Not in front of the funeral home of course, because that would be helping to turn it into a real circus, but perhaps at a respectful distance?

    Signs like "Real Baptists Support America's Soldiers!"

    I think we should try to do something to make it clear that Phelps does not speak for any majority.
  15. kubel

    kubel New Member

    Jul 10, 2005
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    This guy and his supporters need to be disappeared.
  16. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    umm, well.....there's no moral way for us to cause that, kubel.

    But perhaps we need to stand up and be louder against him if and when he comes into our own communities.

    The world who is getting a wrong view of Christianity from his actions is not, for the most part, coming here to this board to see what we really think of him.
  17. Doc1932

    Doc1932 New Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    I agree that he doesn't represent most liberal or moderate christian ideals.
    And the point about gossip has crossed my mind thousands of times.

    If you really think about it is alot alike!
    Theres thousands and thousands of old grey haired babtist woman that are going straight to hell. Why?

    They commit sin on a daily basis, have never asked forgivness for the sin because they don't beleive they are doing anything wrong. As my grandmother use to say "its not gossip as long as its a fact, its just news."

    so according to that idea my grandmother and homosexuals are all in hell.

    Goodness are we in for a shock. I thought Hell would be full of killers and rapist and pedophiles. Instead its going to be full of catholics, old men and woman, and homosexuals.
    The murderers are getting saved in prison so they wont be there. As for the pedophiles, its not even mentioned in the bible except in general terms such as adultery. My great grandmother married at 12 in 1862, My grandmother married my grandfather at 13 in 1888, my mom married my dad at 13 in 1917.

    Would you get mad at God if you get to heaven and see a bunch of homos, and your granny's not there?
  18. kubel

    kubel New Member

    Jul 10, 2005
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    lol! :D
  19. mixster

    mixster New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Every soldier killed in combat should be afforded full military honors regardless of who or what they are. God will judge the individuals.
  20. MsGuidedAngel

    MsGuidedAngel Member
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    Mar 13, 2004
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    AMEN!!! [​IMG]

    I 100% agree! [​IMG]