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The 1560 Dutch Bible vs the 1637 Dutch Bible

Discussion in 'Bible Versions & Translations' started by Logos1560, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. Logos1560

    Logos1560 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2004
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    Concerning a 1560 Dutch Bible, Dale Burkholder wrote: "This Bible, which became known as the Biestkens Bible, was kept in print in some form by or for the Mennonites for over one hundred sixty years" (The Scriptures Preserved and Translated, pp. 236-237).

    In 1637, a new Dutch Bible was produced that was called the Statenvertaling.

    Dale Burkholder noted: "As usual, some people were skeptical of a new translation. The Mennonites continued using the Biestkens, with the more conservative groups holding on to it longest. Some congregations were still using it nearly three hundred years after it was first published" (p. 246).

    Burkholder added: "Time went on, and the Mennonites eventually forgot their objections to the Statenvertaling. The Biestkens Bible ceased to be printed by the 1700's" (p. 247).

    Dale Burkholder commented: "Changes to a Bible translation are difficult to accept, and people tend to forget that even their own preferred Bible is also a translation and may have a few imperfections that could be improved upon" (p. 247).
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