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Featured The Abomination Of Desolation

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by robycop3, Jan 14, 2022.

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  1. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    The Judaism worship of today is a huge blasphemy. The temple WILL be rebuilt for the AOD to take place in. The previous failure was because it wasn't time for it yet. The Jews are well aware of the previous failure.
  2. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Daniel didn't write of the destruction of J & the AOD in the same prophecy, The destruction of J is in Daniel 9:26, while the AOD is in 11:31 & 12:11. So, the destruction & the AOD are different events. If the destruction had been the AOD, the apostles would've had to have been in the middle of it to have seen it. However, no one has seen the AOD because it hasn't yet occurred.

    And I thought you were smarter than to believe that jive about the Roman ensigns, something that was invented by the stupidest of the preterists years back.

    You left out the first part of the verse:He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, If the Romans deified an emperor, they didn't worship him alone; they added him to their pantheon of gods/goddesses. And the emperors themselves worshipped the same pantheon.

    I have very-plainly explained why Nero, nor Caligula, nor any other Roman ruler was the beast. The TRUE beast MUST fulfill EVERY Scriptural criterion for the beast, TO THE LETTER. Both Hitler & Stalin fulfilled more of them than Nero did.

    No, the sea beast represents both the antichrist & his empire, while the beast from the earth represents both a religious org & its boss, the false prophet. It will be subservient to the first beast.

    No, the image of the beast will be an image of the true beast, who hasn't yet come.

    No, "every tribe on earth" means EXACTLY THAT! The Israelis are included, of course, but they're only 12 of the thousands of earthly tribes. And while those who pierced Him are dead, they'll see His return from hades.

    Actually, the Jewish wars didn't end til 73 AD when Masada fell. And a FAR-WORSE event befell the Jews, starting AD 135-136 when Hadrian's forces expelled them from their land & gave it to the Philistines, who hadn't rebelled against Rome.("Palestinian" is Latin for 'Philistine'.) After that, it's well-known the Jews were hated & persecuted wherever they went. It's even reflected in Shakespeare's character Shylock. It culminated in the nazi holocaust in which 6 million of the world's 13 million Jews perished.

    God's power kept them from being exterminated for some 1900 years, and, beginning in 1945, empowered them to defeat their Moslem enemies & gain some revenge on the nazis. You know the rest.[/QUOTE]
  3. SavedByGrace

    SavedByGrace Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2020
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    this is unbiblical heresy!
  4. George Antonios

    George Antonios Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    Agreed, except for the difference that he will be sacrificing Jews (Dan.3:6; Ps.14/53:4, 16:4, 27:2, 44:11, 22; Zech.11:16; Mic.3:1-3).
  5. George Antonios

    George Antonios Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any TWOedged sword,

    Ah, that good old double application, gets' em every time.
  6. Lodic

    Lodic Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2018
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    As you know, Daniel 9 is about the 70 Weeks prophecy. 11:31 & 12:11 provide more details about the destruction of Jerusalem, including the AOD. Can you disprove the Roman ensigns theory? Scripture and history prove that the Roman armies brought the desolation and the AOD (in whatever form it may have taken). Incidentally, Jesus warned the disciples that some of them would have seen it, since it was within their generation. Therefore, they must have because it happened just as Jesus said.

    I don't see how that refutes my argument.

    You've only explained why you believe none of those guys was the Beast. Nero fits all the criteria. He was the 6th "king" of Revelation 17:9-11. Apostate Israel was the False Prophet. These line up perfectly.

    "Every tribe on earth" clearly indicates the Jewish tribes, and they "saw" Him when Jerusalem fell. While the Jewish Wars ended with Masada, the persecution and slaughter of the Jews was not the focus of the "end times" prophecies. The focus was the end of the Old Covenant system with their animal sacrifices, which ended in AD 70.

    Indeed. His protection was very clearly demonstrated in the 6 Day War. However, this only shows that God protects them, just as He protected and guided the U.S. throughout our history.
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  7. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Easily. They were not set up. Their purpose was for unit ID. When soldiers became scattered in battle, they headed toward the ensign of their unit. This method of keepin units together was still used in WW1.

    The Romans destroyed J & the temple as Daniel & Jesus said. But they did NOT do the AOD. They didn't set up anything in the temple; they pulled it down, looking for gold between its stones.

    You don't WANT to see, but it's quite plain. The beast won't recognize any god but himself, while every Roman emperor worshipped the Roman pantheon. That rules them out as being the beast.

    No, he doesn't come CLOSE. When was he ever in Jerusalem? When was he cast alive into hell?

    No, he was ruler of the 6th kingDOM. There were many more than 5 kings of Rome before him.

    No, they don't line up at all. Nero & Israel had nothing to do with each other, except Judea was a province of the empire.

    No, 'every tribe on earth' means every tribe on earth, unless you don't believe Scripture. And the "Jewish tribes" are only Judah, Benjamin, & Levi. The rest of the Israelis aren't Jews. And they didn't see anything when J fell except its destruction. Jesus hasn't yet returned.

    Jesus ended that on the cross.

    God punished them severely for some 1900 years. When the godless Napoleon Bonaparte was asked if he believed in miracles, he answered with out hesitation, "Oui! The Jews!"

    Your whole premise is built on opinion & guesswork. It's been soundly proven Nero was NOT the beast. Gabriel plainly told Daniel about the AOD, and Daniel wrote it'd be both placed & set up in the temple. After the statue of Zeus placed & set up in it by Antiochus Epiphanes, no such further act occurred in that temple again. So, a new temple must be built for it to occur in. THAT'S COMMON SENSE!

    And Jesus did NOT physically, visibly return in 70 AD. He said Himself His return would be in great power & glory, visible as lightning, seen by all, saying no one would mistake His return for anything else & He would be seen by all. And He specifically warned against those who would spread rumors that He'd already returned & was hiding in the desert, etc. Seems you believed one of those rumor-spreaders by saying He'd returned in 70 AD!

    I dismiss your whole thingy as horse feathers, phony as a Chevy Mustang.

    To say the AOD was Roman ensigns is beyond ridiculous. I suggest you stop reading the fiction written by Gentry, Preston, etc. & stick to Scripture & legitimate, accurate history boox.
  8. Lodic

    Lodic Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2018
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    Just for the sake of our discussion, let's say the Roman standards were not the AOD. That still wouldn't prove that the Roman armies did not bring the AOD as Luke's gospel described.
    I am willing to review whether any claim is true or not. This simply fails to refute my argument.

    The Beast was Nero as a representative of Rome. "Rome" came to Jerusalem. Nero's suicide cast him into Hell.

    Let's see - "Every tribe" must be taken literally, but Nero was not literally the 6th "king". In context, Revelation speaks of the "kings" beginning with Julius Caesar.

    It's your premise that is more fairy tale and guesswork, while my premise is built on extensive study of the Scriptures. You claim that your views are common sense, but you deny the common sense when I explain to you how Daniel's prophecies came to pass.

    I've never claimed that Jesus returned physically in AD 70. He came "in judgment", just as God came in judgment on different nations in the Old Testament. While I've learned a lot from Gary DeMar, Ken Gentry, Milton Terry, et al, I study Scriptures for myself, following the Bereans' example. I might suggest you do the same, instead of swallowing the "futurist" view without question.
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  9. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    They WEREN'T.

    They didn't. The word "desolation" appears 54 times in the NKJV, 58 times in the NASV, & only five of them refer to the AOD. There were quite a few desolations in Scripture. The Luke desolation is merely the destruction of J. And there's absolutely NO RECORD of the Romans' having set up anything in the temple !

    OK, you claim Nero was the beast. Please tell us who his false prophet deputy was, & when they both were cast alive into the lake of fire.

    Nero was NEVER in J! And his suicide KILLED him! He was NOT cast alive into hell !

    No, the previous kingDOMS were Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia & Greece. The one that then was, was Rome.

    Evidently you haven't studied them TOO extensively, or you'd toss the "Nero=beast" garbage. You just GUESSED how Daniel's prophecies came to pass.

    No, Jesus has NOT yet come back physically or visibly at all. However, He is present SPIRITUALLY, as He said He'd be, whenever/wherever 2 or more are gathered in His name. And that includes on social media, so be careful what you post!

    But you add those teachings of MEN, who by & large are quacks, to the teachings of Scripture, while I use history and reality.

    The request to preterists, "PLEASE SHOW US FROM HISTORY WHEN IT HAPPENED", gets'em every time !
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Lodic

    Lodic Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2018
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    As I've mentioned before, the False Prophet was Apostate Israel. Presumably, their priests were cast into the lake of fire.

    Nero didn't have to personally go to Jerusalem. While I'm not really clear on the details of the Beast and the False Prophet getting tossed into the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20), I'm not overly concerned with that detail. The Preterist view may leave a few questions, but it answers so many more. On the other hand, the futurist view is strictly guesswork with no real answers. You have to admit that you don't know how everything is supposed to work out in your view, but you are confident enough in that view that you stick with it. Likewise, the futurist view is weak and illogical to me, so I will stick with Preterism.

    The futurist views are teachings of men, whereas Preterism is sound doctrine. Furthermore, Preterism is proved by history.
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  11. George Antonios

    George Antonios Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    At this rate, why not just go with:
    "The false prophet was the Lilliputians and their leaders were cast into Williwonka's chocolate factory"?
    I mean, if you're gonna go for it then just go for it man, don't hold back.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. 37818

    37818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. 37818

    37818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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    Not when the Biblical millennium is denied. Revelation 22:18-19, ". . . For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the tree of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. . . ."
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  14. Lodic

    Lodic Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2018
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    I have never added to nor changed the prophecies in Revelation nor any other Biblical prophecy. Rather, I hold to the Preterist interpretation of those prophecies, just as you hold to the view that these events are in our future. For the record, I do believe that the physical, visible return of Christ is in our future. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but that could tomorrow, or another thousand years.
  15. Lodic

    Lodic Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2018
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    That's your response???? And here I was looking for a serious discussion about the topic.
  16. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    The FP will be a man. And your assumption further wrecks your "Nero=beast" hooey. Nero and Israel never associated, and Israel CERTAINLY didn't demand that everyone worship Nero. And there's not one quark of Scripture nor history saying any priest was cast into the LOF.

    And he didn't. That's part of why he wasn't the beast.

    That's because "that detail" is a sure proof Nero wasn't the beast.

    It leaves a LOT of questions because it's completely false.

    with INCORRECT answers, such as your (and Gentry's) "Nero=the beast" bunk.

    It's your right to be wrong by sticking with something completely disproven by history and Scripture. And OF COURSE we don't know how the future's gonna play out, but GOD has given us a good idea.

    Preterism is totally man-made. History DISproves it. Otherwise, you could tell us who the beast REALLY was, who the FP was, that the mark of the beast looked like, when the great trib occurred worldwide, and, most of all, when JESUS PHYSICALLY & VISIBLT RETURNED, seen by all.

    Scripture plainly shows us what the AOD will be, and history shows us it hasn't happened yet. You can't get around it.

  17. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    The fact that this has become just another anti-preterism thread is partly mine. So, I'm gouing back to the OP & thread title-the AOD.

    I posted Scriptures showing the AOD will be something that's placed & set up, with the first one being the statue of Zeus placed & set up in the temple by Antiochus Epiphanes in the 160s BC. There'll be a future one , as Jesus said"when you see the AOD mentioned by Daniel...". So we know the type. And Scripture goes on to say the false prophet would command men to make an image or statue of the beast/antichrist who had received what shoulda been a fatal head wound, but recovered. And Paul wrote that the beast/man of sin would enter the temple & proclaim himself God. Scripture also says that man won't recognize any other god but himself, so that knocks out any Caesar being the beast, as all Caesars worshipped at least some of the Roman pantheon of gods/goddesses.

    So the scenario for the AOD appears to be that the beast will enter the new temple the Jews will build in Jerusalem, halt all sacrifices, & declare himself God while having his statue set up in that temple. That'll be the sign which shall cause all Christians to flee Jerusalem at once, without any delay. I'm GUESSING the reason will be that, having declared himself God, the beast will have his forces hunt down & kill anyone worshipping any other god, starting in Jerusalem.

    But anyway, Scripture paints a picture of what the AOD will be. Saying it was Roman ensigns, etc. is simply against Scripture.
  18. Lodic

    Lodic Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2018
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    I am absolutely certain the False Prophet was Apostate Israel, who had aligned itself with the Roman Empire. Quite possibly the chief priests were tossed into the Lake of Fire.

    Preterism leaves a few questions about some of the details, but so does Futurism. Furthermore, the futurist view calls for a lot of false assumptions and poor exegesis. Your view calls for changing the meaning of "soon", "this generation", "quickly", etc. This is an area where we Preterists take the Scriptures quite literally, where you Futurists take the symbolic approach.

    The Futurist view was pretty much invented by John Nelson Darby around 1830, and it was later popularized by Scofield. Before the 19th Century, the predominant view of these prophecies was Preterist. Any other view is false.

    I've lost track of how many times I've told you who the beast and false prophet were - Rome / Nero and Apostate Israel. The Mark of the Beast was not a literal mark, but symbolic of alignment with the Roman Empire. While Jesus came in judgment on Jerusalem in AD 70, His physical and visible return is still in our future. The Great Tribulation was not worldwide, but upon Israel from AD 66-70 (3 1/2 years). Scripture and history plainly show us when these events happened, no matter how much you deny it.
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  19. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    With all due respect, you're absolutely INCORRECT! Most of the Jews submitted to Rome because they didn't want to be whacked, & besides, Rome brought them "law & order", good, safe roads, etc. And the high priests, current & former, were killed by the Idumeans & Zealots in 68 AD, so they weren't cast alive into hell. And if any of them deserved such a fate, it was Caiaphas, who had Jesus crucified. However, his home is still standing, & his ossuary was found, with his name plainly written on it. There's not a quark of Scripture nor historical record that any priest, or anyone else, was ever tossed alive into the lake of fire.

    For the umpteenth time, please show us HISTORICAL PROOF that the eschatological events have already occurred! And I mean from a LEGITIMATE SOURCE, not the garbage those pret quack "authors" write.

    Yes, preterism is false. For several millenia, men thought the earth is flat til FACT took over.

    And every time you've told me that has been just-as-false as it was the first time.
    I posted FACTS that **PROVE** Nero was NOT the beast-HISTORICAL FACTS you CANNOT refute! But yet you still believe the garbage of Gentry, Preston, etc. which has proven as false as that of Hal Lindsey.

    It will be issued by the beast.
    You're trying to have your cake & eat it, too. Scripture plainly says the beast will issue the mark thru the false prophet, & there's absolutely NO record that Nero or Israel issued any kind of mark required to do business, nor aligned himself with the Jews in any manner. You're working against your own perceived beast!

    No, Jesus has NOT yet returned in any manner. He plainly warned against believing He had returned by word of mouth because His return would be visible as lightning, seen by ALL.
    And plainly, the great trib has NOT occurred, It will be WORLDWIDE, and the beast will be in power when it does occur, or else Jesus was wrong in Rev. 3:10! (Remember , the Philadelphia church STILL EXISTS ! !)


    Between Lodic & I, WHO has made their case? WHO has presented FACTS?

    I believe Lodic is a Christian, but he's been led astray by some purveyors of bunk. I hope the HOLY SPIRIT steps in & shows him the TRUTH before others get led astray.
  20. Cathode

    Cathode Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    Non Baptist Christian
    There is another understanding worth considering.

    There were prefigurements of Christ, so there is no reason prohibiting prefigurements of the anti christ.

    Nero in his age was undoubtedly an anti christ.

    However of all these prefigurements, there is a final figure which embodies them all and exceeds them.
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