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The God Men and their college campus recruiting schemes

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by freefromtrap, Apr 10, 2021.

  1. freefromtrap

    freefromtrap New Member

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Dear Christians I turn to you as I need your help in spreading making parents and students aware of this group and their intentions cause before you know it, your child might be taken away from you because of how this groups isolates their members from other believers.

    There is a worldwide recruiting scheme going on college campuses that many cults/NRM are engaged in. The one I personally have experience with is the Christian cult/sect "Lords Recovery" which relies on campus organizations hidden under a seemingly normal and attractive alias "Christians on Campus" (they use different monikers on some campuses), which they hire full employees known as full timers to go and recruit college students who they know are gullible and will fall for their love bombing and eventually be completely caught in the quagmire of this cult. Their objective is to recruit college students and send them to this indoctrination institution known as the "Full Time Training" which is an indoctrination institution for witness lee ministry/doctrine. They spend 2 whole years isolate from society completely and do not have regular access to media/internet/communication to cut them off from information that will be possibly conflicting with the indoctrination agenda of that institution. Families of all backgrounds (Catholics/Protestants/Secular) have been ripped apart because their kid suddenly wants to join this strange unaccredited indoctrination institution that has all these strange rules/consecration agreements, and cuts their kids off for 2 years being consumed/brainwashed with a nonstop day to day schedule of indoctrination.

    There have many whistle-blowers who have spoken out against this group and to no avail was their concerns meet with any sympathy by these cult leaders. They were sullied, besmirched, and excommunicated with their name forever slandered and tarnished in the circles of that group. They maintain an iron-grip on the teachings of witness lee and destroy anyone who speak out with concerns to the witness lee ministry teachings or crimes/controversies are labeled as "divisive" or "death/leprous” which will result in excommunication and isolation from you and anyone you care about in the church, as well as hate messages coming towards the whistle-blower. There are forums were ex members come to have discussions on their experiences and thoughts on the things that need to be discussed about the group that they cannot do in person with the group for obvious reasons.

    The forum has been a hub for people to find out the truth about this group simply because there is no publicity about this group on a large scale. There are also YouTube channels that leak videos of the teachings of this cult, websites detailing ex members experiences, and social media public letters that speak out against the overall issues with this international cult and their practices. The problem is, addressing these issues within the church has no avail and leads to being excommunicated, shunned, and sullied from anyone you cared about within the church. It all starts off with this deceptive campus recruiting scheme and further leads into one being drowned into the quagmire if they do not catch on soon enough. This group in the United States has the biggest campus operations in Texas and California. In Europe they are expanding rapidly in Germany and the United Kingdom.

    Comments by parents who lost their kids to this group (taken straight from cited article)-

    " Robert Daves' daughter, Tara, recently went to Anaheim for full-time training for the Local Church. Two years ago, after Tara began meeting with the UT group Christians on Campus, Daves asked her to come home to Dallas for her mother's birthday. She told them she would have to get permission.

    "My daughter was raised, I thought, to think for herself," laments Daves. "She was being subverted by this organization. ... She was unable to go anywhere, or do anything without their permission. No person should be subjected to that."

    Daves says, "There's absolutely no way that anybody on campus can prevent being approached by these people. I think there ought to be a federal law that would keep them from taking people like my daughter from becoming{sic} an automaton, a little robot, so she would end up being a self-serving slave for them in July [when she becomes a full-time worker]. As far as I am concerned, they have taken away her will to think for herself, and that's what I call brainwashing."

    Article I got the parents comment from- The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

    Here some basic resources to help you get more insight into this group

    70 Scholars/Evangelicals write an open letter addressing Witness Lee and his leadership regarding the teachings and practices of the Lords Recovery/local church

    Open Letter to the Leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the "Local Churches"

    Joanna Casteel (Ex-Member) Open Letter to the Lords Recovery addressing issues ranging from college recruiting schemes to the dark practices of the church- Log into Facebook

    (Joanna Casteel was excommunicated and her family received so much backlash/hate by the group her husband took his life and now she is alone with her two children)

    Forum website of discussion on this cult made by ex-members- Local Church Discussions

    YouTube Channels by ex-members- Dedicated to leaking clips of the teachings of this church

    Mending Ministry- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkV_PnExow3domQprqEdluQ/videos

    Recovery- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi0Ay9ZwCNnhWCh1cKbCDLw/videos

    Notorious videos/clips from YouTube channels (The Recovery/ Mending Ministry)

    All these clips are spoken by the highest ranking members/leaders of this cult

    "We cannot have the word of God without the interpretation of Witness Lee (Oracle of God/Minister of the age)-

    "Witness Lee Spirit is within me (real creepy clip)"

    "No Man in history matches the works/interpretation of witness lee"-

    Exalting themselves as the God of the church (Time Stamp 1:00 to around 2:00)

    Transcript of this video " I have a very pleasant question to ask. At least, I think it's pleasant. Who is the father of the local churches? Just consider. You may say, "well, God is the Father." Yes, but that's not that practical. Then you may say, "well the apostles, they're the father." Well, apparently, that's right. But the apostles represent the Body of Christ. The Body is the father of the churches. Whenever a genuine local church is raised up, the body-father is involved. Oh, and the father loves all of his little children! And he has feelings for them all. Oh look at this one, he looks like me! And that one, he looks like me! They all look like me! All the churches look like the body! Now I'm in Peru. I've never been in Peru. But I feel at home in Peru. Because there's a real, genuine expression of the Body of Christ in Lima, Peru. I don't have time this visit to go to Chiclayo (sp?). But I know in my spirit it's the same. I know what's in your heart. That all you want to be is part of the Body of Christ! And the Body says Amen! The enemy wants you to be part of a system, with a hierarchy. But Christ the Head of the Body does not agree. All the genuine local churches in Peru are part of the Body of Christ. Any church that is not part of the Body is not a genuine local church but a sect."

    Website dedicated for testimonies of Ex members- https://www.mylocalchurchexperience.com/our-experiences

    ministrybooks.org/ LSM- Is the publication organization that stores/publishes all of witness lee teachings.

    The public must know cause there many voices that are shut down and silenced in this international cult and it all begins with the college freshman. Who is looking to join some campus groups and comes upon a seemingly love bombing (cult tactic) group called "Christians on Campus, which is in reality just not some group of Christians trying to hang on campus but a recruiting wing by a cult to get gullible college students to join their group. By my self I am limited in exposing this group, I need the help of you all and potentially many more to spread the news of this group. They try hard to dismiss the truth of who they are and make a bunch of websites under different names and set up blogs by one of their Full Time Training attendants trying to dismiss their label as a cult. The media/internet needs to let families know whats going on these campuses. Spread the word and let this information on this cult go way beyond this website.

    Christians on Campus, Full Time Training, Living Stream Ministry, and Local Churches/Lords Recovery are all intertwined with one end of the tunnel leading to the other.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. freefromtrap

    freefromtrap New Member

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Non Baptist Christian
    oops, almost forgot, did I forget to tell you that the lords recovery believe that only they can cause the second coming of Jesus Christ? Also trust me, your are probably not going to be surprised in their reasoning of why the rest of the "body" is defective. I thank the localchurchdiscussions forums for providing all this information

    Living Steam Ministry The Ministry of the Word, Vol. 24, No. 06 - " If there were no recovery on the earth today, there would be no return from Babylon the Great to the proper church life, and consequently, there would be no way for Christ to carry out His second coming. This thought should humble us and cause us to receive grace at the throne of God. This thought should cause us to pray, “Lord, You have brought us back and returned us according to Your promise, You have included us as part of Your remnant. I give myself and consecrate myself to You so that You can work out such a recovery today, a recovery that prepares us to be a basis for Your coming again.”

    Witness Lee recovery bible footnote- The Lord’s building of His church began on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4, 41-42). Yet the Lord’s prophecy here still has not been fulfilled, even up to the twentieth century. The Lord is not building His church in Christendom, which is composed of the apostate Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations. This prophecy is being fulfilled through the Lord’s recovery, in which the building of the genuine church is being accomplished.
    -RcV footnote

    One day, the bride, the wife of the Lamb, will be ready. But if there were no church life on earth today, how could the bride be prepared? It would be impossible. Could the bride be prepared in the Catholic Church or in the denominations? No! Could she be prepared in the free groups or in the charismatic movement? Certainly not! I believe strongly, not because I am in it but because I have seen the vision, that the Lord intends to spread His recovery to build up the proper church life throughout the world so that His bride might be made ready.
    -Young People's Training (Young People is a term the lords recovery use for younger kids in their cult and they spend their whole childhood being indoctrinated).
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. 37818

    37818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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  4. freefromtrap

    freefromtrap New Member

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Thank you for your time @37818.
    Here is more witness lee material on his opinion on protestant groups.

    From Living Steam Ministry-
    Holding the Teaching of Balaam
    Protestantism holds the teaching of Balaam, who put a stumbling block before the people of God, teaching people to accept idolatry and commit fornication (v. 14). Balaam was a Gentile prophet who spoke and taught the word of God for base gain, enticing God’s people into fornication and idolatry (Num. 25:1-3; 31:16).

    Disregarding Christ’s Headship in His Body
    In today’s Protestantism there is also a disregard for Christ’s headship in His Body (Col. 1:18). In today’s Protestant churches there is hardly any teaching concerning the Body of Christ and concerning Christ as the Head of the Body. In our teachings throughout the years, we have strongly stressed the building up of the Body of Christ and the headship of Christ.

    To Overcome Such a Dead and Dying Religion
    We overcome such a dead and dying religion by the pneumatic Christ in His resurrection and by the bountiful supply of the all-inclusive Spirit (Phil. 3:10; 1:19b). On the one hand, Christ is the Son of God. On the other hand, He is the life-giving Spirit. First Corinthians 15:45b says Christ as the last Adam in the flesh became a life-giving Spirit through His resurrection. Thus, today He is the pneumatic Christ. By Christ as the pneumatic One and by the bountiful supply of the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit, we can overcome today’s Protestantism.

    - This is one of the many things they teach many children who are duped into going to that indoctrination institution known as the full time training. They wish to disparage the rest of the believers to isolate members and keep every only associating with their own group. Many parents have woed the day they lost their child to this cult.
  5. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Back in my younger days I met a man as I can recall whose name was Ted... This is nothing new but it just has a new face... We could go back to the Jim Jones, David Koresh, the Branch Davidians, The Moonies and just stick a name on it, many others... The reason I mention Ted is, he was a deprogrammer and was hired by parents to kidnap these children out of these so called cults... He told me they would observe the child through various means and then apprehend them, when they least expected it... Throw them in a van and take them to a safe house and he said sometimes it took up to a week to deprogram them but usually it took three days... God is the only one that needs to control our life in Fatherly love and we also need to show that love back to him by not only loving him but loving others, as loving sons and daughter which we are... Those who exploit others, don't even know him!... Brother Glen:)

    Glad you stopped by here to warn others, I completely forgot about those day... Praise the Lord you were delivered from these false teachers and wicked men... Healing as you know will take time but you are on your way!
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. RighteousnessTemperance&

    RighteousnessTemperance& Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Been a long time since hearing that name. Never studied much about Witness Lee, mainly heard that he was a dangerous heretic and former disciple of Watchman Nee.

    Major appeal of these cults lies in their intense dedication and daily fellowship, not unlike those earliest disciples meeting daily, except their devotion is not to the apostles' teaching.

    42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (from Acts 2)​
  7. freefromtrap

    freefromtrap New Member

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Thank you all for your comments, my ideal is to make this known on a large scale. I emailed the SBC and told them everything going on these campuses and everything they needed to know about cults like the lords recovery (hope they read and take it to consideration). I am desperately trying to make people aware at large so that peoples kids don't end up like Daves (the father interviewed in the article I cited in my original post). This is a serious issue and every single year this cult targets college freshman knowing that they are looking for places to fit in as a new college student and are gullible for the most part. They pick the most uninformed and venerable people to trick and deceive into their cult. Their is a reason these cults never go out in the public and preach and go to the masses of the people.

    They know most people who know proper Christian teachings/ scripture are not going to fall for their garbage. Shame on them for being snakes slithering in the shadows and capturing lost sheep that are looking for a place to fit in. Is it possible my brothers and sisters on this forum to contact large Christian organizations and media to cover this issue? Every single year the children of many parents are sucked into this cult and ripped from their families. Its not a small deal and it is overlooked a lot and easily preventable. We just have to publicize what is going on. These groups slither and lurk in the shadows and hate the light, they know they are screwed if the public really know what's going on. Christians communities/ denominations need to inform their kids of these deceptive cults on campuses. Its so sad to hear all these families being torn apart by this group.