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"Union With Christ"

Discussion in 'Music Ministry' started by KenH, May 16, 2024.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    A hymn written by Joseph Irons in Zion's Hymns. (in long meter)

    "Union With Christ"

    1. Blest union! form'd by love divine,
    Christ says I'm His, and He is mine;
    His choice He never will revoke,
    Nor let His cov'nant bond be broke.

    2. Here's love! I'll tell it all around;
    A God - a worm in union found!
    Jesus, the monarch of the skies,
    Owns me as precious in His eyes.

    3. Yes, I'm united to the King,
    And of His glories I must sing;
    He takes my guilt, gives me His grace,
    That I may live in His embrace.

    4. Yes, Jesus and my soul are one,
    I've life and bliss in Him alone;
    Because He lives, I live to prove,
    His sov'reign everlasting love.