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Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Van, May 23, 2024.

  1. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 4, 2011
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    The body of Christ, under the command of Christ is engaged in warfare against Satan, the World, and our fleshy desires. Winning the conflict is fought on both a personal level, as we struggle to do God's will in our lives, and corporately acting as ambassadors of Christ, working together with our siblings in Christ to carry the Good News to the lost, such that we may win some.

    Several readers may have served in a military organization and know something of the need for a cohesive fighting force, with everyone working for a common goal. The command and control structure has orders coming down from above (think the commands of Christ) and then people committed to carrying out those orders.

    What happens if the orders are garbled? Then we cannot act as a team. So clearly assignment of duties, you do this, at this time, and so forth are need. Picture a football team where the quarterback calls a running play and half the team thinks its a pass play. Disaster.

    Clear, non-ambiguous commands are needed. And then people committed to following those commands are needed.

    Unless we achieve a spirit of unity, our victories will be elusive.