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What does Ruckmannite mean?

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Sister Deb, Aug 15, 2002.

  1. Don

    Don Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 7, 2000
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    So Ruckman's teaching of multiple ways of salvation is a KJV-doctrinal teaching?

    So Ruckman's teaching of a 10-foot-tall black anti-christ (again, as I stated before, if proven to be true) is a KJV-doctrinal teaching?

    If I recall correctly, David Koresh used the KJV, too (see http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/burial/page/b_kce3.html). Would you agree that he was right on the money, since his teachings were based out of the same book?

    [ August 22, 2002, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Don ]
  2. Japheth

    Japheth Guest

    So what, a lot of people use the KJV who are not sound in their doctrine;that,however, does not change the KJV one bit!! Not to mention those who claim we HAVE NO word of God,Is that bilical also???PS 12:6,7

    [ August 22, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: DocCas ]
  3. BrianT

    BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    That, Japheth, is why this thread is about Ruckman. We are not talking about the KJV, or KJV-onlyism in this thread, so please stop trying to change the subject.
  4. swordsman

    swordsman New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    There are some things that Ruckman teaches that has been brought up that I have yet to encounter in his books, I am not saying that they do not exist.
    I have read his work on church history vol.1-2, theological studies1-2, commentaries on five books of the Bible, and several pamphlets.
    Now barring possibly being incorrect on some issues, the man knows the Bible, you may not like his view on some things or the way that he exposes the error of many that he sees correcting God. Now the worst thing that a person could do in my opinion is to mess with the Book, Ruckman I believe feels the same way and he acts accordingly.Now you can say that all versions are the Words of God or just the KJV, that is between you and the Lord,he knows what he believes. so his reactions are true to form.
    Its funny, most people that I talk to the first thing they say they have against him is his view on the KJV, the same ones are strangely silent complaining about a person that is the OPPOSITE of Ruckmans position.
    Which is worse?

    [ August 22, 2002, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: swordsman ]
  5. longshot

    longshot New Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    Hi Japheth and KEVO,
    I really dont know much about Ruckman except what Ive read here and the links provided, but there is something in the last couple of pages of this thread that is bothering me so I'll ask you both straight up. It is obvious this man does teach multiple means of salvation. Do you agree with him or not, and if not, don't you have a problem with him speaking in your church. Thanks.
  6. Japheth

    Japheth Guest

    BrianT,I believe it was someone else who changed the subject;I was merely responding to the question :rolleyes: your right Swordsman, the #1 thing people have against Dr Ruckman IS His stand for the KJV.

    [ August 22, 2002, 06:07 PM: Message edited by: DocCas ]
  7. DocCas

    DocCas New Member

    Jul 24, 2000
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    Please remember not to over-use the quote function. Quote only the portion of a post you are replying to. If the post is directly above your response, no quotes are necessary. Thanks.
  8. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Ruckman doesn't stand for the KJV... he holds a perverted opinion that makes it something that it isn't. If you want to see a good and honorable defender of the KJV, stick around and witness DocCas.

    BTW Swordsman, if you think this is the only error opposed by non-KJVO's you need to visit the other forums on this board.

    [ August 22, 2002, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: Scott J ]
  9. kman

    kman New Member

    May 21, 2002
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    EXACTLY!!!!!!! AMEN! AMEN!
  10. KEVO

    KEVO Guest

    Don,I did not know he had an autobiography,but he does.My bad.I have not read it,but I have heard his full testimony,if you would like to borrow them you are welcome to.Revelation is my favorite.
    Longshot,I myself can tell you four different ways of salvation,but there is only one for the church age. What gets me though is that this was taught way before Ruckman came on the scene. Now as
    far as a 10 foot negro,I have never heard that.
  11. KEVO

    KEVO Guest

    Larry,same to you,I didn't know he had a autobiography,my bad. We are going to have a question and answer time when he comes to our church,I will ask him some of these questions.
  12. BrianT

    BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Personally, I wouldn't trust his response. (personally, I wouldn't even talk to him in the first place ;) ) Check out the books instead, the links we've provided give you all the titles and page numbers.
  13. KEVO

    KEVO Guest

    BrianT, I don't believe a word you say. I will pay your way to Alabama so I can watch the junkyard dog set you straight. It would be a lot worse than the Bob Ross debate. You need to get your facts straight.
  14. BrianT

    BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    I repeat again: it's all documented, with references from his books so you can look it up for yourself. If you were *really* interested in the truth, you would check those references instead of simply becoming hostile.

    Whatever. :rolleyes: Check the references.
  15. longshot

    longshot New Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    Please do so. (I'm seeking, not arguing). Thanks.
  16. KEVO

    KEVO Guest

    Brian,take it easy man, I was just having a little fun with you man. Please read me the quote about the 10 foot black man ;)
  17. KEVO

    KEVO Guest

    Longshot,In the old testament people were saved by works plus faith,in the church age we are saved by faith,in the tribulation people will be saved by faith and works,in the 1,000 year of Christ on earth people will be saved by works only,because Jesus will be on earth they won't need faith,because they can see him.And you can add grace to all of these.
  18. BrianT

    BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Implying someone is a liar is fun?

    Please see the references I've already provided on this, and Ruckman's other equally bizarre doctrines.

    And yet not a single scripture was listed. I wonder why? ;)
  19. swordsman

    swordsman New Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    Brian T , and Longshot
    To list all the scripture and to show the context would take quite a lot of page space, maybe this link would help http://www.touchet1611.org/SalvationPlans.html
    ( by the way this is my favorite site)

    [ August 22, 2002, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: swordsman ]
  20. BrianT

    BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Either Ruckmanites don't have Rom 4 in their Bibles, or they don't believe it. ;)