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What is God doing in your life RIGHT NOW??!

Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by MRCoon, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    neat, I actually have recently read that. Now I am studying the book of Jeremiah, and man, I get all upset at those people for being idiots. But then I look in the mirror...
  2. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Yup - I find the same thing.

    I keep getting confronted with the exceeding holiness of God and the exceeding sinfulness of my flesh.

    I have learned that I deserve nothing. Anything I do have I am learning to count as a blessing.

    Praise God for my eternal inheritance that can never fade away.
  3. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    Yup - I find the same thing.

    I keep getting confronted with the exceeding holiness of God and the exceeding sinfulness of my flesh.

    I have learned that I deserve nothing. Anything I do have I am learning to count as a blessing.

    Praise God for my eternal inheritance that can never fade away.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Amen, brothers and sisters. "I know that in me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing."
  4. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    It sounds like the Lord has blessed you with a very special wife. [​IMG]
  5. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Yes he has indeed!! Much more than I deserve but the Lord has always given me more than I deserve (and thankfully with held what I did deserve) :D
  6. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Today, I feel God is teaching me to be completely dependent on Him. God has promised to supply our needs and I *think* i have reached a point in our financial crisis where I am able to say "Lord, we are doing all we can, it is your responsibility to provide work. Thank you all for your prayers. My sleep has been so sweet lately--until my husband pulls the pillow out from under my head in the middle of the night. :mad: He does this in his sleep so I keep an extra by my side of the bed in case it happens. :rolleyes: But anyway, we are just waiting and trusting.
  7. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    A financial funny! [​IMG]

    For the past several weeks whenever our dog howls at the coyotes at night we have been saying to each other "Well, the wolf is howling at the door again." Last night as we lay in bed talking, our dog (who was sleeping in the house on the porch because it was snowing) started howling in his sleep--he is kind of a dork- :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Anyway, my husband said to me "The wolf is no longer howling at the door, he's moved right in". It felt so good to laugh about our situation. Thank you Lord for our stupid dog! :D
  8. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    What is God doing in my life today? He is feeding this sparrow!! We received a very generous gift of money in the mail today. My fingers are all choked up so that they cannot type!
  9. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Praise the Lord!!!!

  10. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    That's so wonderful to hear, Samarelda! Isn't God wonderful?!

    Ive certainly been feeling for you through all of this you've written, and praying too. I know what its like to go without things that we so often see as necessary in our country. I appreciate your testimony in here. [​IMG]
  11. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    PRAISE THE LORD!!! The Lord truly is good and he knows exactly what we need and when we need it...we just need to be patient and rely on him!! Amen your patience and sharing on this board has been a testimony to you and has encouraged me to know that our Lord the Creator of the Universe is also a God of details!!
  12. Dustin

    Dustin New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    The Lord, right now, is leading me to deal with certain issues that I have neglected before. The word "chastisement" springs to mind. I embrace it, though because the Lord said "My grace is sufficiant." I had been having horrible nightmares a few days straight and last night I prayed for a good dream and a sound sleep if nothing else. I dreamed of an old time country fair with children playing and running around alaughing and being joyful. [​IMG] I woke up and I just thought, "God is so good." Sometimes I'll wake up and be doubtful or I'll fret over certain things and I hear a little voice in me saying, "Have you forgotten who it is that you pray to? I'm the Almighty, I'm your God." It makes me smile. God is firm, and just, but He's also caring. Praise the awesome God we serve! AMEN!
  13. MRCoon

    MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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  14. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    What an incredible blessed day this has been. March 24 is a date to write beside Philippians 4:19 in my Bible. Along with the gift of money we received, my husband had several phone calls today and he has work lined up now for a week or more. He also has a cabin to build when weather permits. He also got a call from a past customer that owes a considerable amount of money. She want to meet with him next week. All this in one day---WOW! Our God is so amazing. Makes me feel silly now that I ever worried! I am keeping the envelope that the money came in as a reminder in times ahead of what the Lord can do. What a blessing. Thank you all for your prayers for us. The gift of money was just enough to see us through until money comes in from the jobs ahead.

    Another blessing too. God knew (of course) last fall that we would be going through this now. In November a neighbor had some leftover shelled corn that wouldn't fit into his silo. He told my husband and I we could have it for our chickens, turkeys, geese etc... if we would sack it up. Well, it was about 600 lbs worth. That corn ran out this week and then today the farmer my husband was building stairs for asked him if he wanted a couple hundrend pounds of corn. Of course we did! God always supplies just in time! The critters had been out and about scrounging for the last couple of days but it snowed last night and that makes it really hard for them. So, we have happy, God taken care of, animals too!

    Bapmom, you are so right about going without the things we THINK we need. We have been going without chocolate, garbage bags, chocolate, laundry soap, shampoo, dog food, and did I mention chocolate etc...among some other unnecessary necessary items?

    Right away I thought we should save the gift of money for a payment due April 1, but after discussing it with my husband we decided we should carefully pray about it before we make any decisions. God has a plan for that money too.

    Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.(and for listening to me) We are kicking that old wolf out the door tonight!!! [​IMG]
  15. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    To quote that old Southern philospher, "Ain't God good!"--Jerry Clower.
  16. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    A couple of sermons have hit home lately.....one was at that same Pastor's School that I mentioned in another thread. The preacher talked about those of us with "squeaky clean" testimonies. In fact, he talked about his own testimony for several minutes in such a way that I started to think it was sounding kind of arrogant....than I realized he was doing that on purpose. We DO get arrogant about our squeaky-clean testimonies, which for most of us are essentially given to us by our Godly parents. We don't work for them....they are something we ought to be grateful for as God-given, but certainly not bragged about. BUT, the point is, when we have that sort of life behind us that means God is going to hold us MORE accountable for what we do. So often we are satisfied with listing all the things we DON'T do, and even all the basic things that we DO do.....reading our Bible, going out soul-winning, teaching a class......
    But are we really doubling what God has given us?
    Are we really taking what we have (a five-talent testimony) and turning it into a "ten-talent" life?
  17. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Trying to teach me humility------self is SOOOOOOOOOOO big! Sometimes I just want it to be all about ME. I hate it!
  18. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    It seems like the Lord is always doing something in my life. Maybe I am just a slow learner. Lately it seems the Lord is encouraging me to spend more time in prayer. I do pray throughout the day. It seems I am always talking to the Lord, but right now He seems to be encouraging me to spend more time in "deep" prayer. The Lord has been waking me up in the night with people on my heart and I think I finally understand. The Lord is telling me that if I can't find time to pray for these people during the day, then He will find time for me to do it when I want to be sleeping. So, I have rearranged my schedule and get alone with the Lord while my kids are washing dishes and doing their chores. They know not to bother me and have been doing really good about it. I find it easy to make excuses for not spending that time with the Lord. Talking to the Lord all day is good, but I need to be on my knees before the throne of God too. Sometimes it takes a few minutes of prayer before I feel I am in God's presence. I can't get there unless I am in my prayer closet. Life is so fast that I easily lose sight of the eternal. So, God is dealing with me about staying in my closet much more than I have been.
  19. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    God is working in my life every time you post.


    I need to be doing the same thing right with ya, my sister.
  20. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Well, bapmom--just jump right in and join me. Let's be commited to praying for each other! [​IMG]